Domodon inaculeatus Reemer, 2019

Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva, Martins, Marlúcia Bonifácio, Souza, Matheus Tavares De & Reemer, Menno, 2019, Revision of the Neotropical genus Domodon Reemer (Diptera: Syrphidae), with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4648 (3), pp. 523-536 : 527-528

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Plazi (2019-07-31 09:07:55, last updated 2024-11-27 09:24:32)

scientific name

Domodon inaculeatus Reemer

sp. nov.

Domodon inaculeatus Reemer sp. nov.

Figs 8–14 View FIGURES 8–14 , 28 View FIGURE 28

Type material. HOLOTYPE: female, deposited at the MNHN, and labelled: GUYANE FRANÇSE [= French Guiana] / St.- Jean du Maroni / Collection Le Moult // Muséum Paris / leg. E. Séuy 1919.

PARATYPE 1♀. BRAZIL. Label 1 (small, round, blue): “Ega”. Coll. BMNH. Note: Ega is an alternative (old) name for the present town of Tefé in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. The antennae and left wing of the paratype are missing .

Comparative diagnosis. Body length: female 8 – 8.5 mm. This species differs from all other known species of Domodon by its almost entirely yellowish brown body colouration ( Figs 9–14 View FIGURES 8–14 ), most notably the largely yellowish brown vertex ( Figs 12, 14 View FIGURES 8–14 ) and the entirely yellowish brown tergite 4 ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 8–14 ).

The colouration of this species, in combination with the long antennae and overall body shape, makes it look like certain Neotropical stingless bees ( Trigona Jurine and related genera). Therefore, D. inaculeatus sp. nov. can easily be mistaken for other microdontine stingless bee mimics, such as Stipomorpha Hull, 1945 and Hypselosyr- phus Hull, 1937 (see Reemer 2013). From those taxa, D. inaculeatus sp. nov. can be distinguished by the hind tibia, which is of normal width and normal pilosity, as opposed to the widened and/or long pilose hind tibiae of e.g. Stipomorpha and Hypselosyrphus . From Stipomorpha it also differs by the absence of a wide membranous part between sternites 2 and 3, and from Hypselosyrphus by the clearly widened dorsal part of the occiput (about as narrow as ventral part in Hypselosyrphus ).

Description (holotype). FEMALE. Body length: 8.5 mm. Head ( Figs 12–14 View FIGURES 8–14 ). Dichoptic. Face occupying about 1/3 of total head width in frontal view, yellow, entirely yellow pilose; eye margins slightly converging at level of frons, with smallest distance approximately four times the width of the antennal fossa. Gena yellow. Oral margin laterally weakly produced, yellow. Antennal fossa about as wide as high. Frons yellow, with narrow blackish brown mark laterad of the antennal fossa, yellow pilose. Vertex convexly produced, yellow, except blackish brown around ocelli and in posterolateral corners, sparsely black pilose. Ocellar triangle not elevated, anterior angle about 90°. Oc- ciput narrow ventrally (hardly visible in lateral view), widened dorsally, yellow, yellow pilose, except black pilose at level of vertex. Eye bare. Antenna pale brown, basoflagellomere dorsally distinctly paler, length ratio of scape:basoflagellomere approximately 1:2 (pedicel very short), basoflagellomere elongated with rounded apex, arista slender, about 3/5 of length of basoflagellomere. Thorax ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 8–14 ). Entirely yellowish brown. Mesoscutum black pilose, except for anterolateral patches of golden pile, a narrow sutural fascia and a wider prescutellar fascia of golden pile. Postpronotum and postalar callus golden yellow pilose. Scutellum with two apical calcars of 1/3 of length of scutellum, mixed black and golden yellow pilose. Anepisternum golden yellow pilose anteriorly and posteriorly, with small patch of black pile posterodorsally. Anterior anepimeron entirely golden yellow pilose. Katepisternum yellow pilose dorsally, bare ventrally. Katatergum with long yellow microtrichia. Anatergum short yellow microtrichose. Other pleurites bare. Calypter and halter yellow. Wing ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 8–14 ): Hyaline, slightly yellowish in anterior cells. Veins brownish, with most of cell c and apical 1/2 of cells sc, r 1 and r 2+3 yellowish. Microtrichose, except bare on basal 2/5 of cell c, basal 1/4 of cell r 1, all of cell br except microtrichose on vena spuria, basal 1/3 of cell bm, and anterobasal 1/4 of cell cup. Legs: Entirely yellowish brown. Golden yellow pilose, except hind coxa and trochanter black pilose, and ventral side of hind tarsus mixed black and yellow pilose. Abdomen ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 8–14 ). Entirely yellowish brown. Tergites black pilose, except golden yellow pilose on the following parts: lateral margins of tergite 1, anterolateral corners of tergite 2, lateral margins and submedian patches at posterior margin of tergite 3, lateral margins and long and wide submedian areas of tergite 4, lateral margins and narrow submedian areas of tergite 5. Differences in length, arrangement and colour of the pile create the impression of a pattern of vaguely delimited dark median and lateral maculae on the tergites. Sternite 1 bare, other sternites yellow pilose.

MALE. Unknown.

Etymology. The specific epithet inaculeatus translates as “without a sting”, which alludes to the resemblance of this species to certain stingless bees.

Distribution. NEOTROPICAL—Brazil (Amazonas), French Guiana ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 ).

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FIGURE 28. Distribution of Domodon species.Abbreviations: Br = Brazil; Cr = Costa Rica; Ec = Ecuador; Fg = French Guiana; Su = Suriname. D. caxiuana sp. nov. (black circle), D. inaculeatus sp. nov. (white circle), D. peperpotensis Reemer (white square). D. sensibilis sp. nov. (black square). D. zodiacus Reemer (black star).

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FIGURES 8–14. Domodon inaculeatus sp. nov. 8. Habitus of female holotype, dorsal view. 9. Habitus of female paratype, lateral view. 10. Habitus of holotype, dorsal view. 11. Thorax of holotype, dorsal view. 12. Head of holotype, frontal view. 13. Head of holotype, lateral view. 14. Head of holotype, dorsal view.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











