Cosmorrhyncha osana Brown and Razowski, 2020

Brown, John W., Razowski, Józef & Timm, Alicia E., 2020, Revision of New World Cosmorrhyncha Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), with descriptions of five new species, Insecta Mundi 753, pp. 1-21 : 14-15

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Felipe (2020-03-10 14:28:03, last updated 2020-03-10 22:34:22)

scientific name

Cosmorrhyncha osana Brown and Razowski

new species

Cosmorrhyncha osana Brown and Razowski , new species

Fig. 13 View Figures 6–13 , 21 View Figures 14–21 , 26 View Figures 22–26

Diagnosis. Superficially, C. osana is indistinguishable from C. albistrigulana . The male genitalia of C. osana share with those of C. albistrigulana a similarly small, unarmed subbasal process and a pair of stout spines from costa of valva beyond the subbasal process. The male genitalia of C. osana can be distinguished from those of C. albistrigulana by the longer, more evenly rounded outer margin of the cucullus and a small lobed expansion at the basal edge of the cucullus that bears a long spine. The female genitalia cannot be distinguished from those of C. albistrigulana , the two species sharing a U-shaped posterior margin of sternum 7.

Description. Head. Vertex pale brown; frons lighter, with some orange; labial palpus pale brown with narrow, longitudinal metallic-blue stripe dorsally and slightly subdorsally along outer margin, bordered on each side by a narrow line of orange scales; third segment black; pedicel of antenna with subcircular patch of dark-brown scales. Thorax. Nota brown dorsally, with scales cream-tipped. Forewing ( Fig. 13 View Figures 6–13 ) length 5.5–6.5 mm (n = 4) in males, 6.0–7.0 mm in females (n = 5); costa slightly and evenly arched throughout; ground color pale reddish brown with cream olive hue, suffusion in terminal area pale olivegrey; distal portion of costa and postapical portion of termen with narrow orange line; costal strigulae numerous, especially in basal 0.7, cream to white, divisions olive grey and pale orange; a slightly raised, roundish patch of silver opalescent scales near apex of discal cell, surrounded by small patch of black scales; similar patch near costa approximately 0.3 distance from base to apex, more elongate than rounded, less defined. Fringe cream. Hindwing pale brown. Fringe pale gray to cream. Abdomen. Brown. Male genitalia ( Fig. 21 View Figures 14–21 ) mostly symmetrical, with uncus short, stout, rounded-bifurcate apically, with cluster of long setae on each bifurcation; socii hairy, broadest at base, digitate in distal 0.8, angled in basal 0.1; valva slightly broader basally, somewhat parallel-sided without neck; costa with small, slightly hairy, triangular process at base; weakly elevated lobe with a pair of short, stout setae subbasally; a pair of long, slender setae near outer edge of basal cavity; cucullus occupying distal 0.40–0.45 of valva differentiated by slightly elevated ridge along basal margin, with small lobelike expansion bearing a single long seta near middle; ventral edge of cucullus mostly evenly rounded to apex, except for small, weakly concave region subapically; a few spines along outer edge; phallus short, broad, with slightly undulate dorsum bearing a few weak serrations in apical 0.25; vesica with a single small, socketed cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26 View Figures 22–26 ) with papillae anales unmodified; sterigma large, weakly sclerotized, ostium bursae bordered subterminally by large, posteriorly expanding lobes; posterior part of antrum broad, urn-shaped, tapering proximally; ductus bursae membranous beyond antrum, slender, straight in posterior 0.5, then slightly expanded, half-coiled, with longitudinal wrinkles ~0.6 distance between ostium and junction with corpus bursae; corpus bursae irregularly rounded, signum with single, relatively short, spindle-shaped proximal blade from a narrow sclerotized patch.

Types. Holotype ♂, Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Bosque Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa , 200 m, M. Segura ( MNCR) . Paratypes (3♂, 5♀). COSTA RICA: Puntarenas: Bosque Esquinas, Peninsula de Osa , 200 m, Mar 1994 (1♂, 1♀), M. Segura ( MNCR). Golfito, Parque Naciónal Piedras Blancas , Estación El Bonito, 100 m, Jan-Feb 2002 (1♀), M. Moraga ( MNCR). Rancho Quemado, Peninsula de Osa , 200 m, Oct 1991 (2♂, 2♀), F. Quesada ( MNCR). Fila Draque, Peninsula de Osa , 5 Apr 1992 (1♀), F. Quesada ( MNCR).

Distribution and biology. Cosmorrhyncha osana is known only from the Osa Peninsula in southwestern Costa Rica, at elevations below 200 m.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality of the Osa Peninsula.

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Figures 6–13. Adults of Cosmorrhyncha. 6) C. tonsana from Costa Rica. 7) C. ocelliferana from Brazil (image of lectotype from NHMUK). 8) C. landryi from French Guiana. 9) C. parintina from Brazil. 10) C. macrospina female from Brazil. 11) C. macrospina male from Brazil (apex of right forewing damaged). 12) C. albistrigulana from Brazil. 13) C. osana from Costa Rica.

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Figures 14–21. Male genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 14) C. tonsana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,813. 15) C. ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,821. 16) C. landryi from French Guiana, USNM slide 126,233. 17) C. parintina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,237. 18) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 124,792. 19) C. albistrigulana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,923. 20) C. albistrigulana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,818. 21) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,211.

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Figures 22–26. Female genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 22) C. tonsana from Brazil, USNM slide 145,538.23) C.ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,775. 24) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,236. 25) C. albistrigulana from Guatemala, USNM slide 124,801. 26) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,202.


Costa Rica, San Jose, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica


Museo Nacional de Costa Rica