Guatteria turrialbana N.Zamora & Erkens, 2019

Maas, Paul J. M., Westra, Lubbert Y. Th., Chatrou, Lars W., Verspagen, Nadja, Rainer, Heimo, Zamora, Nelson A. & Erkens, Roy H. J., 2019, Twelve new and exciting Annonaceae from the Neotropics, PhytoKeys 126, pp. 25-69 : 42

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft (2019-07-03 07:06:08, last updated 2021-05-18 22:11:29)

scientific name

Guatteria turrialbana N.Zamora & Erkens

sp. nov.

Guatteria turrialbana N.Zamora & Erkens sp. nov. Fig. 18 View Figure 18


Guatteria turrialbana resembles Guatteria lucens Standl. by the narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate leaves but differs markedly by coriaceous vs. chartaceous leaves, the primary vein of which is flat to slightly raised (vs. impressed) above, and having yellow to creamy yellow, broadly ovate to orbiculate petals (vs. orange or yellowish orange and mostly oblong to obovate petals).


COSTA RICA, Cartago: Turrialba, Área de Conservación Codillera Volcánica Central, Monumento Nacional Guayabo , Sendero natural, 1133 m, 9°58'15.2"N, 83°41'17.9"W, 7 Jul 2018 (fl), Zamora & Espinoza 10363 (holotype: CR!; isotypes: B, L!, MO!) GoogleMaps .


Tree 5-20 m tall, 20-50 cm diam.; young twigs slightly zig-zagging, sparsely covered with appressed hairs, soon glabrous. Leaves: petioles 5-10 by 1 mm; lamina narrowly elliptic to narrowly obovate, (10-)13-23 by 4-8.5 cm (leaf index 2.8-4.2), coriaceous, not verruculose, shiny above, grey to greyish green above, grey to greyish brown below, glabrous above, sparsely covered with appressed hairs below, mainly along primary vein, base long-acute to attenuate, apex acuminate (acumen 5-10 mm long) to acute, primary vein flat to slightly raised above, secondary veins distinct, 10-15 on either side of primary vein, slightly raised above, smallest distance between loops and margin 1-3 mm, tertiary veins strongly raised above, reticulate. Inflorescence 1-2-flowered, in axils of leaves or on leafless branchlets; pedicels 10-30(-40) by 0.5-1 mm, 1.5-3 mm diam. in fruit, rather densely covered with appressed hairs to glabrous, articulated at 0.4-0.5 from the base; bracts 5-6, soon falling, not seen; flower buds ovoid, slightly pointed; sepals free, broadly ovate-triangular to ovate-triangular, 5-8 by 3-8 mm, reflexed, outer side densely covered with appressed hairs; petals green, maturing yellow to cream in vivo, broadly ovate to orbicular, 10-15{-24} by 9-10{-18} mm, outer and inner side densely covered with appressed, greyish hairs; stamens ca. 2 mm long, connective shield papillate. Monocarps 30-100, green in vivo, black in sicco, ellipsoid, 8-11 by 3-6 mm, glabrous, apex rostrate to apiculate (apiculum ca. 1 mm long), wall 0.1-0.2 mm thick, stipes 5-10 by 1 mm. Seed ellipsoid, 7-9 by 3-5 mm, brown, pitted, raphe not distinct from rest of seed.


Costa Rica, Caribbean slope (Fig. 9 View Figure 9 ).

Habitat and ecology.

In wet forest. At elevations of (700-)1000-1200(-1800) m, Flowering: January, May, and July; fruiting: March, October, November and December.


Guatteria turrialbana can be distinguished by its essentially glabrous, dark green, shiny and conspicuously reticulate leaves on both sides, especially upon drying, lamina commonly narrowly obovate with a flat to slightly raised primary vein above. The rostrate to apiculate apex of the monocarps is also a characteristic feature. Material of this species has previously been identified as G. lucens Standl. However, the lamina is not verruculose in G. turrialbana vs. up to densely verruculose in G. lucens . Other differences can be found in the monocarps: G. turrialbana has rostrate to apiculate ones vs. ellipsoid ones in G. lucens . Lastly, G. lucens is a lowland (0-900 m) species whereas G. turrialbana has mainly been recorded at higher elevations ( Maas et al. 2015).

Preliminary IUCN conservation status.

EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii). Both EOO (10 km2) and AOO (8 km2) would classify as Endangered. It was determined that this species has 3 locations,all of them in heavily deforested areas. Deforestation is therefore a major threat to this species and habitat quality is expected to decline in the near future. No information is available on the current population size and population trend of this species. Given all this we assessed this species as Endangered.

Other specimens examined.

COSTA RICA. Cartago: Turrialba, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Santa Teresita , sobre ríos Guayabo , Lajas y Torito , 9°57'50"N, 83°41'30"W, 700-1800 m, 8 May 1992 (fl), Rivera 1693 (CR); Turrialba, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, 9°58'20"N, 83°41'45"W, 1100 m, 9 Oct 1993 (fr), Vargas et al. 1492 (CR); Turrialba, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, cuenca del Rio Reventazon , 9°58'19.7"N, 83°41'31.9"W, 1100-1200 m, 15 Mar 2003 (fr), Kriebel 2977 (CR, L); Turrialba, Area de Conservacion Codillera Volcanica Central , Guayabo, Guayabito de Santa Cruz , a lo largo del camino principal a Guayabo, 9°58'59"N, 83°42'54"W, 1350 m, 7 Jul 2018 (fl), Zamora & Espinoza 10357 (CR); Turrialba, Jicotea, Finca de Israel Martinez , 9°47'05"N, 83°33'15"W, 1100-1200 m, 7 Dec 1994 (fr), Cascante et al. 432 (CR) GoogleMaps . Limón: entre Dabagri y Sacabico y los bordes del mismo, 7 Nov 1984 (fr), Gómez et al. 23305 (CR, U) .

Gallery Image

Figure 9. Distribution map of Guatteria aliciae, G. pseudorotundata, G. rubiginosa, and G. turrialbana.

Gallery Image

Figure 18. Guatteria turrialbana N. Zamora & Erkens. A Upper side of leaf B lower side of leaf C leaf base D, E flowering branches F flower seen from above G flower seen from aside H, I flower buds J young fruit. (A-J Zamora & Espinoza 10357 and 10363).