Domodon caxiuana Carvalho-Filho, Martins, Souza & Reemer, 2019

Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva, Martins, Marlúcia Bonifácio, Souza, Matheus Tavares De & Reemer, Menno, 2019, Revision of the Neotropical genus Domodon Reemer (Diptera: Syrphidae), with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4648 (3), pp. 523-536 : 525-527

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Plazi (2019-07-31 09:07:55, last updated 2019-07-31 09:07:56)

scientific name

Domodon caxiuana Carvalho-Filho, Martins, Souza & Reemer

sp. nov.

Domodon caxiuana Carvalho-Filho, Martins, Souza & Reemer sp. nov.

Figs 1–7, 20, 24, 28

Type material. HOLOTYPE: male, deposited at the MPEG, and labelled: BRASIL [= Brazil], Melgaço, PA [= state of Pará] / ECFPn [= Ferreira Penna Scientific Station]- Flona Caxiuanã [= National Forest of Caxiuanã] / Trilha do Esecaflor [= Esecaflor trail] / 17.III.2017 / F.S. Carvalho Filho [= collector].

PARATYPES. BRAZIL: 1 ♂, Pará, Melgaço, ECFPn [= Ferreira Penna Scientific Station]- Caxiuanã , 04.X.2014, Arm. [= trap] Malaise, Trilha D [= trail D], leg. M.B. Martins. MPEG ; 1 ♂, Rondônia, 62 km SE Ari- quemes, 7–18.XI.1995, leg. W.J. hanson. LACM . ECUADOR: 1 ♂, Napo, Yasuni Res. Sta [= Research Station], 19–30.X. 1998, 250 m ., leg. W.J. Hanson. LACM. FRENCH GUIANA: 1 ♂, Montagnes Tortue , 04°15.007”N- 52°21.512”W, 2.I.2003, leg. V. Soon. RMNH ; 1 ♀, Kaw Mountains , 04°32.893”N-52°10.245”W, 27.XI.2002, leg. V. Soon. RMNH .

Comparative diagnosis. This species differs from both D. inaculeatus sp. nov. and D. sensibilis sp. nov. in the basoflagellomere being approximately as long as the scape (much longer than scape in the other two species). From D. peperpotensis it differs by the presence of a black median vitta on the face (entirely yellow in D. peperpotensis ). Domodon caxiuana sp. nov. is most similar to D. zodiacus , from which it differs by the colour pattern of the abdomen and the shape of the male genitalia. Tergite 2 of D. caxiuana sp. nov. is white with a median brown triangular macula ( Figs 1, 24). In D. zodiacus this tergite is white with a large lateral and a median brown macula ( Fig. 27). In D. caxiuana sp. nov. tergite 3 is predominately dark brown with an anterolateral white spot and the posterior margin has two laterodorsal glossiform dark brown spots ( Figs 1, 24). Tergite 3 of D. zodiacus is predominately pale yellow with a narrow median black vitta on anterior 2/3 and a large laterodorsal black spot of slightly less than 1/3 of tergal width ( Fig. 27).

Description (holotype). MALE. Body length: 2.8 mm. Head ( Figs 3–4). Dichoptic. Face occupying about 1/3 of total head width in frontal view, creamy white with brown median vitta of 1/3 of facial width, entirely yellow pilose; eye margins slightly converging at level of frons, with smallest distance approximately equal to three times width of antennal fossa. Gena black. Oral margin laterally produced, black. Antennal fossa about as wide as high. Frons black with metallic green shine, golden pilose. Vertex convexly produced, shining black, sparsely short pilose. Ocellar triangle not elevated, anterior angle about 100°. Occiput narrow, black, golden yellow pilose dorsally, white pilose ventrally. Eye bare. Antenna dark brown, antennal ratio approximately 4:1:4, basoflagellomere elongated with rounded apex, with small sensory pit located at 1/3 of basoflagellomere length from its base; arista slender, about 2/3 of length of basoflagellomere. Thorax. Mesoscutum black with faint metallic hues, black pilose, except for a narrow sutural and a wide prescutellar fascia of golden pile. Postpronotum blackish, yellow pilose. Postalar callus brown, yellow pilose. Scutellum with two apical calcars of 1/4 of length of scutellum, brown with faint metallic hues. Pleurae blackish brown. Anepisternum with anterior and posterior parts separated by clear sulcus; anterior part short black pilose, posterior part long yellow pilose, with bare area in between. Anterior anepimeron entirely pale yellow pilose. Katepisternum yellow pilose dorsally, bare ventrally. Katatergum with long black microtrichia. Anatergum short pale microtrichose. Other pleurites bare. Calypter and halter white. Wing ( Fig. 5): Hyaline, darkened on basal 2/3 and apical 1/3 of cell sc, median 1/3 of r 1, basal 2/3 of cell r 2+3, distal apex half of cell br, anterobasal half of r 4+5, and around the posterior appendix of cell r 4+5. Microtrichose, except bare on cell bc, basally on cell r 1 along vein Rs, on cell br except along the vena spuria and small apical area, on basal 2/3 of cell bm, and anterobasal 3/4 of cell cup. Legs: Anterior four legs pale brown, with vaguely defined darker and paler parts; femora black pilose except mid femur pale pilose posteriorly; tibiae pale pilose dorsally, black pilose ventrally; tarsi black pilose except apical tarsomere yellow pilose. Hind femur blackish with apical 1/3 yellow; black pilose anteriorly, pale pilose posteriorly. Hind tibia dark brown with pale apex; black pilose dorsally, pale pilose ventrally. Hind tarsus brown with apical tarsomere yellowish; black pilose, except apical tarsomere yellow pilose. Abdomen ( Figs 1, 24). Tergite 1 black; pale pilose. Tergite 2 predominantly white with triangular posteromedian black macula. Tergite 3 mainly black with a small laterodorsal white spot on anterior margin and a pair of glossiform laterodorsal white spots on posterior margin. Tergite 4 black except yellow along lateral and posterior margins; black pilose except yellow pilose on yellow parts. Sternite 1 black; bare. Other sternites white with a light brown spot close to lateral margin, sparsely pilose. Genitalia as in Fig. 20.

FEMALE ( Figs 6–7). As male, except for usual sexual dimorphism and following differences: tergite 5 black, black pilose, with pair of submedian vittae of white pile.

Etymology. The specific epithet caxiuana is a noun in apposition and refers to the type locality, the Caxiuanã National Forest, and means “village of snakes” in the Tupy language.

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL—Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia), Ecuador, and French Guiana ( Fig. 28).

Notes. The holotype was collected with a Malaise trap in an upland pristine tropical rainforest of the Ferreira Penna Scientific Station (1°44’13.67”S- 51°27’20.46”W) located in the Caxiuanã National Forest. The localities of the other specimens are in lowland of Amazonian rainforest.

Domodon caxiuana sp. nov. is very similar to D. zodiacus and the differences mentioned in the diagnosis could be perceived as intraspecific variation. However, the morphology of the male genitalia is consistent among the type material of D. caxiuana sp. nov. Moreover, there are no intermediate specimens in abdominal colouration between the studied specimens of D. caxiuana sp. nov. and the only known specimen of D. zodiacus . Because of this we prefer to consider both taxa as separate species.

The female specimen from Ecuador differs from the other specimens in the less extensive yellow markings on the tergites, which are almost absent on tergite 3. Otherwise, the specimen is very similar to the other known specimens.

The specimen of D. zodiacus recorded from the Brazilian Amazon by Miranda (2017) is here identified as D. caxiuana sp. nov., based on the pattern of abdominal colour visible in the photograph presented in that publication.

Miranda, G. F. G. (2017) Identification key for the genera of Syrphidae (Diptera) from the Brazilian Amazon and new taxon records. Acta Amazonica, 47, 53 - 62. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / 1809 - 4392201601022


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