Carabus (Neoplectes) martviliensis mzekalae, Fominykh & Zamotajlov & Titarenko, 2019

Fominykh, D. D., Zamotajlov, A. S. & Titarenko, A. Yu., 2019, Description of a new subspecies of Carabus (Neoplectes) martviliensis Retezár et Djavelidze, 1992 from Central Georgia (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Russian Entomological Journal 28 (3), pp. 251-257 : 253-257

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.28.3.03

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Carabus (Neoplectes) martviliensis mzekalae

ssp. n.

Carabus (Neoplectes) martviliensis mzekalae View in CoL

Fominykh, Zamotajlov et Titarenko, ssp.n.

Figs 1–9 View Fig View Figs 2–9 , 18–19, 22–23 View Figs 18–25 , 26 View Fig –28.

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ ( ZISP), Georgia, Lechkhumi Mt. Range , left bank of river Tskhenistskali near Dzedzileti , 520 m, 14. V –15.VII.2018, D.Fominykh leg.; Paratypes: 2♂♂, 8♀♀ ( CFDD), same data as holotype ; 113♂♂, 139♀♀ ( MPSU, CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Imereti, left bank of river Tskhenistskali near Dzedzileti, 620 m, 16. V –13.VII.2019, D. Fominykh, A. Zubov, B. Dubinin & D. Safronov leg.; 16♂♂, 63♀♀ ( MPSU, CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Imereti, left bank of river Tskhenistskali near Dzedzileti, NW slopes of Mt. Gormagali , 770 m, 15. V –13.VII.2019, D. Fominykh, A. Zubov, B. Dubinin & D. Safronov leg.; 49♂♂, 143♀♀ ( MPSU, CFDD, CTAY, CZAM), Imereti, left bank of river Semi near Melouri, 475 m, 19. V –12.VII.2019, D. Fominykh, A. Zubov, B. Dubinin & D. Safronov leg.

COMPARATIVE MATERIAL. Carabus (Neoplectes) martviliensis martviliensis Retezár et Djavelidze, 1992: 18 ♂♂, 22♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY), Georgia, Samegrelo , 3.5 km of Meore-Balda between Abasha and Chachkheri rivers, SE slopes of Mt. Muchera , 1009 m, 15.IV–20. VI.2015, D. Fominykh & A. Zubov leg.; 1♂ ( CFDD), Samegrelo, Kinchkha-Perdi vic., right bank of river Okatse (=Satsikvilo), 816 m, 15.IV–20. VI.2015, D. Fominykh & A. Zubov leg.; 2♀♀ ( CFDD), Imereti, Satziskvilo vic., right bank of river Okatze , 1000 m, 19.IV–12. VI.2016, D. Fominykh leg.; 7♂♂, 10♀♀ ( CFDD), Imereti, Zeda Gordi vic, right bank of river Tskhenistskali , 1000 m, 15.IV–17. VI.2017, D. Fominykh leg.; 81♂♂, 106♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM, MPSU), Imereti, S slopes of Askhi plateau near Zeda-Gordi, NE slope of Mt. Gulkuna , 980 m, 20. V – 14.VII.2019, D. Fominykh & A. Zubov leg.; 11♂♂, 6♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM, MPSU), Samegrelo, Doberazeni vic., left bank of river Tekhuri , 500 m, 16.IV–31. V.2017, D. Fominykh leg.; 58♂♂, 84♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY), Samegrelo, left bank of river Shakvi, N slopes of Ofitsari Mt. Range , 1500 m, 29. V –17. VI.2017, D. Fominykh leg.; 90♂♂, 217♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY), Samegrelo, left bank of river Shakvi, N slopes of Ofitsari Mt. Range , 1900 m, 31. V – 17. VI.2017, D. Fominykh leg.; 165♂♂, 254♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY, CZAM, MPSU), Samegrelo, upper bank of river Shakvi, N slopes of Ofitsari Mt. Range , 1900 m, 2–21. VI.2018, D. Fominykh & B. Dubinin leg.; 32♂♂, 41♀♀ ( CFDD, CTAY), Samegrelo, N slopes of Mt. Ogedzh near Doberazeni, left bank of river Tekhuri , 600 m, 21. V –15.VII.2019, B. Dubinin & D. Safronov leg.

DESCRIPTION. Big sized subspecies ( Figs 2–9 View Figs 2–9 ).GBL = 38.0– 48.5 mm, males 38.0– 44.4 mm, females 39.9–48.5 mm, SBL = 36.8–45.0 mm in both sexes. Underside black, dorsum with metallic luster, both in males and females, violet, blue, less frequently goldish or green, in some individuals with clear iridescence, females somewhat less bright; head mostly black dorsally, sometimes with metallic luster basally; legs, antennae, palpi, and mandibles black. Head thick, somewhat inflated, surface with coarse rugosity, HL = 6.0– 7.5 mm in males, 6.5–8.5 mm in females, HW = 6.2– 10.8 mm in males, 7.0– 8.6 mm in females. Pronotum nearly parallel-sided, with coarse rugosity basally, this furrows becoming less pronounced at sides; PW = 6.4–11.8 mm in males, 9.8–13.8 mm in females, PB = 6.5–8.9 mm in males, 7.0– 9.9 mm in females, PL = 5.8–7.2 mm in males, 6.4–8.0 mm in females, PW/HW = 0.6–1.6 in both sexes, PW/PL = 0.9–1.8 in both sexes, PW/PB = 0.8–1.4 in both sexes; hind angles faintly protruding posteriorly. Legs moderately long. Elytra oblong-ovate, convex in males, somewhat flattened in females, with prominent sculpture in both sexes, EW/PW = 1.3–2.3 in both sexes; EL = 22.1–25.8 mm in males, 23.1–27.8 mm in females, EW = 13.1–16.6 mm in males, 14.8–17.5 mm in females, EL/EW = 1.5–1.7 in both sexes.

Aedeagus as in the other Neoplectes taxa, strongly inflat- ed medioapically and tapered just before apical lamella ( Figs 18–19, 22–23 View Figs 18–25 ); endophallus of the complicated shape, with several pronounced structures (lobes or projections).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND REMARKS.A new subspecies reliably differs from the nominotypical one in more ovate and less elongate body shape ( Figs 2–9 View Figs 2–9 vs. Figs 10–17 View Figs 10–17 ), hind angles of pronotum less protruding posteriorly. It is also easily distinguishable by dorsal range of colours in all known populations. The nominotypical subspecies possesses violet or lilac colour with characteristic olive tint, green or bronze colours are observed very rare, ratio of green or bronze to standard violet individuals is about 1 to 50–100 ones, according to our calculations, this proportion varying in different populations. A new subspecies usually possesses blue, greenish-blue, or dark violet colour, sometimes bronze

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or purely green individuals are also observed, though their ratio is about 1 to 50 too.

Apical lamella of aedeagus is more narrow and pointed in comparison with C. martviliensis martviliensis ( Figs 18–19, 22–23 View Figs 18–25 vs. 20–21, 24–25); endophallus with some minor differences in its general view too, it is less bent towards the tube of aedeagus, ventroapical lobe less developed.

Results of the discriminant analysis ( Fig. 26 View Fig ) showed consistent differences in distribution of the studied features of C. martviliensis mzekalae ssp.n. from the nominotypical subspecies in different localities.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. A new subspecies is known from Tskhaltubo environs on the left bank of river Tskhenistskali at 520–770 m ( Fig. 1 View Fig ). This river apparently divides ranges of two known C. martviliensis subspecies. Distribution range of C. martviliensis mzekalae ssp.n. spreads eastwards nearly up to Rioni valley, representative of different species-group of Neoplectes , C. szekelyi Retezar, 2011 , was found on the opposite bank. The northern limit of the range is still unclear, sympatry with different consubgener C. titarenkoi seems to be possible at Gormagali Mt. Mass, this assumption, however, requires confirmation. A new subspecies populates moist low mountain or cloud forests on karstic

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landforms, often with the very poor ground litter and dense underbrush of rhododendron ( Rhododendron ponticum) and blackberry ( Rubus fruticosus ) ( Figs 27 View Fig –28). The adults are active from the beginning of May until the mid of July. Following Carabus forms occur together with this subspecies: C. (Archiplectes) protensus Shaum, 1864 , C. (Tribax) fossiger Chaudoir, 1877 , C. (Sphodristocarabus) armeniacus Mannerheim, 1830 , and C. (Megodontus) septemcarinatus Motschulsky, 1840 .

ETYMOLOGY. The subspecific epithet refers to the Georgian name Mzekala (მზექალა), goddess of Sun, patroness of the wine-making, heroine of the Georgian epos.

Acknowledgements. The authors are very grateful to Mr. A. Zubov (Kishinev, Moldavia), Mr. B. Dubinin (Moscow, Russia), Mr. D. Safronov (Tula, Russia) for their assistance during the collecting trips to Georgia. We wish to acknowledge here also the unselfish help of Prof. K. Makarov (Moscow, Russia) in taking the photographs and preparing them for publication and help of M.Sc. E. Khomitskiy (Goryachiy Klyuch, Russia) in various technical procedures. Some aspects of the reported study were funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Administration of Krasnodar Territory, project number 19-44-230004.


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