Cosmorrhyncha albistrigulana Brown and Razowski, 2020

Brown, John W., Razowski, Józef & Timm, Alicia E., 2020, Revision of New World Cosmorrhyncha Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), with descriptions of five new species, Insecta Mundi 753, pp. 1-21 : 13-14

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Felipe (2020-03-10 14:28:03, last updated 2024-11-28 00:49:04)

scientific name

Cosmorrhyncha albistrigulana Brown and Razowski

sp. nov.

Cosmorrhyncha albistrigulana Brown and Razowski , sp. n.

Fig. 5 View Figures 4–5 , 12 View Figures 6–13 , 19, 20 View Figures 14–21 , 25 View Figures 22–26 , 28 View Figures 27–30

Diagnosis. Superficially, C. albistrigulana is nearly indistinguishable from C. osana ; both have conspicuous white costal strigulae on the forewing. In the male genitalia of C. albistrigulana the cucullus is much shorter and somewhat rhomboidal with a flattened outer margin compared to the longer, evenly curved outer margin of the cucullus of C. osana . The female genitalia of C. albistrigulana and C. osana are extremely similar, with a rectangular or U-shaped posterior margin of sternum 7.

Description. Head. Vertex pale brown; frons lighter, with some orange; labial palpus ( Fig. 5 View Figures 4–5 ) pale brown with narrow, longitudinal metallic blue stripe dorsally and slightly subdorsally along outer margin, bordered on each side by a narrow line of orange scales; third segment black; pedicel of antenna with subcircular patch of dark-brown scales. Thorax. Nota pale brown dorsally, with scales cream-tipped. Forewing ( Fig. 12 View Figures 6–13 ) length 5.5–7.0 mm in male (n = 10), 6.0–7.0 mm in female (n = 5); costa slightly and evenly arched throughout; ground color pale reddish brown with cream olive hue; distal portion of costa and postapical portion of termen with narrow orange line; costal strigulae numerous, especially in basal 0.7, cream to white, divisions olive grey and pale orange; a slightly raised, roundish patch of silver opalescent scales near apex of discal cell, surrounded by small patch of black scales; similar patch near costa approximately 0.3 distance from base to apex, more elongate than rounded, less defined. Fringe pale reddish brown. Hindwing pale brown, paler in marginal region. Fringe pale-gray to cream. Abdomen. Brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 19, 20 View Figures 14–21 ) with uncus rounded-bifurcate apically, with cluster of long setae on each bifurcation; socii with fine hairs, broadest at base, digitate in distal 0.8, angled in basal 0.1; valva slightly broader basally, somewhat parallel-sided, without neck; costa with small, slightly hairy, triangular subbasal process without spine(s); weakly elevated lobe with a pair of large, stout setae beyond subbasal process; a pair of long, slender setae near outer edge of basal cavity; cucullus short, rhomboidal, occupying distal 0.40–0.45 of valva differentiated by slightly elevated ridge along basal edge, with small lobelike expansion bearing a single long seta near middle; ventral edge of cucullus mostly evenly rounded to apex, except for small, weakly concave region subapically; a few spines along outer edge; phallus short, broad, with slightly undulate dorsum bearing a few weak serrations in apical 0.25; vesica with a single small, socketed cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 25 View Figures 22–26 ) with papillae anales unmodified; sterigma large, weakly sclerotized throughout, ostium bursae flanked subterminally by large, posteriorly expanded lobes, notched postero-medially; antrum urn-shaped, broadest posteriorly, tapering proximally; ductus bursae narrow, straight in posterior 0.5, with slightly expanded portion ~0.6 distance from ostium to junction with corpus bursae, infrequently coiled one-half revolution (possibly as the result of mating), slightly broadened in anterior 0.33, with junction between ductus bursae and corpus bursae less defined; corpus bursae ovoid, finely punctate throughout, signum with single, large, spindle-shaped blade; posterior margin of segment 7 with deep U-shaped excavation with sclerotized edges.

Types. Holotype ♂, Costa Rica , Heredia, Estación Biologia La Selva, 50–150 m, 10°26′N, 84°01′W, 2 Dec 1998, MNCR-OET, USNM slide 124,923 ( MNCR) GoogleMaps . Paratypes (21♂, 38♀). BRAZIL: Maranhão: Açailândia, 150 m, 19–27 Nov 1990 (1♂), V. O. Becker and G. S. Dubois, col 77692, USNM slide 124,818 ( USNM). Rondônia: Cacaulandia , 140 m, Nov 1994 (1♀), Col. Becker 96273, USNM slide 124,796, Nov 1991 (1♀), Col. Becker 80239. Porto Velho, 180 m, 12 May 1989 (3♀), Col. Becker 76348, USNM slide 124,409 . COSTA RICA: Alajuela: Finca San Gabriel, 2 km SW Dos Rios, 600 m, May 1989 (1♀), GNP Biodiv. Survey ( MNCR). GoogleMaps ACG, Sector Rincon Rain Forest, Conguera , 420 m, 10.91589, –85.26631, 19 Feb 2012, P. Calderon, em: 29 Feb 2012 (2♂), em: 2 Mar 2012 (1♀), em: 3 Mar 2012 (2♂, 3♀), em: 4 Mar 2012 (2♂), em: 6 Mar 2012 (1♂), em: 14 Mar 2012 (1♀), r.f. Dialium guianense , 12-SRNP-40588, 12-SRNP-40603, 12-SRNP-40578, 12-SRNP-40573, 12-SRNP-40595, 12-SRNP-40602, 12-SRNP-40575, 12-SRNP-40597, 12-SRNP-40604, 12-SRNP-40596, 12-SRNP-40607, 12-SRNP-40586 ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 25 Feb 2012, A. Cordoba, em: 7 Mar 2012 (2♀), r.f. Dialium guianense , em: 8 Mar 2012 (2♀), em: 9 Mar 2012 (1♂), em: 11 Mar 2012 (1♀), em: 12 Mar 2012 (1♂), r.f. Dialium guianense , 12-SRNP-40785, 12-SRNP-40800, 12-SRNP-40787, 12-SRNP-40794, 12-SRNP-40777, 12-SRNP-40796, 12-SRNP-40768 ( USNM). GoogleMaps ACG, Sector Rincon Rain Forest, Sendero Pila, 157 m, 10.93038, –85.25682, 18 Feb 2012, C. Umaña, em: 29 Feb 2012 (2♂, 4♀), em: 2 Mar 2012 (4♂, 4♀), r.f. Dialium guianense , 12-SRNP-75468, 12-SRNP-75463, 12-SRNP-75485, 12-SRNP-75479, 12-SRNP-75493, 12-SRNP-75459, 12-SRNP-75461, 12-SRNP-75478, 12-SRNP-75478, 12-SRNP-75487, 12-SRNP-75491, 12-SRNP-40778, 12-SRNP-75474 ( USNM). GoogleMaps ACG, Sector Rincon Rain Forest , Palomo , 96 m, 10.96187, –85.28045, 26 Feb 2012, K. Aragón, em: 7 Mar 2012 (3♀), em: 8 Mar 2012 (3♂, 2♀), em: 9 Mar 2012 (2♀), r.f. Dialium guianense , 12-SRNP-67351, 12-SRNP-67356, 12-SRNP- 67358, 12-SRNP-67365, 12-SRNP-67360, 12-SRNP-67352, 12-SRNP-67355, 12-SRNP-67367, 12-SRNP- 67366, 12-SRNP-67357 GoogleMaps ; same locality, 5 Mar 2012, K. Aragón, em: 6 Mar 2012, (1♀), em: 16 Mar 2012 (1♂), 12-SRNP-67354, 12-SRNP-67394 ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; same locality, 25 Feb 2014, K. Aragón, em: 10 Mar 2014 (1♀), em: 3 Mar 2014 (1♀), r.f. Dialium guianense , 14-SRNP-45426, 14-SRNP-45423 ( USNM). GoogleMaps Heredia: Estación Biologia La Selva, 50–150 m, 10°26′N, 84°01′W, 4 Nov 1998 (1♀), MNCR-OET ( MNCR). GoogleMaps GUATE- MALA: Cayuga, W. Schaus [no date] (1♀), May (1♀), April (3♀) ( USNM) GoogleMaps . USA: Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, [intercepted on] “steamer” [other data illegible] from Guatemala (1♂) ( USNM) .

Distribution and biology. Cosmorrhyncha albistrigulana is known from Guatemala, Costa Rica (provinces of Alajuela, Heredia), and Brazil (states of Maranhão and Rondônia), below 600 m elevation. It has been reared numerous times in Costa Rica from field-collected larvae on Dialium guianense (Fabaceae) .

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the bright white costal strigulae of the forewing.

Remarks. This is another putatively widespread species that may represent more than a single entity. Although there is little doubt that specimens from Central America are conspecific, those from Brazil may not be. For example, in the male genitalia of specimens from Central America, the base of the large spine near the middle of the lower margin of the cucullus is sometimes contiguous with the margin of the cucullus ( Fig. 19 View Figures 14–21 ), whereas in specimens from Brazil, the base of the spine is slightly separated from the lower margin of the cucullus ( Fig. 20 View Figures 14–21 ). However, this may be, in part, an artifact of slide mounting, because in the NJ trees ( Fig. 1–3 View Figures 1–3 ), specimens from Brazil cluster convincingly with those from Costa Rica.

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Figures 4–5. Head of Cosmorrhyncha species. 4) Head of C. tonsana. 5) Head of C. albistrigulana.

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Figures 6–13. Adults of Cosmorrhyncha. 6) C. tonsana from Costa Rica. 7) C. ocelliferana from Brazil (image of lectotype from NHMUK). 8) C. landryi from French Guiana. 9) C. parintina from Brazil. 10) C. macrospina female from Brazil. 11) C. macrospina male from Brazil (apex of right forewing damaged). 12) C. albistrigulana from Brazil. 13) C. osana from Costa Rica.

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Figures 14–21. Male genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 14) C. tonsana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,813. 15) C. ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,821. 16) C. landryi from French Guiana, USNM slide 126,233. 17) C. parintina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,237. 18) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 124,792. 19) C. albistrigulana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,923. 20) C. albistrigulana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,818. 21) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,211.

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Figures 22–26. Female genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 22) C. tonsana from Brazil, USNM slide 145,538.23) C.ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,775. 24) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,236. 25) C. albistrigulana from Guatemala, USNM slide 124,801. 26) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,202.

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Figures 27–30. Early stages of Cosmorrhyncha in Costa Rica. 27) Rolled leaf shelter of C. tonsana. 28) Larva of C. albistrigulana emerging to feed from leaf roll. 29) Last instar larva of C. tonsana. 30) Pupa of C. tonsana.

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Figures 1–3. Neighbor-joining trees. 1) Tree based on all available sequences of Cosmorrhyncha (n = 28), regardless of sequence length. 2) Tree based on sequences excluding the the 200bp segment that could not be amplified for several specimens of Cosmorrhyncha (n = 24). 3) Tree based on all sequences longer than 500bp (n = 23). [Bootstrap values ≥70 shown at nodes; BOLD process IDs or GenBank accession numbers next to species names.]


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


Costa Rica, San Jose, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













