Acanthocollum melanurum (Klug, 1842)

Opitz, Weston, 2010, Classification, Natural History, and Evolution of the Epiphloeinae (Coleoptera: Cleridae). Part VIII. The Genera Acanthocollum Opitz, Stegnoclava Opitz, and Ichnea Laporte, The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 9) 64, pp. 1-65 : 8-9

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Acanthocollum melanurum (Klug, 1842)


Acanthocollum melanurum (Klug, 1842)

(Frontispiece; Figs. 1–12 View Figs View Figs , 36; Map 1 View Map 1 )

Enoplium melanurum Klug, 1842: 376 . Lectotype ♀. Herein designated. Brazil, v. Olf. (ZMHB). (Specimen point mounted, gender label affixed to paper point; support card; locality-identification label; specimen number label-58865; type label; Zoological Museum label; historical collection label; ZMHB acronymic label; lectotype label; identification label.). Lacordaire 1857; Corporaal 1949, 1950.

Paralectotypes. Paralectotypes were not designated because this species was described on the basis of an unknown number of specimens.

Diagnosis. The considerably sinuous side margins of the pronotum, dense setal tuft along the pronotal side margins, short funicle, and the longitudinal carinae on the elytra will conveniently distinguish the members of this species.

Description. Size: Length 9.1 mm; width 2.5 mm. Form (see frontispiece): Triangular. Integumental color (Frontispiece, Fig. 36): Cranium mostly reddish brown; vertex with a black spot, antenna dark brown; pronotum black at lower sides and centrally on disc, reddish brown on upper sides; elytra mostly reddish brown, distal third light brown, legs dark brown. Head: HW/PW 1.0; EW/VW 1.0; frons profusely vested with yellow setae; antenna ( Fig. 1 View Figs ) with funicle about as long as antennomere 8. Thorax: Pronotum with setose ridge ( Fig. 5 View Figs ), PL/PW 1.0; elytra long rectangular, EL/PL 4.7; EL/EW 2.9; anterior margin of protibia with 14 spines. Male genitalia: Aedeagus slender.

Variation. Size: length 9.1–11.3 mm; width 2.5– 3.3 mm. The extent of darkness on the distal portion of the elytral disc varies.

Natural History. Specimens have been collected in October and November.

Distribution. The distribution seems to be concentrated in central and southern Brazil ( Map 1 View Map 1 ).

Specimens Examined. Five. BRAZIL: Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Specimens are deposited in CMNH, WOPC , and ZMHB.


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History

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