Mizotrechus jefe, Erwin, 2011

Erwin, Terry L., 2011, Rainforest understory beetles of the Neotropics, Mizotrechus Bates 1872, a generic synopsis with descriptions of new species from Central America and northern South America (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Perigonini), ZooKeys 145, pp. 79-128 : 96-97

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scientific name

Mizotrechus jefe

sp. n.

Jefe trough beetle Mizotrechus jefe View in CoL sp. n. Figs 12 View Plate 3 33 View Plate 9 39 View Figure 39


PANAMÁ, Panamá Province, Cerro Jefe, 700-750 m, 9.2311°N, 79.3496°W, 20 May 1972 (RT Allen)(NMNH: ADP011173, female).

Derivation of specific epithet.

The epithet “jefe” is a place name, based on the area where the type specimen was collected.

Proposed English vernacular name.

Jefe trough beetle.


With the attributes of the genus as described above and moderately small sized for the genus as it is presently understood; adults have castaneous integument, except anterior parts of mandible, baso-lateral corner of labrum, and clypeal suture piceous. Frons with rugae nearly effaced, punctulate. Occiput punctulate. Pronotum narrowly cordiform with lateral margins shallowly emarginated; base rugulose. Elytra narrow and short, slightly wider than the width of pronotum across anterior third, and with 8 well-impressed interneurs; margins behind humeri moderately serrulate. Foreleg femur with slightly produced ridge on postero-ventral margin.


( Fig. 12 View Plate 3 ). Size: See Appendix 1. Moderately small for genus, ABL = 6.6 mm, SBL = 5.84 mm, TW = 2.27 mm. Color: see diagnosis, above. Luster: Head, pronotum and legs shiny; elytra shiny yet with evident isodiametric microsculpture. Head: Labrum quadrate and medio- apically slightly emarginate. Eye moderately large, moderately convex. Gena moderately long, straight. Frons, occiput, and gena glabrous. Prothorax: Moderately narrow, narrowed slightly toward base, margin narrowly explanate throughout, hind angle about right, not dentate; surface punctulate, punctures widespread, glabrous. Pterothorax: Elytron slightly convex, disk flat, intervals flat, interneurs striate, not punctate, apex moderately oblique and straight, sutural apex narrowly rounded. Metasternum sparsely setiferous in female. Legs: Normal in female; foreleg femur (as in Fig. 21 View Plate 6 ) with slightly produced, short, slightly arcuate ridge on postero-ventral margin at basal forth, not dentate; trochanter narrowly rounded. Abdomen: Abdominal sterna moderately setiferous; sternum IV of female with median patch of setae that is more dense than elsewhere. Male genitalia: Unknown. Female genitalia: Not investigated; however, it is likely similar to that illustrated on Plate 11 View Plate 11 .

Dispersal potential.

These beetles are macropterous and capable of flight. They are moderately swift and agile runners.

Way of life.

The adult holotype was collected along a road in the cloud forest understory. Adults are active in May, during the rainy season.

Other specimens examined. None.

Geographic distribution.

( Fig. 39 View Figure 39 ). This species is currently known only from the type locality in the midlands of Panamá.













