Vibrissina Rondani, 1861

Fleming, AJ, Wood, D. Monty, Smith, M. Alex, Dapkey, Tanya, Hallwachs, Winnie & Janzen, Daniel H., 2017, Five new species of Vibrissina Rondani (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste in Northwestern Costa Rica, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 10967-10967 : 10967

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scientific name

Vibrissina Rondani, 1861


Vibrissina Rondani, 1861

Vibrissina Rondani, 1861: 35. Type species: Frontina demissa Meigen, 1838 [misidentified, = Tachina turrita Meigen, 1824], by original designation.

Microvibrissina Villeneuve, 1911: 82. Type species: Tachina muscaria Fallén sensu Meigen [misidentified, = Latreillia debilitata Pandellé, 1896: 110]. Synonymy by Herting (1984: 186). As explained by Herting (1984) the synonymy results from a misidentification of the type-species of Microvibrissina Villeneuve. The specimen under the name Tachina muscaria Fallen in Meigen's collection is actually a Vibrissina turrita . Villeneuve saw it, mistook the sex and misidentified the specimen as a V. debilitata ( Herting 1984).

Spathimeigenia Townsend, 1915: 19. Type species: Spathimeigenia spinigera Townsend, 1915, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 86).

Hylotomomyia Townsend, 1916: 31. Type species: Admontia hylotomae Coquillett, 1898, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 86).

Schizocerophaga Townsend, 1916: 77. Type species: Schizocerophaga leibyi Townsend, 1916, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 86).

Jicaltepecia Townsend, 1917: 49. Type species: Jicaltepecia rafaela Townsend, 1917, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 86).

Acemeigenia Townsend, 1927: 241. Type species: Acemeigenia inca Townsend, 1927, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 87).

Hypophylax Townsend, 1935: 232. Type species: Hypophylax prospheryx Townsend, 1935, by original designation. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 87).

Neoswaldia Mesnil, 1960: 655. Type species: Hylotomomyia buckelli Curran, 1926, by monotypy. Synonymy proposed by Wood (1985: 87).

Vibrissina Previously described Neotropical species included in Vibrissina :

Vibrissina aberrans Wulp, 1890: 198 ( Anisia ). Lectotype male (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme.

albopicta Bigot, 1889: 258 ( Chaetolyga ). Lectotype female (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico.

Vibrissina bilineata Wulp, 1890: 112 ( Masicera ). Holotype female (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, North Yucatan, Temax.

Vibrissina candicans Wulp, 1890: 194 ( Anisia ). Holotype male (NHMUK), published as female [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Morelos, Cuernavaca.

Vibrissina carinata Wulp, 1890: 184 ( Telothyria ). Lectotype female (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Atoyac.

Vibrissina curva Wulp, 1890: 177 ( Telothyria ). Holotype male (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Savana Grande.

Vibrissina dieloceri Townsend, 1942: 438 ( Hylotomomyia ). Lectotype female (MZSP), [examined by DMW] by fixation of Toma & Nihei (2006: 247) (examination of “Holótipo f." from Minas Gerais in MZSP is regarded as a lectotype fixation). Type locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Para de Minas, Florestal (reared January 25 from cocoon mass of Dielocerus formosus (Wood, personal note)).

Vibrissina fasciata Wulp, 1890: 179 ( Telothyria ). Lectotype male (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa.

Vibrissina flavocalyptrata Brèthes, 1909: 94 ( Vibrissina ). Holotype female (MACN, or lost). Type locality: Argentina, Mendoza, Valle del Río Tupungato.

Vibrissina forticula Wulp, 1890: 174 ( Telothyria ). Lectotype male (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula.

Vibrissina sublineata Wulp, 1890: 181 ( Telothyria ). Holotype female (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula.

inca Townsend, 1927: 282 ( Acemeigenia ). Holotype male (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Peru, Cuzco.

insecta Giglio-Tos, 1893: 7 ( Degeeria ). Holotype male (MRSN), published as female [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico.

Vibrissina itaquaquecetubae Townsend, 1929: 372 ( Jicaltepecia ). Seven syntypes: 6 males, 1 female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Itaquaquecetuba.

Vibrissina lepida Wulp, 1890: 135 ( Myobia ). Lectotype male (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omilteme.

Vibrissina mexicana Aldrich, 1931: 5 ( Spathimeigenia ). Holotype male (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Michoacan, Erongaricaro.

Vibrissina mucorea Wulp, 1890: 199 ( Anisia ). Lectotype male (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo.

Vibrissina obscura Aldrich, 1931: 6 ( Spathimeigenia ). Holotype male (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico.

prospheryx Townsend, 1935: 232 ( Hypophylax ). Holotype female (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Guyana, Pacaraima Mts., Upper Ireng River.

rafaela Townsend, 1917: 49 ( Jicaltepecia ). Holotype female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Jicaltepec, San Rafael.

Vibrissina remota Wulp, 1890: 181 ( Telothyria ). Lectotype female (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan.

Vibrissina scita Walker, 1853:302 ( Tachina ). Holotype female (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil.

Vibrissina vaciva Wulp, 1890: 176 ( Telothyria ). Holotype male (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo.

Vibrissina vicina Wulp, 1890: 184 ( Telothyria ). Lectotype female (NHMUK), by designation of Wood (1985) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan.

Vibrissina zonata Bigot, 1889: 261 ( Ceromasia ). Holotype female (NHMUK) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico.

Vibrissina Frontina demissa Meigen, 1838 Rondani 1861: 35. misidentified = Tachina turrita Meigen, 1824


Male. Head: vertex 1/4-1/3 of head width; 1-3 reclinate orbital bristles; anteriormost reclinate orbital bristle distinctly longer than uppermost frontal bristle; ocellar bristles well developed, long, and divergent; eye bare or at most with minute, inconspicuous hairs all but invisible except under certain angles of light; parafacial on most New World species haired on lower half or more, bare in few New World species ( Wood 1985); parafrontal bearing hairs interspersed among frontal bristles; lower margin of face at level of vibrissa not visible in profile; facial ridge bristled; subvibrissal ridge short, usually with 3 or fewer bristles; anterior margin of postgena concave, usually without a genal dilation; genal groove extensive, often sparsely tomentose (suggesting Dexiini ); postgena bearing few widely spaced bristles, the anteriormost usually larger and distinctly isolated from the rest; arista minutely pubescent, usually distinctly thickened on basal fourth or fifth. Thorax: prosternum setose; proepisternum bare; postpronotum with 3 bristles in a straight line or slightly curved row; katepisternum with 2 or 3 bristles, when 3 present then two anterior to suture and one posterior; lateral scutellar bristles shorter than subapical bristles, curved medially or straight, divergent, as long as subapical bristles. Legs: fore tibia with 1 posterior bristle; mid tibia with 1 anterodorsal bristle. Wings: vein R4+5 setose, bearing only 2-3 bristles dorsally at base. Abdomen: mid-dorsal depression on syntergite 1+2 (ST1+2) extending almost to hind margin; two median marginal bristles on T3 and often also on ST1+2; row of marginal bristles on T4 and T5; 1-3 pairs of median discal bristles on T3-T5 (5th tergite sometimes bearing a complete row of discal bristles). Female as male except: 2 pairs of proclinate orbital bristles present; T3 and T4 ventolaterally flattened, their edges either studded with spines or stout bristles.


Our observations of New World species of Vibrissina confirm those made by Wood (1985). One of the main characteristics of the genus in the New World is that all species possess hairs on the lower half of the parafacial, usually separated from the lowest frontal bristle by a bare gap, a character trait which can be used to distinguish them from the rest of the Blondeliini , with the exception of Lixophaga retiniae (Coquillett) and Erynniopsis antennata (Rondani) (both restricted to California and Oregon), and all species of Cryptomeigenia Brauer & Bergenstamm, which also have hairs on the lower half of the parafacial, having 4 or more bristles on the subvibrissal ridge. Wood (1985) also cites Enrogalia morigera Reinhard and Istocheta aldrichi (Mesnil) as having hairs on the parafacial; however, in the case of both these species the hairs are most abundant on the upper half, decreasing in size and density toward the lower half. Old World species of Vibrissina , which lack parafacial hairs, can be separated only with difficulty from species of Eucelatoria Townsend, and can be separated only by the lack of a genal dilation.


Widespread throughout the Palearctic, and from Mexico to Brazil in the Neotropical Region ( Wood 1985).


Almost all members of Vibrissina are parasitic on the caterpillar-like larvae of sawflies in the families Argidae , Diprionidae , and Tenthredinidae ( Wood 1985). The present data from ACG inventoried larvae support this.









