Palliolatrix tuberosa Prena, 2006

Prena, Jens, 2006, Descriptions of Palliolatrix gen. n. and seven new species from Middle America (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae), Zootaxa 1319 (1), pp. 15-28 : 20-22

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Felipe (2021-07-05 16:50:07, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 05:33:41)

scientific name

Palliolatrix tuberosa Prena

sp. nov.

2. Palliolatrix tuberosa Prena sp. n.

( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–10 )

Holotype male (dissected), labeled: “ COSTA RICA. San José. Pérez / Zeledón. Estación Santa Elena. 1600m./ 25 AGO­5 SET 1999. J. Rodríguez. / Manual. L_S­373000_507500 #57315”, INB0003165466 ( INBC).

Paratypes 66 (10 males, 16 females, 40 not sexed): GUATEMALA. Totonicapan Prov.: Volcan Santa Maria, 1580 m, 19.6.1973, G. Ekis ( NMNH) . NICARAGUA. Matagalpa Prov.: 6 km N Matagalpa, Selva Negra , 1450 m, 18.5.2002, H. Douglas ( CMNC) . COSTA RICA. Alajuela Prov.: Upala, Bijagua, Albergue Heliconias , 750 m, 20.6.2000, M.A. Zumbado, INB0003334161 ( INBC) ; same locality, 1000 m, 25.6.2000, A. López, INB0003302388 ( INBC) ; San Ramón, Alberto Brenes Res., Río San Lorencito , 850 m, 19– 26.3.1999, J. Rodríguez, INB0003053841 ( INBC) , 29.6.– 6.7.1999, R. Anderson ( CMNC) ; Bosque Eterno de Niños, La Tigra, 20.1.2003, R.W. Flowers ( CWOB) . Cartago Prov.: Tapantí N.P., 1150 m, X/1994, R. Delgado, CRI002 025137 ( INBC) , 7– 8.4.2000, 3.– 5.5.2004 (2x), J. Prena ( JPPC 3 ) . Limón Prov.: Tortuguero N.P., Cuatro Esquinas Stn., 0 m, III/1992, R. Delgado, CRI000 893934 ( INBC) . Guanacaste Prov.: Guanacaste N.P., 9 km S Santa Cecilia, Pitilla Stn. , 700 m, II/1990, P. Ríos, G. Moraga & R. Blanco, CRI000 173240 ( INBC) , VIII/1994, P. Ríos, CRI002 051827 ( INBC) , 2–19.31992, P. Ríos , CRI000 860345 ( INBC) , 26.5.2000, C. Moraga & W. Flowers ( CWOB) ; SW side Cacao, Cacao Stn. , 1000–1400 m, 1988–1989, CRI000 041773 ( INBC) ; Tierras Morenas, San Lorenzo Res. , 1050 m, IX/1991 (2x), C. Alvarado, CRI000 572338–39 ( INBC 2 View Materials ) . Heredia Prov.: Puerto Viejo, La Selva Biol. Stn., 4.2.1972, R.L. Brown ( CMNC) , 2.2.1982, R. Marquis ( NMNH) ; 10 km SE La Virgen , 450–550 m, 8.– 13.4.2003, E. Riley, INB0003230137 ( INBC) . Puntarenas Prov.: Monteverde Res. , 1500 m, 1.6.1979, H. & A. Howden ( CMNC) ; Santa Elena Res. , 1600 m, 8.9.1998, N. Franz ( CWOB) ; San Vito, Bot. Garden, 1100 m, 15.8.1997, I.A. Chacón, CRI002 517068 ( INBC) ; Osa Peninsula, P.N. Corcovado, La Leona Stn. , 100–300 m, 21.6.– 10.7.2003, M.M. Moraga, INB000734577 ( INBC) . San José Prov.: Quizarrá , 6 km E San Isidro, 750 m, V/1989, W. Eberhard ( JPPC) ; Braulio Carrillo N.P., 1600 m, 26.8.1998 (2x), C.W. & L.B. O’Brien ( CWOB 2 ) . PANAMA. Bocas de Toro Prov. : 8 km N Continental Divide, 15.5.1996, J. Wappes, J. Huether & R. Morris ( CMNC) . Canal Zone: Coco Solo Hospital , 21.9.1972 (2x), 22.9.1972, H. Stockwell ( HPSC 3 ) , 2.7.1974, 22.5.1978, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & B. Marshall ( CWOB 2 ) , 6.4.1976 (2x), D. Engleman ( CWOB, HPSC) ; Fort Gulick , III/1971, H.J. Harlan ( CWOB) ; Cerro Galera , 2.12.1984, H. Stockwell ( HPSC) . Chiriquí Prov.: El Valle de Nubes 19 km NW Rovira, Brown’s cabin, 1300 m, 20.1.1960, K.W. Brown ( CWOB) ; La Fortuna Res. , 1200 m, 16– 19.5.1978, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & B. Marshall ( CWOB 4 ) , 10.– 15.6.1985, E.G. Riley & D. Rider ( CWOB) , 11.5.1991, D. Windsor & H. Stockwell ( CMNC) , 4.7.1995, H. Barrios ( MEUP) ; La Fortuna, Quebrada Aleman, 20.7.1995 (2x), 21.7.1995, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien ( CWOB 3 ) ; Fortuna to Soledad , 20.5.1978 (3x), C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & B. Marshall ( CWOB 3 ) ; Cuenca Fortuna , 8.5.1985, 6.6.1985 (2x), R.W. Flowers ( CWOB 3 ) ; Mina Cerro Colorado, 1600 m, 3.8.1993, H. Stockwell ( HPSC) . Coclé Prov.: 5 km N El Copé , 850 m, 15.– 17.7.1991 (3x), D. Windsor & H. Stockwell ( HPSC 3 ) . Panamá Prov.: Cerro Campana , 900 m, 13.5.1978, C.W. & L.B. O’Brien & B. Marshall ( CWOB) ; Cerro Azul, Hidroeléctrica Río Indio , 9.6.1985, E. Riley & D. Rider ( CWOB) . COLOMBIA. Choco Prov.: Guayabal rd., 3 km from Quibdo , 3.7.1985, D.G. Furth ( CWOB) .

Description. Total length 4.2–8.2 mm, standard length 4.1–8.0 mm (n=21). Integument brown; basic vestiture of small, light­colored to cupreous scales; scales black in vitta between basal third of interstria 3 and preapical callus; pale yellow scales condensed around eye, in narrow median and broad dorsolateral pronotal vittae (with contour­lines emphasized), in narrow lines behind humeri, on preapical callus, on thoracic flank, along sutures of lateral plates and lateral portion of ventrites. Rostrum 0.71–0.88× length of pronotum, curvature over antennal insertion distinct, dorsum sharply costate medially, portion distal to antennal insertion 0.34–0.38× length of rostrum. Pronotum 0.95–1.17× longer than wide, sides subparallel in basal half, then constricted abruptly and tubulate in front, frontal lobe and disk with pair of protuberances. Elytra 1.39–1.64× longer than wide, humeri 1.26–1.61× wider than pronotum; interstriae 3 and 4 with

tumidity at midlength, preapical callus notably produced for genus. Legs with large, triangular femoral tooth, tibia moderately produced ventrally, base notably curved.

Distribution. The species has been collected at elevations below 1600 m in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.

Specific epithet. A Latin adjective; the humpy hood­wearer.

Discussion. The specimens from the Pacific side of the Cordillera de Talamanca are on average larger (6.6–8.2 mm vs. 4.2–6.6 mm total length) and the elytral vitta of black scales is curved around the median callosity rather than running straight across. The protuberances of the anterior pronotal margin are obsolete in all large­sized specimens from any location. Not included in the type series is a specimen from Cerro San Gil in Izabal, Guatemala (CMNC) with deviating body proportions and non­tuberculate pronotum.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–10. Dorsal and lateral aspects of species of Palliolatrix. 1, P. quadrimaculata (HT); 2, P. quadrimaculata s. l. (Guatemala, Zapotitlan); 3, P. tuberosa; 4, P. infucata; 5, P. attenuata; 6–7, P. palliolatrix; 8, P. pulchra; 9, P. crassa; 10, P. virgata.


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History