Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre)

Fernando, Daniel, Bown, Rosalind M. K., Tanna, Akshay, Gobiraj, Ramajeyam, Ralicki, Hannah, Jockusch, Elizabeth L., Ebert, David A., Jensen, Kirsten & Caira, Janine N., 2019, New insights into the identities of the elasmobranch fauna of Sri Lanka, Zootaxa 4585 (2), pp. 201-238 : 229

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scientific name

Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre)


Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre)

( Figs. 5B View FIGURE 5 , 17 View FIGURE 17 E–H)

All three specimens (SL-91, SL-105, and SL-106) of Hexanchus griseus examined were seen at the landing site of the deep-sea longline fishery in Mutur in the Eastern Province. The upper and lower jaws of SL-91 have been deposited in the BRT Ichthyology Collection (BRT-I 0023). These specimens are morphologically consistent with H. griseus . All three specimens formed a tight cluster with our reference specimen of H. griseus ( JQ518727 View Materials ) from the Caribbean Sea in the tree resulting from the Neighbor-Joining analysis. They were identical in sequence to each other and differed from the reference specimen by 2 bp.

This is the name currently applied to this species in Sri Lanka (e.g., De Silva 2006, 2015; Morón et al. 1998; Joseph 1999).

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