Cosmorrhyncha macrospina Brown and Razowski, 2020

Brown, John W., Razowski, Józef & Timm, Alicia E., 2020, Revision of New World Cosmorrhyncha Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), with descriptions of five new species, Insecta Mundi 753, pp. 1-21 : 12-13

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Felipe (2020-03-10 14:28:03, last updated 2024-11-28 00:49:04)

scientific name

Cosmorrhyncha macrospina Brown and Razowski

sp. nov.

Cosmorrhyncha macrospina Brown and Razowski , new species

Fig. 10, 11 View Figures 6–13 , 18 View Figures 14–21 , 24 View Figures 22–26

Diagnosis. Although superficially similar to C. albistrigulana and C. osana , the costal strigulae in C. macrospina are much less conspicuous ( Fig. 10, 11 View Figures 6–13 ). Cosmorrhyncha macrospina is most easily distinguished from those two species by several features of the male genitalia: the absence of the pair of stout spines in the subbasal portion of the costa; and the presence of an elongate, curved spine from the basal margin of the cucullus. Its female genitalia are similar to those of C. ocelliferana , but those of C. macrospina are distinguished by the broader plate-shaped lateral parts of the sterigma and the single, longer blade of the signum.

Description. Head. Vertex pale brown; frons lighter, with some orange; labial palpus pale brown with narrow, longitudinal metallic-blue strip dorsally and slightly subdorsally along outer margin, bordered on each side by a linear area of orange scales; third segment black; pedicel of antenna with subcircular area of dark-brown scales. Thorax. Nota pale brown dorsally, with scales cream-tipped; forewing ( Fig. 10, 11 View Figures 6–13 ) length 5.5–6.0 mm (n = 4); forewing ground color cream with distinct brownish-grey admixture and somewhat darker, dense striations and dots; costal strigulae weak, more or less concolorous with ground color, divisions rust in distal 0.33 of costa followed by four black stripes; a series of minute refractive dots along termen; black spot at distal end of discal cell with refractive scales in center. Fringe cream brown, rust orange in costal third. Hindwing pale brownish. Fringe cream. Abdomen. Male genitalia ( Fig. 18 View Figures 14–21 ) with uncus stout, rounded-bifurcate apically, with cluster of long setae on each bifurcation; socii with fine setae, broadest at base, digitate in distal 0.6; valva broadest basally, evenly attenuate distally throughout cucullus to a somewhat pointed apex, costa with small triangular process subbasally (probably representing a slight distal displacement of subbasal process); large curved spine from the basal margin of the cucullus ~0.66 distance from costa to sacculus; a long slender setae at lower margin of cucullus; phallus short, broad, with slightly undulate dorsum bearing a few weak serrations in apical 0.25; vesica with a single small, socketed cornutus. Female genitalia ( Fig. 24 View Figures 22–26 ) with papillae anales unmodified, narrowed anteriorly; apophyses relatively short, slender; posterior edge of sterigma straight, lateral parts slightly concave, proximal part weakly convex; ostium bursae bordered postmedially by elongate rounded, posterior convexities; antrum short, spindle-shaped; ductus bursae narrow, about 6 times as long as wide, mostly membranous, slightly dilated ~0.6 distance from ostium to junction with corpus bursae, with junction with corpus bursae distinct; corpus bursae rounded, signum with single, long, median, spindle-shaped blade; posterior margin of sternum 7 deeply V-shaped, resulting in a pair of rounded sublateral lobes.

Types. Holotype, ♂, Brazil, Rondônia, Cacaulandia , 140 m, Oct 1991, V. O. Becker, Col. Becker 80239; USNM slide 124,792 ( USNM) . Paratypes (1♂, 2♀). BRAZIL: Pará: Rio Trombetas , “9–19” [Sep 1919], Parish, USNM slide 72338 ( USNM). Rondônia: Cacaulandia , 140 m, Nov 1994 (1♀), Becker No. 96273, USNM slide 126,236 ( USNM). 62 km S Ariquemes Fazenda, Rancho Grande , 165 m, 10°32′S, 62°48′W, GoogleMaps

29 Oct–10 Nov 1991 (1♀), R. Leuschner, USNM slide 126,289 ( USNM).

Distribution and biology. This species is recorded from the states of Rondônia and Pará in northern Brazil. Nothing is known of the life history.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the long, curved spine at the inner base of the cucullus in the male genitalia.

Remarks. The genitalia of the two females designated as paratypes above have a V-shaped posterior margin of sternum 7, and are associated with males of C. macrospina by sequence data. Two other females from the type locality of C. macrospina have genitalia with a U-shaped posterior margin, indistinguishable from that of C. albistrigulana , and their barcodes align them with the latter species.

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Figures 6–13. Adults of Cosmorrhyncha. 6) C. tonsana from Costa Rica. 7) C. ocelliferana from Brazil (image of lectotype from NHMUK). 8) C. landryi from French Guiana. 9) C. parintina from Brazil. 10) C. macrospina female from Brazil. 11) C. macrospina male from Brazil (apex of right forewing damaged). 12) C. albistrigulana from Brazil. 13) C. osana from Costa Rica.

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Figures 14–21. Male genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 14) C. tonsana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,813. 15) C. ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,821. 16) C. landryi from French Guiana, USNM slide 126,233. 17) C. parintina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,237. 18) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 124,792. 19) C. albistrigulana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 124,923. 20) C. albistrigulana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,818. 21) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,211.

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Figures 22–26. Female genitalia of Cosmorrhyncha. 22) C. tonsana from Brazil, USNM slide 145,538.23) C.ocelliferana from Brazil, USNM slide 124,775. 24) C. macrospina from Brazil, USNM slide 126,236. 25) C. albistrigulana from Guatemala, USNM slide 124,801. 26) C. osana from Costa Rica, USNM slide 142,202.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


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