Aurisetiphora maggiesnowae, Brown, 2022

Brown, Brian V., 2022, Two new genera of phorid flies, Macgrathphora and Aurisetiphora, from Costa Rica (Diptera: Phoridae), with recommendations for naming new genera in the family, Zootaxa 5115 (4), pp. 571-581 : 578-579

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5115.4.7

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scientific name

Aurisetiphora maggiesnowae

sp. nov.

Aurisetiphora maggiesnowae View in CoL new species

( Figs. 4 View FIGURES 1–4 , 10 View FIGURES 5–10 , 14–17 View FIGURES 11–14 View FIGURES 15–17 )

Holotype. ♂. COSTA RICA: San José: Ciudad Colón , 9.92°N, 84.25°W, 800m, xii.1989, P. Hanson, Malaise trap [ LACM ENT 047296 About LACM ] ( MUCR). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. One ♂ with the same data as the holotype, one ♂, ii.1990 ( LACM) GoogleMaps .

Description. Male (female unknown). Metopininae . Frons broad, dark-colored, matte, with fine sculpturing. Median furrow present. Frontal setae small, thin, light-colored, barely distinguished from sparse scattered frontal setulae; homology of major frontal setae uncertain, presence of supra-antennal setae unclear. Vertex with both ocellar and postocellar setal pairs. Flagellomere 1 enlarged, oval, arista subapical. Palpus cylindrical, brown, with small setae.

Scutum dark-colored, with fine, scattered golden setulae only, without usual dense, black setulae. Notopleuron with 2 setae. Scutellum large, with 4 subequal, curved setae. Parapsidal suture strongly flared, reaching small, round anterior spiracle.Anepisternum, bare, divided, with dorsoventral furrow reaching parapsidal suture. Pleural sclerites with microtrichia except on venter of anepisternum.

Wing well-developed. Costa short, 0.36 wing length. Costal setulae long, scattered. Vein R 2+3 absent; radial veins curved smoothly towards anterior margin. Halter large, brown.

Legs thick, light brown, without enlarged setae or setal palisades. Tarsomeres short.

Abdominal tergites dark brown, ventral membrane gray.

Male terminalia with epandrium rounded, broad, with large posteromedial process extending from right side to left side. Phallus consolidated, largely consisting of basal ring and funnel-shaped structure. Cercus broad, curved, apically narrowed. Hypoproct elongate.

Etymology. Named for a family friend, Maggie Snow.

Distribution. Known only from a single site in Costa Rica near Ciudad Colón. This is a topographically complex area, and the site where many interesting phorids have been captured. On several occasions we tried to re-collect this fauna at the nearby Universidad de la Paz, but apparently the habitat is different there. According to Paul Hanson (personal communication), the site is closer to the town of Ciudad Colon, located 100 meters straight west of “Centro de Restauración Cristiano Dios es Amor”.


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Museo de Insectos













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