Glyphidocera formae, DAVID ADAMSKI, 2005

DAVID ADAMSKI, 2005, Review of Glyphidocera Walsingham of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Glyphidoceridae), Zootaxa 858, pp. 1-158 : 114-116

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scientific name

Glyphidocera formae

sp. nov.

Glyphidocera formae , new species

(Figs. 201–203, 354, Map 36 View MAP 36 )

Diagnosis.— Glyphidocera formae is similar to G. vappae but differs by a slightly larger and more widely separate costal furcae of the valva, a longer apical curnutus of the aedeagal vesica, and vesica of aedeagus with several small cornuti.

Description.— Head: Vertex and frontoclypeus pale brownish yellow; outer surface of labial palpus brown intermixed with few pale brownish­yellow scales to apical margin of segment II; inner surface pale brownish yellow intermixed with few brown scales; scape of antenna pale brownish yellow, flagellum with alternating bands of pale brownish­yellow and brown scales; male 4th flagellomere dorsally protuberant and curved, forming a deep concavity opposite slightly excavated flagellomeres 5–6; concavity nearly closed by a few setiform scales on apex of protuberance of 4th flagellomere; proboscis pale brownish yellow.

Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum pale brownish yellow. Legs brown intermixed with pale brownish­yellow scales to apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres, or as above except, pterothoracic legs or hindleg pale brownish yellow. Forewing (Fig. 354): Length 5.3–6.9 mm (n = 36), pale brownish yellow intermixed with brownish­orange and brown scales; cell and surrounding areas paler than marginal areas; cell with 2 small, brown spots, 1 spot near middle, 1 spot near distal end; marginal spots present or absent. Undersurface brown intermixed with pale brownish­yellow scales along costa. Hindwing: Brown.

Abdomen (Fig. 201): Male with 4 transverse, irregular rows of sex scales on intersegmental membrane between terga 2–3. Anterior row of sex scales and a few scales along the posteromedian margin appear smaller than sex scales occupying the middle rows.

Male Genitalia (Figs. 202–203): Uncus elongate, wide at base, broadly constricted near 1/3, slightly rounded apically, apex narrowly rounded and setose; gnathos sparsely setose, protuberant, moderately wide throughout length, apically upturned; tegumen slightly widened basally; dorsal strut of tegumen with arms convergent, medially fused from posteroventral margin, extending narrowly to base of uncus; costa of valva nearly straight from a shallow depression beyond basal, digitate process to dorsal furca; apex widely bifurcate, each furca large, about equal in size, parallel; sacculus twisted apically, constricting valva near midlength, widening distoventrally, forming an elongate and broadly rounded cucullus; cucullus membranous and setose; vesica of aedeagus with several stout, conical and spinelike cornuti, and bearing an elongate, apical cornutus; cornutus with one side shortened near midlength, exposing a hollow, basal cavity.

Female Genitalia: Unknown.

Holotype, ɗ, “Sector Cerro Cocori, F[in]ca de E. Rojas, 150 m, Prov[incia] Limón, COSTA RICA, Oct. 1991, E. Rojas, L­N­286000, 567500”, “INBio: COSTA RICA: CRI001, 399570” [bar code label], “INBio, ɗ Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, No. 710” [yellow label].

Paratypes (35 ɗ): 3 ɗ, Same label data as holotype except, “Nov.”, “CRI000, 501469”, “Slide No. 689”; “CRI000, 364130”, “Slide No. 698”; “Mar.”, “CRI000, 363645”, “Slide No. 711”; 1 ɗ, “Est. Magsasay, P. N. Braulio Carrillo, 200 m, Prov. Here., COSTA RICA, A. Fernandez, Oct. 1990, L­N­264600, 531100”, “ PARATYPE, Glyphidocera guaroa, Adamski ”, “Slide No. 1071”; 31 ɗ, “ COSTA RICA, Heredia, Est. Biol. La Selva, 50–150 m, 10°26'N, 84°01'W, Mar. 1996, INBio­OET”, “ 11 Marzo 1996 ”, “L/05/183, Arboleda”, “CRI002, 057874”, “Slide No. 889”; “L/00/181, STR 2050 m ”, “CRI001, 250749 ”, “Slide No. 921”; “L/00/180, STR 1850 m ”, “CRI001, 250765 ”; “CRI001, 250756 ”; “ 4 Marzo, L/ 00/173, CES 600 m ”, “CRI002, 057034”; “ 6 Marzo, L/00/179, CCC 650 m ”, “CRI002, 057669”; “ 19 Marzo, L/00/191”, “CRI002, 058453”; “L/00/189, CES 300 m ”, “CRI001, 257462”; “CRI001, 257458”; “CRI001, 257460”; “L/00/191, CCC 650 m ”, “CRI002, 058493”; “ 21 Marzo, L/00/194, SOR 500 m ”, “CRI001, 257215”; “ 8 Abril 1996, L/00/ 207, STR 2550 m ”, “CRI002, 059842”, “Slide No. 870”; “CRI002, 059773”; “CRI002, 059776”; “CRI002, 059814”; “ 22 Abril, L/00/221, CES 200 m ”, “CRI002, 061218 ”, “L/ 00/223, SOR 700 m ”, “CRI 060894 ”; “ 24 Abril, L/00/ 227, STR 500 m ”, “CRI002, 060584 ”; “ 9 Feb., L/00/134, SSO 80 m ”, “CRI001, 251187 ”; “ 8 Ene. 1993, Arboleda, L0001”, “CRI001, 218973”, “Slide No. 900”; “ 13 Abril, Bosque primario, L/02/026”, “CRI 231201 ”; “ 14 Junio, L/01/040”, “CRI001, 228275”; “ 17 Octubre, L/01/076”, “CRI001, 239933”; “ 11 Noviembre, L/03/081”, “CRI001, 236964”; “ 10 Febrero 1994, Bosque secundario, L/03/097”, “CRI001, 259619”; “CRI001, 259614”; “CRI001, 259623”; “ 1 Julio 1994, L/00/111”, “CRI001, 262196”; “ 4 Julio, Bosque primario, L/02/ 117”, “CRI001, 244461”; “ 28 Feb. 1996, L/00/169, STR 375 m ”, “CRI001, 250676 ”, (25 in INBio, 10 in USNM).

Distribution ( Map 36 View MAP 36 ): Glyphidocera formae is known from three collecting sites in north­central Costa Rica, north of the Cordillera Central.

Etymology: The species epithet formae is derived from the Latin word for beauty ­ forma.















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