Donzelotauropus hungaricus Scheller, 2015

Scheller, Ulf, Pfliegler, Walter P. & Korsós, Zoltán, 2015, Pauropoda (Myriapoda) Records From Hungary With Description Of A New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61 (2), pp. 81-86 : 83-85

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Donzelotauropus hungaricus Scheller

sp. nov.

Donzelotauropus hungaricus Scheller View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 1 − 11)

Holotype. Ad. 9(m), Borsod-Abaúj-Zempléncounty, Ómassavillage, 48°06’28.5’’N, 20°31’51.4’’E, beech forest, in leaf litter, ~ 500 m a.s.l., October 15, 2010, W. P. Pfliegler leg. Paratypes. 1 ad. 9(m), 1 juv. 5, same data as holotype. ThetypespecimensarelodgedinthecollectionsoftheZoologicalMuseum, Univer- sityofLund, Sweden .

Diagnosis. D. hungaricus sp. n. maybegroupedtogetherwith D. siberiae SchellerfromnortheastSiberia , D. subarcticus SchellerfromAlaska (both describedinSCHELLER 1986) and D. peniculatus HaginofromJapan ( HAGInO 1991). Itcanbedistinguishedfromthemallbytheshapeoftheantennal globulus g, stalkslenderandcapsuleovoid, notstalkthickandcapsulemore orlessspherical, theshapeofthesterniteprocessofthecollumsegment, nar- rowandblunt, notbroadwithanteriorincision, thepygidialsetae st, short, al- mostrudimentary, notwelldevelopedandclavate, andtheshapeofthepos- teriormarginoftheanalplate, withlongshallowindentation, notwithtwoor threesmallones. Otherdistinguishingdetailsoftheanalplatearetheshapeof thelateralmargins, convexin D. hungaricus and D. subarcticus , concavein D. peniculatus and D. siberiae , and the shape of the posterior appendages.

Description. Adultmaleholotype (andadultparatype).

Length. 0.70(− 0.81) mm. Head (Fig. 1). Tergalsetaestriate, anteriorandsubmedian onesshortclavate, posterolateralonescylindrical; relativelengths (holotypeonly), 1strow: a 1 = a 2 = 10; 2nd row: a 1 = 11, a 2 = 13, a 3 = 17; 3rd row not studied; 4th row: a 1 = 11, a 2 = 22, a 3 = 17, a 4 = 14; lateral group setae: l 1 = 24, l 2 = 17, l 3 = 18. Ratio a 1 / a 1 a 1 in 1st row 0.6, 2nd row ≈ 0.5, 3rdrow=?, 4throw 0.7. Temporalorgansovoidintergalview, length 0.9 ofshortest interdistance. Cuticleofheadandtemporalorgansglabrous.

Antennae (Fig. 2). Segment 3 withrudimentaryglobulus g′. Segment 4 withfivethin cylindrical striate setae; their relative lengths: p = 10, p′ = (6 −)7, p′′ = 5, r = 6, u = 1. Tergal seta p 0.8 of the length of tergal branch t. The latter slightly fusiform, (3.7 −)4.1 times as long asgreatestdiameterandaboutaslongassternalbranch s, thatbranch 2.4 timesaslong Figs 1 − 11. Donzelotauropus hungaricus Scheller sp. n., holotype ad.9(m). 1 = head, median and right part, tergal view, 2 = left antenna, posterior view, 3 = collum segment, median and left part, sternal view, 4 = tergite VI, 5 = T 3, 6 = right genital papilla, 7 = seta on coxa of leg IX, 8 = seta on trochanter of leg IX, 9 = tarsus of leg IX, 10 = pygidium, median and right part, tergal view, 11 = anal plate, lateral view. Scale a: Fig. 5; b: Figs. 1, 3, 4, 6 − 10; c:

Figs 2, 11.

asgreatestdiameter; posterodistalcornertruncate. Seta q asseta p of 4thsegment, 0.9 of thelengthof s. Relativelengthsofflagella (basalsegmentsincluded) andbasalsegments alone: F 1 = 100, bs 1 = 7, F 2 = 28, bs 2 = 5, F 3 =?, bs 3 = 7. F 1 2.9 times as long as t, F 2 0.8 of the length of s. Distalcalyceshelmet- shaped, distalpartofflagellaaxesbelowcalycesnotwidened. Globulus g longslender, ≈ 10 slightlycurvedbracts, capsuleovoid. Diameterof g (1.1 −)1.3 timesaswideasgreatestdiameterof t. Antennaglabrous.

Trunk (Figs 3–4). Setaeofcollumsegment (Fig. 3) folioform, shortlypubescent, may besimple. Sublateralsetae 1.1 timesaslongassubmedianones. Sterniteprocessblunt anteriorly, appendagesbarrel- shapedtoconicalwithdistinctcap; processandappendages glabrous.

Setaeonanteriortergitesassubmediansetaeofhead, onposteriortergitesthinpoint- ed, shortly pubescent; 4+4 setae on tergite I, 6+6 on II − V, 4+2 on VI (Fig. 4). Posterior setae onVI 0.7 ofinterdistanceand 1.8 timesaslongaspygidialsetae a



Genital papillae (Fig. 6) with round distal part, setae 0.5 of the length of papillae.

Bothriotricha (Fig. 5). Allwithsimplestraightaxesandshortobliquepubescence; their relative lengths (holotype only): T 1 = 100, T 2 = 87, T 3 = 98 (Fig. 5), T 4 = 127, T 5 =?.

Legs (Figs 7–9). Setae on coxa (Fig. 7) and trochanter (Fig. 8) of leg 9 furcate, shortly pubescent, mainbranchlongishfolioform, secondarybranchclavate, reachingoutsidethe tipofmainbranch. Tarsusofleg 9 (Fig. 9) bow-shapedtapering, 4.3(− 4.7) timesaslongas greatestdiameter. Proximalsetalongthin, withobliquepubescence, (0.4 −)0.5 ofthelength oftarsusand 3.0 timesaslongasdistalseta; thelattercylindricalstriate.

Pygidium (Fig. 10). Tergum. Posteriormarginrounded. Relativelengthsofsetae: a 1 = 10, a 2 = 11, a 3 = 17, st = 1. a -setae thin pointed glabrous, st short clavate striate; a 1 directed upwards − outwards, a 2 and a 3 curvedinwards, thelatteralsodiverging. The a 1 aslongas interdistance, distance a1 −a 2 about 5 timeslongerthandistance a2 −a 3; distance st− st 10 times longerthan st andaslongasdistance a1 −a 1. Cuticleglabrous.

Sternum. Posteriormarginrounded. Relativelengthsofsetae (pygidial a 1 = 10): b 1 = 21, b 3 = 6, boththintaperingglabrous; lengthof b 1 (0.7 −)0.8 ofinterdistance, b 3 0.3 ofinter- distance.

Analplate (Figs 10–11) narrowestanteriorly, broaderthanlong, lateralmarginsconvex, posteriormarginwithshallowindentation, fromthemedianpartofwhichtwosubcylindricalstriatedivergingappendagesprotrudebackwards, lengthofappendagesshorter thanthelengthofplate (Fig. 10), pointingobliquelyupwardsinlateralview (Fig. 11).


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