Rubrius radulifer Simon, 1902

Duperre, Nadine & Harms, Danilo, 2018, Raising the Dead: Rediscovery and redescription of some lost spider types (Araneae) described by Eugene Simon, Evolutionary Systematics 2 (1), pp. 1-20 : 4-5

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Evolutionary Systematics by Pensoft

scientific name

Rubrius radulifer Simon, 1902


Rubrius radulifer Simon, 1902 Fig. 7 A–D

Rubrius radulifer Simon, 1902: 36 ( Rubrius radulifer n. sp., description female and male).

Calacadia radulifera Exline, 1960: 618 (Transferred female from Rubrius ).

Type locality.

Coll. Mich. 30. Chile, Putabla bei Valdivia; 20.IV.93.

Coll. Mich. 38. Chile, Valdivia; 31.III.93.

Determination label.

Rubrius radulifer n. sp., Nr. 58.

Locality label 1 (with ♀). 30. Valdivia, Putabla; Coll. Michaelsen. 20.IV.93.

Locality label 2 (with ♂). 38. Valdivia. Coll. Michaelsen. 31.III.93.


♀. long. 12-15 mm. ♂. 10 mm


The ZMH specimens correspond to a juvenile female and an adult male that clearly come from the type series. This species was transferred by Exline (1960) to Calacadia radulifera ( Simon 1902). Exline presented a description of both male and female but it is difficult to determine which specimens she examined. She mentions on a foot note on page 168 that Dr. Levi examined the type in the MNHN but unfortunately no data are given and it is difficult to assess if these specimens were part of the type series. This species has never been illustrated before and we can only present the description of the male since the ZMH female specimen is a juvenile.

Type material.

Lectotype ♂ designated here, paralectotype ♀ (juvenile) (ZMH-A0000790).


Male (Lectotype). Total length: 6.04; cephalothorax length: 3.36; cephalothorax width: 2.38. COLORATION (from original descrition, translated from Latin): "Cephalothorax reddish-yellow, frontal region of pars cephalica darker, with dark oblique broad band on both sides, with very intricate dentate V-form pattern, pars thoracica with marginal line slightly black, radiating line barely visible. Abdomen, yellow-reddish, with brown reticulate pattern, middle band pale with dentate pattern, border dark and sinuous. Legs yellow-reddish, femora and tibiae with two dark-olive rings, metatarsi and tarsi anteriorly darker". CEPHALOTHORAX: Pear-shaped, longer than wide (Fig. 7A); pars cephalica slightly convexe; pars thoracica sloping gradually; fovea longitudinal. Cheliceral promargin and retromargin with two teeth. Sternum broad oval. EYES: AME smaller, slightly separated, LE touching, PME separated by their diameter. LEGS: Trochanter notched; anterior tibia with 4 pairs of ventral spines. ABDOMEN: Oval. GENITALIA: Patella retrolaterally with short, stout protuberance; tibia retrolaterally bears a short fleshy basal process and distally a blunt tibial process, with oblique carina; cymbium large and elongated (Fig. 7D). Bulb with large tegulum; median apophysis hooked; terminal apophysis large surrounding the embolus except at the tip; embolus rising from the basal retrolateral side of the tegulum; conductor membranous, arising retrolaterally (Fig. 7C).


Chile, Valdivia.

Current systematic position.

Desidae , Calacadia radulifera Exline, 1960.













