Cosmorrhyncha ocelliferana (Walker)

Brown, John W., Razowski, Józef & Timm, Alicia E., 2020, Revision of New World Cosmorrhyncha Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), with descriptions of five new species, Insecta Mundi 753, pp. 1-21 : 10-11

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Felipe (2020-03-10 14:28:03, last updated 2024-11-28 00:49:04)

scientific name

Cosmorrhyncha ocelliferana (Walker)


Cosmorrhyncha ocelliferana (Walker) View in CoL

Fig. 7 View Figures 6–13 , 15 View Figures 14–21 , 23 View Figures 22–26

Carpocapsa ocelliferana Walker 1863: 408 View in CoL .

Cosmorrhyncha ocelliferana: Powell et al. 1995: 156 View in CoL ; Brown 2005: 218.

Diagnosis. Because the lectotype lacks its abdomen, it is impossible to unequivocally associate other specimens with C. ocelliferana . Under this species name we include a large number of specimens from Brazil, Paraguay, and Venezuela that lack the distinctive white costal strigulae characteristic of C. albistrigulana and C. osana , and share similar male and female genitalia. The male genitalia are characterized by a more-or-less rounded outer margin of the valva and a flattened, finlike, hooked flange from the dorso-distal tip of the phallus. The female genitalia are characterized by a distinctly V-shaped posterior margin of sternum 7, similar to that of C. macrospina and C. tonsana .

In the lectotype, the bend in the distal 0.4 of the costa of the forewing is at a greater angle than in other specimens associated with the name; however, this feature appears to be somewhat variable among individuals throughout its geographic range. For example, in a pair of specimens from Cacaulandia, Rondônia, Brazil, collected on the same date (Becker no. 80239), one has a distinctly angled costa of the forewing as in the lectotype of C. ocelliferana ( Fig. 7 View Figures 6–13 ), whereas the other has a more evenly rounded costa. Figure 7 View Figures 6–13 , an image of the lectotype, NHMUK, is considerably darker brown than other images, but this is partially an artifact of lighting.

In the male genitalia of the specimens examined, there is subtle variation in the shape of the valva and in the number of spines along the sacculus, the latter often variable from the left to the right valva of the same specimen. In the female genitalia, the shape of the signum is somewhat variable, as well. Hence, it is likely that the specimens examined represent a species complex rather than a single species, and the trees ( Fig. 1–3 View Figures 1–3 ) also suggests this, although based on short sequences. In specimens from Brazil the signum may have a pair of long slender spines ( Fig. 23 View Figures 22–26 ) or a more typical spindle-shaped signum subtended by a small pair of short slender spines; rarely there is only a spindle-shaped signum (e.g., in specimens from Paraguay).

Redescription. Head. Reddish-brown to brown; labial palpus reddish brown, dorsum of second segment with bluish-black, narrow, longitudinal stripe; third segment mostly bluish black, slightly metallic. Thorax. Nota reddish-brown to brown. Forewing ( Fig. 7 View Figures 6–13 ) length 6.0–7.0 mm (n = 6), pale reddish-brown with faint refractive pale-blue striations and scale patches, a small rounded, upraised patch of silverwhite scales near distal end of discal cell, surrounded by small dark-brown circular patch; costa reflexed downward at approximately 0.6 length from base to apex; distal 0.2 of costa faint orange with few black strigulae; median part of the costa weakly tinged with orange; two pale-cream spots at mid-costa; costa without well-defined areas of dense silver-white striae. Fringe pale-orange tinged with brown, black at apex. Hindwing brown; male with long, well defined anal roll. Fringe brown, paler in the anal area. Abdomen. Male genitalia ( Fig. 15 View Figures 14–21 ) with uncus short, stout, apically bifid, with dense cluster of long spines on each bifurcation; tegumen with rounded dorsal half; socius digitate, slightly broader basally, pendant, finely hairy; valva mostly parallel-sided in basal 0.5, upturned, attenuate, densely spined in distal 0.5; cucullus with a few strong setae along ventral edge in basal half, one basal and one subbasal setae conspicuously larger; patch of long, slender, hairlike setae at venter immediately basad of cucullus; a distinct triangular subbasal process of valva bearing a single spine; juxta shield-shaped; phallus short stout, vesica lacking cornuti. Female genitalia ( Fig. 23 View Figures 22–26 ) with papillae anales unmodified; sterigma mostly membranous with a strongly sclerotized, mesal, suborbicular plate and a pair of narrow lateral flanges postero-laterally; antrum long, spindle-shaped, occupying posterior 0.33 of ductus bursae; ductus bursae relatively narrow, membranous beyond antrum, gradually broadening to corpus bursae without distinct junction; corpus bursae irregularly pear-shaped, weakly and evenly punctuate throughout; signum variable with one or two spindle-shaped blades from an irregularly rounded, sclerotized patch; ventro-posterior margin of segment 7 with deep V-shaped excavation mesally, resulting in a pair of rounded, sublateral lobes.

Types. Lectotype ♂ (abdomen missing), Brazil, Amazonas , Ega ( NHMUK).

Additional specimens. BRAZIL: Ceara: [no further locality], Aug 1884 (1♀), Leech, USNM slide 72,364 ( USNM). Distrito Federal: Planaltina, 1000 m, 15 Mar 1985 (1♂), V. Becker, Becker No. 57384

( USNM). Maranhão: Acailandia , 150 m, 19–27 Nov 1990, (1♀), V. Becker and G. Dubois, Becker No. 77692 ( USNM). Mato Grosso: Chapada dos Guimaraes , 26 Oct 1993 (2♀), V. Becker, Becker No. 89332, USNM slides 126,290, 126,374 ( USNM). Minas Gerais: Unai , 700 m, 3 Nov 1983 (4♂), V. O. Becker, col- lection no. 49881 ( USNM), USNM slides 124,795, 126,235. Pará: Belém , 20 m, Jan 1984 (2♂), V. Becker, Becker No. 47165 ( USNM). Rondônia: Cacaulandia , 140 m, Nov 1991 (1♂, 1♀), V. Becker, Becker No. 80239, USNM slides 124,821, 126,285 ( USNM). Santa Catarina: Nova Teutonia , 300–500 m, 27°11′S, 52°23′W, Nov 1961 (1♀), F. Plaumann, USNM slide 124,784 ( USNM). GoogleMaps PARAGUAY: Parque Nacional Ybycui , 15–18 Mar 1986 (5♂, 9♀), M. Pogue and M. Solis ( USNM). VENEZUELA: Barin: Barinitas , 22–26 Feb 1969 (2♀), Duckworth and Dietz, USNM slide 126,234 ( USNM). Aragua: Rancho Grande , 8–14 Jul 1967 (4♂), R. W. Poole ( USNM).

Distribution and biology. We record this species throughout much of Brazil, south to Paraguay, and northwest to Venezuela, from approximately 100 to 1000 m elevation. A specimen in the NHMUK from Peru may or may not be conspecific with C. ocelliferana . Nothing is known of the early stages. Captures throughout the year suggest that the species may have continuous generations.

Brown, J. W. 2005. World catalogue of insects. Volume 5: Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). Apollo Books; Stenstrup. 741 p.

Powell, J. A., J. Razowski, and R. L. Brown. 1995. Tortricidae: Olethreutinae. p. 151 - 157. In: J. B. Heppner, J. B. (ed.). Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera, checklist part II: Hyblaeoidea-Pyraloidea- Tortricoidea. Association for Tropical Lepidoptera, Scientific Publishers; Gainesville, FL. 243 p.

Walker, F. 1863. List of specimens of lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, part. 28, Tortricites and Tineites: 287 - 561. London.

Gallery Image

Figures 6–13. Adults of Cosmorrhyncha. 6) C. tonsana from Costa Rica. 7) C. ocelliferana from Brazil (image of lectotype from NHMUK). 8) C. landryi from French Guiana. 9) C. parintina from Brazil. 10) C. macrospina female from Brazil. 11) C. macrospina male from Brazil (apex of right forewing damaged). 12) C. albistrigulana from Brazil. 13) C. osana from Costa Rica.

Gallery Image

Figures 14–21. Male genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 14) C. tonsana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,813. 15) C. ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,821. 16) C. landryi from French Guiana, USNM slide 126,233. 17) C. parintina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,237. 18) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 124,792. 19) C. albistrigulana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,923. 20) C. albistrigulana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,818. 21) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,211.

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Figures 22–26. Female genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 22) C. tonsana from Brazil, USNM slide 145,538.23) C.ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,775. 24) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,236. 25) C. albistrigulana from Guatemala, USNM slide 124,801. 26) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,202.

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Figures 1–3. Neighbor-joining trees. 1) Tree based on all available sequences of Cosmorrhyncha (n = 28), regardless of sequence length. 2) Tree based on sequences excluding the the 200bp segment that could not be amplified for several specimens of Cosmorrhyncha (n = 24). 3) Tree based on all sequences longer than 500bp (n = 23). [Bootstrap values ≥70 shown at nodes; BOLD process IDs or GenBank accession numbers next to species names.]




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