Collaea insignis M. J. Silva., 2022

Silva, Marcos José Da, Fortuna-Perez, Ana Paula, Santos, Igor Soares Dos & Pinto, Rafael Barbosa, 2022, Studies on Collaea species (Fabaceae) occurring in Brazil: taxonomic novelties, new interpretations about the leaf of the genus, and new leaf anatomical characters for American Fabaceae, Phytotaxa 576 (1), pp. 55-74 : 57-61

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scientific name

Collaea insignis M. J. Silva.

sp. nov.

Collaea insignis M. J. Silva. sp. nov. ( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 and 2a, b View FIGURE 2 )

TYPE:— Brazil. Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros , ca. 10 km ao norte de Alto Paraíso de Goiás pela GO 118, mata de galeria adjacente ao Morro do Japonês , 03 July 2015, 14°02’54”S, 47°31’45”W, 1225 m elev., M. J. Silva, R.N. Ribeiro, M.C.N. Ribeiro, G.L. Soares-Feitosa, D.O. Diniz-Neres & A.O. Souza 6888 (holotype UFG!; isotypes CEN!, UB!) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis:—S hrubs with stems brownish, cream or yellowish, leaves sessile, with leaflets glabrous on adaxial surface and velutinous on abaxial surface, inflorescence umbelliform with 3 flowers or paniculate when in the end of the branches, bracts widely obovate or suborbicular, bracteoles elliptic or ovate, both shortly cream-sericeous externally, flowers 3.7–3.9 cm long, the pedicel 1–1.5 cm and petals always lilac or bluish, calyx with vexillary lacinia widely ovate and entire at apex, and the carenal lacinia different in size (the central ones larger than the lateral with acuminate and convolute apex), and fruits velutinous yellowish.

Description:—Shrubs 1.3–3 m tall; stems erect with one or up to four tillers from the base an in this case apparently cespitose, the tillers ramified distally or not; adult branches cylindrical, brownish, glabrescent, or short and sparsely velutinous, the trichomes yellowish or whitish, slightly fissured; when young flexible, angulose, densely velutinous, the trichomes yellowish or canescent, slightly striated longitudinally; both ascending, erect woody. Leaves (6.5–) 8–9 cm long, digitate 3-foliolate, sessile with a distinct pulvinus 1–1.8 mm long, pulvinules 1.9–2.3 mm long, smooth or striated longitudinally transversally; leaf blade 5.2–7.8 (9.3) × 1.2–1.3 cm, the central ones usually larger than lateral ones, all oblong-elliptic, narrowly elliptic, sometimes lanceolate, base cuneate or obtuse, apex obtuse and shortly mucronulate, margin slightly revolute, coriaceous; discolorous, adaxial surface light green, sulcate and shortly velutinous along the midrib, abaxial surface cream or yellowish, densely velutinous; venation brochidodromous, midrib and secondary veins impressed on adaxial surface, the first one prominent on abaxial surface, secondary veins 16–18 pairs, curved towards. Inflorescences umbelliform, pedunculate, 3-florous or paniculate when in the end of the branches, axillary or terminal, solitary or up three when axillary, peduncle (0.3–) 1–3 cm long; bracts (base of the pedicel 0.8–1 × 0.8–1 mm, widely obovate, apex obtuse or rounded, bracteoles (opposite in apex of the pedicel) 0.8–0.9 × 3.4–3.8 mm, elliptic or ovate, apex acute, both yellowish-sericeous externally, pigmented internally, persistent, ciliate at margin. Flowers 3.7–3.9 cm long, in which the pedicel 1–1.5 cm long, cylindrical, robust, densely velutinous, yellowish or ferruginous; calyx 1.4–1.5 × 1.7–1.8 cm, brownish, broadly campanulate, base rounded, shortly yellowish or silver-velutinous, slightly; carenal lacinia 3, ovate or widely ovate, the central ones ca. 1.5× larger than the others, apex shortly acuminate, convolute, vexillary lacinia widely ovate, entire, apex obtuse; petals always lilac, blue or bluish; standard petal 2.4–3.2 × 1.9–1.98 cm, widely obovate, apex convolute, base broadly obtuse conspicuously auriculate, bicallose above the claw, margin ciliate, sericeous, hyaline externally, specially near the veins and apex; claw 3.9–5 mm long, wings petals 23.8–24.1 × 8–8.2 mm, oblong-falcate to falcate, umbonate above the claw, apex obtuse to rounded, base slightly auriculate on the vexillary margin, claw 3.9–4 mm long, indumentum, keel petals 2.3–2.4 × 2.5–2.8 cm falcate-obovate or elliptic-falcate, joined dorsally, indumented, umbonate above the claw, apex rounded obtuse, base truncate on the vexillary margin, claw 3.9–4 mm long; androecium straight, with the carenal stamen joined to the other on upper third; staminal tube 19–20 × 1–1.1 mm, glabrous externally, slightly bicallose, membranous, filaments glabrous; anther 0.4–0.7 mm long, ellipsoid, glabrous; gynoecium straight or slightly curved, ovary 16–17 mm long, linear, densely velutinous, styles 8.5–9 mm long, curved, sparsely sericeous at base; stigma subtruncate, papilose; stipe ca. 1 mm long, ovules 5 or 6, reniform. Legumes 4.4–5.5 × 0.8–0.9 cm, oblong, elastically dehiscent, base cuneate, apex obtuse and conspicuously mucronate, 5 or 6-seeded, velutinous-ochre, calyx and, androecium persistent, woody. Seeds 5.9–6 × 4.7–4.8 mm oblong-reniform, with hilum median, whitish strophiole, thickened at the point of attachment with the funicle, light to dark brown, smooth, marbled.

Paratypes:— BRAZIL. Distrito Federal: Brasília, ca. 38 km E. of Brasília   GoogleMaps , 700–1000 m elev., 20 August 1964 (fl., fr.), H.S. Irwin & T.R. Soderstrom 5342 ( US) ; ibd., Chapada da Contagem , ca. 20 km E of Brasília, 15°46’59”S, 47°43’48”W, 1000 m elev., 25 August 1965 (fl., fr.), H. S. Irwin , R. Souza & R. Reis dos Santos 7968 ( NY) GoogleMaps ; ibd., ca. 15 km N. E. of Brasília, 1000 m elev., 4 May 1966 (fr.), H. S. Irwin   GoogleMaps et al. 15623 ( NY) ; ibd., ca. 30 km N. E. da cidade, ca. 950 m elev., 15 May 1966 (fl.), H. S. Irwin   GoogleMaps et al. 15868 ( NY) ; ibd., 28 May 1975 (fl.), G. Hatschbach 36988 ( MBM) ; ibd., Parque Nacional de Brasília   GoogleMaps , 30 April 1975 (fl.), E. P. Heringer 14591 ( UB) ; Núcleo Bandeirantes, margem do rio Vicente Pires , 15°46’47”S, 47°55’47”W, 10 April 1976 (fl.), E. P. Heringer 15535 ( UB) GoogleMaps ; ibd., Margem do Lago Paranoá , 12 June 1979 (fl.), E. P GoogleMaps . Heringer 17294 ( IBGE); ibd., Bacia do Rio S o Bartolomeu, início da Mata ciliar do Córrego Rajadinha , 20 June 1979 (fl.), E. P . Heringer et al. 1611 ( IBGE, US); ibd., 10 April 1980 (fl.), B. A. S . Pereira et al. 4283 ( US); ibd., Cachoeira do Pipiripau , 31 May 1982 (fl.), B. A. S . Pereira 283 ( IBGE, US); Jardim Botânico de Brasília, ca. 20 km de Brasília , mata de galeria do Córrego Cabeça de Veado , 15°52’S, 47°51’W, 1150 m elev., 03 May 1993 (fl.), Alba E GoogleMaps . Ramos 508 ( HEPH); ibd., Núcleo rural Rajadinha , 15°45’30”S, 47°38’08”W, 1000 m elev., 25 August 2011 (fl.), B. M. T GoogleMaps . Walter et al. 6257 ( CEN); ibd., Estaç „o Ecológica Jardim Botânico de Brasília, estrada entre a capacitaç„o 3 e 2, Soares , A. C. A . et al. 168 (ALCB, HEPH). Goiás: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Cachoeira S o Bento, 14°07’57”S, 47°30’36”W, April 1994 (fl.), Proença , C. E. B GoogleMaps . 1197 ( UB); ibd., Bona Espero, estrada atrás do Morro da Baleia, seguindo o Córrego que deságua no Rio Preto , 14°09’23”S, 47°48’32”W, 17 August 1995 (fl.), R GoogleMaps . Marquete et al. 2320 ( IBGE, NY); ibd., Fazenda Portal da Chapada, mata de galeria do Rio dos Couros, 11 August 2007 (fl.), Proença , C. E. B . & Harris , S. A . 3407 ( UB); ibd., Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros, Regi „o do Morro da Baleia, 7.8 Km a partir do Morro da Baleia, Vereda Antes do rio Preto em direç„o ao Morro do Peito de Moça , 13 July 2013 (fl., fr.) M. J . Silva 5151 ( UFG), 5152 ( UFG); ibd., Jardim da Maytrea, Rodovia Alto Paraíso de Goiás – Niquelândia ( GO 239 ), 25 km do trevo sul de Alto Paraíso de Alto Paraíso de Goiás em direç„o a Vila S „o Jorge, 14°07’50”S, 47°41’14”W, 1231 m elev., September 2013 (fl., fr.), Devecchi, M. F GoogleMaps . 211 ( USP); ibd., Morro Chapado, Vereda de Acesso ao Morro Chapado , próximo a córrego, 14°07’46.93”S, 47°41’14.2’ W , 1225 m elev., 03 July 2015 (fl.), M. J . Silva 6894 ( UFG); ibd., Jardim de Maytrea, Vereda, 14°07’45”S, 47°41’09”W, 1215 m elev., 11 August 2021 (fl.), Schindler , B GoogleMaps . 249 ( HUEFS); ibd., Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Veadeiros , 14°02’43.7”S, 47°31’38.8”W, 1511 m elev., 03 July 2015, (fl.), M. C. N GoogleMaps . Ribeiro et al. 114 ( UFG), 115 ( UFG), 116 ( UFG) GoogleMaps ; ibd., regi„o do Pouso Alto, entrada lateral do PNCV de Alto Paraíso de Goiás para Cavalcante ca. 2, 3 km a partir da cerca do Parque, 14°04’20”S, 47°31’26”W, 1323 m elev., 29 September 2018, M. J. Silva 9406 ( UFG) GoogleMaps ; Cavalcante, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Serra do Tombador, Vereda, 13°40’01”S, 47°48’04”W, Munhoz, C. B. R., Eugênio, C. U. O. & Melo, T. R. B. 7969 ( HUEFS, IBGE, UB) GoogleMaps ; Formosa, Lagoa Formosa, Cabeceira do Rio Maranh„o, 15°29’S, 47°33W, 600 m elev., 08 June 1982 (fl.), Patrícia Scheiner 18 ( CEN) GoogleMaps ; ibd., Parque Municipal do Itiquira, ao longo do Rio Itiquira , 15°22’35”S, 47°27’50”W, 966 m elev., Queiroz, L. P GoogleMaps . de & Pinheiro , F. C . 15827 (HUEFS).

Distribution and habitat:—Species probably endemic to the Midwest region of Brazil, and so far, registered for the state of Goiás and Federal District ( Figure 3 View FIGURE 3 ). It grows in “Veredas”, gallery forest associated with “Veredas”, riparian forest, and swamps on clayey, sandy, or hydromorphic soils between 600 and 1511 meters of elevation, commonly above 1000 meters. Analysis of herbaria collections showed that along distribution of this new species, we did not find the traditional specimens of Collaea speciosa with dark ferruginous or ochre stems, conspicuously petiolate leaves, and flowers with petals red or scarlet red in long peduncled inflorescence, which reinforces an isolation of C. insingnis populations. In the Midwest region C. speciosa is found just in the Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul states approximately 1000 and 1230 km away from populations of C. insignis .

Preliminary Conservation status:— Collaea insingnis has Extent of Occurrence at 11,773.047 km 2, which led us to classified as Vulnerable (B1ab(iii)(iv)) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN 2017). Populations were found in areas of intense anthropic and unprotected disturbance, such as “Veredas” or streams, where agriculture is present and, consequently, affects the size of its populations. However, there are populations of this species in areas of permanent protection, such as the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, in the state of Goiás, which ensures its conservation.

Etymology: — The specific epithet refers to the showy, remarkable aspect of this species, mainly due to the beautiful flowers, foliage, and inflorescences.

Taxonomical notes:— Collaea insignis has been identified in herbaria collections of the Midwest region as C. speciosa ( Figure 2c–e View FIGURE 2 , and Figure 4h–o View FIGURE 4 1 View FIGURE 1 ), one of the most polymorphic species of the genus. Both shares the biggest flowers of the genus (flowers 3.4–4.8 cm long), shrubby habit up to 3 m tall; leaves coriaceous; the stems, abaxial surface of the leaflets and fruits densely velutinous, was well as pedicel and calyx robust. However, the novel species differs from C. speciosa by the leaves sessile (vs. petiole 0.5 to 1 cm long), petals always lilac or bluish (vs. red scarlet), the stems, abaxial surface of the leaves, pedicel, external surface of the calyx and fruits with trichomes yellowish or cream (vs. golden, brownish or ferrugineous), flowers with 3.7–3.9 cm long (vs. 3.4–4.8 cm long), calyx 1.4–1.5 cm long with vexillary lacinia widely ovate with apex entire and acute, and carenal lacinia ovate, the central ones with subulate apex (vs. 1.9–2.1 cm long with vexillary lacinia triangular, the apex entire and convolute), petals lilac or bluish (vs. scarlet red), standard petals widely obovate with 2.4–3.2, the claw 3.9–5 mm (vs. orbicular or suborbicular, 2.1–3.5 × 1.2–2 cm long, the claw 4–9 mm long), wings with 23.8–24.1 mm, oblong-falcate or falcate, apex obtuse or rounded, base auriculate on the vexillary margin, the claw 3.9–4 mm (vs. 3.2–3.4 cm, elliptic-obovate, apex obtuse, base slightly auriculate on vexillary margin, claw 7.7–7.8 mm), keels petals 2.3–2.4 mm long, base truncate on the vexillary margin, the claw 3.9–4 mm (vs. 3.1–3.2 cm, base slightly auriculate on vexillary margin, claw ca. 8 mm), androecium ca. 1.9 cm with stamen carenal joined to the other on upper third (vs. 1.8–2.1 cm, the vexillary stamen joined to the others in the median portion), gynoecium 2.4–2.6 cm long, straight or slightly curved with papilose stigma (vs. ca. 3.1 cm, curved, smooth).

As mentioned in the introduction, collections of the new species have been identified also as C. aschersoniana ( Figure 4a–g View FIGURE 4 1 View FIGURE 1 ) e C. stenophylla ( Figure 4p–u View FIGURE 4 1 View FIGURE 1 ). However, the novel species can be promptly differentiated of the latter by a set of morphological characters such as colors, shapes and sizes of the petals, shapes of the carinal and vexillary lacinia of the calyx, size and aspect of the gynoecium and androecium, as listed in table 1 and visualized in Figure 4 View FIGURE 4 , and by leaf anatomical characters, as shown below in the anatomy section.


Universidade Federal de Goiás


University of Helsinki


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Reserva Ecológica do IBGE


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Jardim Botânico de Brasília


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


University of Copenhagen


University of the Witwatersrand


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


University of the South Pacific


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Nanjing University


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch













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