Paratropis elicioi Duperre , 2015

Perafan, Carlos, Galvis, William & Perez-Miles, Fernando, 2019, The first Paratropididae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae) from Colombia: new genus, species and records, ZooKeys 830, pp. 1-32 : 1

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Paratropis elicioi Duperre , 2015


Paratropis elicioi Duperre, 2015 View in CoL Figure 2

Type material.

Holotype male from Ecuador, Cotopaxi Province, Otonga Biological Reserve, near Rio Esmeraldas, 0.41941S, 78.99607W, 1717 m, 25. xi– 08.xii.2014, pitfall, col. N Dupérré & E Tapia (QCAZ), not examined.

Additional material Examined.

Colombia, Nariño, Barbacoas, Altaquer, Reserva Natural Río Ñambí, 1.3N, 78.08333W, 1400 m, 17-27-vii-2012, col. M Medrano, A García, Y Cifuentes, D Martínez, 1 male (ICN-Ar 11435); one female with the same data (ICN-Ar 11436); one female from the same locality, 1440 m, 17-30-vi-2011, col. A García (ICN-Ar 6974). Ecuador: Pichincha: Santo Domingo, 466 m, 1-xi-1999, col. M Rivadeneira, 1 female (QCAZ, MV-PAR-018); Nanegalito, 1500 m, 27-xii-1996, col. M Davalos, 1 female (QCAZ, MV-PAR-015); Nanegalito, 1400 m, 23-i-1993, col. C Segovia, 1 female (QCAZ, MV-PAR-07); Las Tolas, 20-iii-1989, col. V Utreras, 1 female (QCAZ, MV-PAR-031).

Emended diagnosis.

Males of P. elicioi differ from those of other Paratropis species by the morphology of the palpal bulb with very long and straight embolus (Figure 2E, F). Females can be distinguished by the morphology of spermathecal receptacles with long neck, longitudinal dorsal fold and numerous apical lobes (Figure 2H).


The examination of new material from Colombia and Ecuador allowed us to infer that both the diagnosis and the descriptions of the two sexes of P. elicioi were inaccurate ( Dupérré 2015). Below we present an emended description.


Male (ICN-Ar 11435) (Figure 2 A–C, E, F): total length 13.0; carapace length 6.1, width 6.1; abdomen length 6.0, width 3.8; chelicerae length 1.9. Color (in alcohol): body with few soil particles encrusted; carapace, chelicerae and legs reddish brown; abdomen grayish brown (Figure 2A). Carapace: slightly setose, with a single line of curved setae mixed with disperse clubbed setae, striae conspicuous; caput arched, separated from thoracic region by transverse shallow fovea, straight, width 0.9 (Figure 2A). Eyes and ocular tubercle: tubercle length 0.9, width 1.1, very elevated (height 0.8) and forwardly directed, with few setae. Clypeus absent. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior recurved. Ocular sizes and interdistances: AME 0.35, ALE 0.35, PME 0.20, PLE 0.25, AME-AME 0.10, AME-ALE 0.03, PME-PME 0.50, PME-PLE 0.03, ALE-PLE 0.08, AME-PME 0.03, ALE-ALE 0.65, PLE-PLE 0.70. Chelicerae: short sparse bristles on dorsal and lateral areas, long fine bristles on ventral and anterior area; basal segment with clubbed-plumose setae. Rastellum absent. Cheliceral furrow with two rows of teeth well developed, 16/14 and 11/13 teeth on promargin and retromargin, respectively. Labium: length 0.7, width 1.4, with 75 cuspules on anterior edge (Figure 2C). Labio-sternal groove with two lateral mounds. Maxillae longer than wide, with the anterior prolateral lobe very elongated, conical (Figure 2C); with 73/76 cuspules spaced, largely spread over prolatero-ventral border from the inner edge to anterior lobe. Lyra absent. Sternum: length 2.5, width 3.2; three pairs of sigillae, anterior subcircular, median and posterior sigillae oval; anterior and median sigillae marginal, posterior submarginal (Figure 2C).

Legs: cuticle normal. Leg and palpal segments measurements provided in Table 2. Leg I clearly thicker than the others. Bristles, clubbed and thorn-like setae present. Trichobothria: filiform, on central 2/3 of tarsi, palp 4, leg I 9, II 9, III 8, IV 9; on distal 1/4 of metatarsi, leg I 5, II 5, III 4, IV 4; on proximal 1/3 of tibiae, palp with two rows of 3 and 4 respectively, legs I–III two groups of 4 each, IV 2r-5p-1d (proximal/distal). Scopula absent. Pseudoscopula weak and divided by conical longer setae, only present on distal tarsi I, II and III. Claw tufts absent. Tarsi distally incrassate on anterior legs. Tarsal claws: ITC present on leg I; STC with one tooth on all legs. Spination: principally thorn-like setae on all segments. Spines: palp 0; leg I 0; leg II 0; leg III fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 1pv, ta 1pv; leg IV fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 1pv, ta 2pv.

Palp: cymbium with two unequal lobes separated by a sclerotized groove; tibia with distoventral groove. Palpal bulb pyriform very elongated; embolus as long as tibia and half patella, straight then tapering to the apex, apex stout but flattened (Figure 2E, F).

Abdomen: with four longitudinal dorsal rows of seven small tubercles, each emitting from its summit a plumose, bacilliform seta. Book lung apertures projected, oval, sclerotized (Figure 2B). Spinnerets: PMS 0.50; PLS length 1.9, apical segment digitiform. Basal segment of PLS divided in two unequal cuticle plates (Figure 2B).

Female (ICN-Ar 6974) (Figure 2D, G, H): total length 18.5, carapace length 7.2, width 7.1; abdomen length 10.0, width 7.0; chelicerae length 4.0. Color (in alcohol): body with soil particles encrusted; carapace, and legs reddish dark brown, chelicerae dark brown, abdomen grayish brown (Figure 2G). Carapace: slightly setose, lateral margins with single line of spiniform setae with a single line of curved setae mixed with disperse clubbed setae; striae conspicuous; caput arched, separated from thoracic region by transverse fovea, straight, width 1.4 (Figure 2G). Eyes and ocular tubercle: tubercle length 1.2, width 1.3, very elevated (height 0.9) and forwardly directed, with few setae. Clypeus absent. Anterior eye row slightly procurved, posterior recurved. Ocular sizes and interdistances: AME 0.35, ALE 0.38, PME 0.28, PLE 0.33, AME-AME 0.18, AME-ALE 0.05, PME-PME 0.65, PME-PLE 0.03, ALE-PLE 0.05, AME-PME 0.05, ALE-ALE 0.73, PLE-PLE 0.85. Chelicerae: short sparse bristles on dorsal and lateral areas, long fine bristles on ventral and anterior area; basal segment with clubbed plumose setae. Rastellum absent. Cheliceral furrow with two rows of teeth well-developed, 13/14 and 13/12 teeth on promargin and retromargin, respectively. Labium: length 1.1, width 1.8, with 97 cuspules on anterior edge (Figure 2D). Labio-sternal groove with two lateral mounds. Maxillae longer than wide, with the anterior prolateral lobe very elongated, conical (Figure 2D); with 91/97 cuspules spaced, largely spread over prolatero-ventral border from the inner edge to anterior lobe. Lyra absent. Sternum: length 2.8, width 3.9; three pairs of sigillae, anterior subcircular, median and posterior sigillae oval; anterior and median sigillae marginal, posterior submarginal. Anterior edge of sternum with a semicircular area slightly elevated (joined to labio-sternal groove) (Figure 2D).

Legs: cuticle normal. Leg and palpal segments measurements provided in Table 2. Leg I clearly thicker than the others. Bristles, thorn-like setae and spines present. Trichobothria: filiform, on central 2/3 of tarsi, palp 9, leg I 11, II 10, III 9, IV 8; on distal 1/4 of metatarsi, leg I 5, II 4, III 4, IV 5; on proximal 1/3 of tibiae, palp 7 in two groups of 4 and 3 respectively, legs I-III two groups of 4 each, IV 2r-5p-1d (proximal/distal). Scopula or pseudoscopula absent. Claw tufts absent. Tarsal claws: ITC present on leg I; STC with one tooth on all legs. Spination: principally thorn-like setae on all segments. Spines: palp fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, ta 1pv, 2rv; leg I fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 5pv, 10rv, ta 8pv, 7rv; leg II fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 1pd, 2pv, 1r, 3rv, ta 1rv; leg III fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 2p, 3pv, 1r, 2rv, ta 1pv, 1rv; leg IV fe 0, pa 0, ti 0, me 3pv, 1rv, ta 2pv.

Abdomen: with four longitudinal dorsal rows of seven small tubercles, each emitting from its apex a plumose, bacilliform seta. Book lung apertures projected, oval, sclerotized. Two spermathecal receptacles with a long neck, with a longitudinal dorsal fold, ended in a multilobed fundus (Figure 2H). Spinnerets: PMS length 0.60; PLS length 3.0, apical segment digitiform. Basal segment of PLS divided in two unequal cuticle plates.


South of Colombia and north of Ecuador, on the Western Andean montane forest, between 500-1700 m altitudes. In Colombia it’s distributed on Nariño Department (Barbacoas, Reserva Natural Río Ñambí) and Ecuador distributed on Cotopaxi Province (Otonga Biological Reserve) and Pichincha Province (Santo Domingo; Nanegalito; Las Tolas) (Figure 10).













