Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Fleming, AJ, Wood, D. Monty, Smith, M. Alex, Hallwachs, Winnie, Janzen, Daniel & Dapkey, Tanya, 2017, Nine new species of Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae) from Area de Conservacion Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica, with a key to their identification, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 9649-9649 : 9649

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2017-03-08 10:56:55, last updated 2022-11-10 23:55:34)

scientific name

Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830


Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 215. Type species: Uramya producta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, by monotypy.

Olinda Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 116. Type species: Olinda brasiliensis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830, by monotypy. Syn. nov.

Aporia Macquart, 1846: 297 (1846: 169) (preocc. by Hübner, 1819). Type species: Aporia quadrimaculata Macquart, 1846, by monotypy.

Oxydexia Bigot, 1885: xxxiii. Type species: Oxydexia acuminata Bigot, 1885, by monotypy.

Neaporia Townsend, 1908: 67 (nom. nov. for Aporia Macquart but preocc. by Gorham, 1897). Type species: Aporia quadrimaculata Macquart, 1846, automatic [by designation of the same species (by monotypy) for Aporia Macquart, 1846].

Paraporia Townsend, 1912: 48 (nom. nov. for Neaporia Townsend). Type species: Aporia quadrimaculata Macquart, 1846, automatic [by designation of the same species (automatic) for Neaporia Townsend, 1908].

Pseudeuantha Townsend, 1915: 416. Type species: Pseudeuantha linellii Townsend, 1915 [= Lydella indita Walker, 1860], by original designation.

Uromacquartia Townsend, 1916b: 626. Type species: Uromacquartia halisidotae Townsend, 1916, by original designation.

Gymnaporia Townsend, 1919: 170. Type species: Gymnostylia fasciata Macquart, 1848, by original designation.

Orthaporia Townsend, 1919: 167. Type species: Orthaporia similis Townsend, 1919 [= Dexia longa Walker, 1852], by original designation.

Uraporia Townsend, 1919: 170. Type species: Aporia caudata Schiner, 1868, by original designation.

Anaporia Townsend, 1919: 560. Type species: Aporia limacodis Townsend, 1892, by original designation.

Procleonice Townsend, 1935: 223. Type species: Procleonice prolixa Townsend, 1935, by original designation. Syn. nov.

Thelairomima Townsend, 1935: 222. Type species: Thelairomima pictipennis Townsend, 1935, by original designation.

Uramya Other Neotropical species included in Uramya Robineau-Desvoidy

acuminata Wulp, 1890: 130 ( Macquartia ). Syntypes: 2 males, 3 females (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type localities: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula, 7,000 feet (2 males and 1 female); Omilteme (2 females).

aldrichi Reinhard, 1935: 163 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Oaxaca, Etla. (We have opted to leave this species out of the key on account of the holotype being too damaged; however, it most resembles U. nitens Schiner.)

brasiliensis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 116 ( Olinda ). Holotype female (MNHN). Type locality: Brazil, Garatuba [examined by AJF]. Comb. nov. (The holotype of this species was presumed lost; after ascertaining its existence, we confirm that it belongs to the genus Uramya ; unfortunately, it is too damaged to identify properly and as such we have opted to leave this species out of the key.)

brevicauda Curran, 1934: 503 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (AMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Venezuela, Guanoco.

prolixa Townsend, 1935: 223 ( Procleonice ). Holotype female (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Trinidad. Syn. nov.

trinitatis Thompson, 1963: 352 ( Uromacquartia ). Syntypes male and female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Trinidad, Santa Cruz Valley, Mt. Lambert.

caudata Schiner, 1868: 320 ( Aporia ). Syntypes: 2 males, presumed in NMW, but possibly lost. (NMW) Type locality: South America.

fasciata Macquart, 1848: 212 ( Gymnostylia ). Syntypes: 2 males. (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil.

indita Walker, 1861: 306 ( Lydella ). Holotype male [published as female] (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico.

elegans Giglios-Tos, 1863: 3 ( Aporia ). Holotype male (MRSN) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Tuxpango.

linellii Townsend, 1915: 416 ( Pseudeuantha ). Holotype female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Mexico, Tehuantepec.

insolita Guimarães, 1980: 198 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutònia.

longa Walker, 1853: 311 ( Dexia ). Holotype male (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: South America.

similis Townsend, 1919: 167 ( Orthaporia ). Holotype male (AMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

nubilis Townsend, 1929: 367 ( Pseudeuantha ). Holotype female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Tremembé de Cantareira.

nitens Schiner, 1868: 320 ( Aporia ). Lectotype male (NMW), designated by Guimarães (1971) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Venezuela.

octomaculata Townsend, 1919: 560 ( Pseudeuantha ). Holotype male (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Peru, Huadquina, 5,000 ft.

penai Guimarães, 1980: 200 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chupare Locotal.

plaumanni Guimarães, 1980: 199 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutònia.

producta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 216 ( Uramya ). Neotype male (MZSP), designated by Guimarães (1980) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Novo Friburgo, Mury.

acuminata Bigot, 1885: xxxiii ( Oxydexia ). Holotype male (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil.

pictipennis Townsend, 1935: 222 ( Thelairomima ). Holotype female (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, São Vicente.

quadrimaculata Macquart, 1846: 297 (1846: 169) ( Aporia ). Holotype male (MNHN) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Colombia.

hariola Reinhard, 1961: 206 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (CNC) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Colombia.

sermyla Walker, 1849: 850 ( Dexia ). Holotype male (BMNH). Type locality: Brazil. ( Guimarães (1980) opted to leave this species out of Uramya on account of the holotype being too degraded).

setiventris Wulp, 1890: 129 ( Macquartia ). Syntypes: 2 males (BMNH and MRSN) [examined by DMW]. Type localities: Mexico: Orizaba (coll. Bellardi in MRSN); Guerrero, Omilteme, 8,000 ft (BMNH).

sibinivora Guimarães, 1980: 201 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Paraguay, Villarica.

townsendi Guimarães, 1980: 200 ( Uramya ). Holotype male (MZSP) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Mogi Guaçu, Fazenda Campininha.

umbratilis Reinhard, 1935: 164 ( Pseudeuantha ). Holotype female (USNM) [examined by DMW]. Type locality: USA, Texas, Donna.

venusta Wulp, 1890: 130 ( Macquartia ). Syntypes: 6 males (BMNH) [examined by DMW]. Type localities: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula, 6,000 ft. (1 male); Xucumanatlan, 7,000 ft. (5 males).

Uramya Uramya producta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830.


Head: frontal bristles not extending beyond level of pedicel; eyes haired; facial margin not visible in profile; vibrissa arising at level of facial margin; first flagellomere almost reaching facial margin; arista slightly pubescent; facial ridge devoid of bristles; ocellar bristles weak to absent; inner vertical bristles elongate, parallel, in some cases indistiguishable from upper frontal bristles; outer orbitals weak to absent in males, but strong in females; females with two pairs of proclinate orbital bristles.

Thorax: chaetotaxy as follows: postsutural supra-alar bristles 3 (2 in U. pannosa sp. nov.); acrostichal bristles 2:3; dorsocentral bristles 3:3 (4 in U. venusta ); postpronotal bristles 4 or 5; two strong scutellar marginal bristles (except 3 in U. brevicauda ); apical scutellar bristles long and decussate; 2-3 katepisternal bristles; propleuron bare; wings smoky gray, in some species with brown markings or bicolored: yellow at base and brownish-black distally; calypters broad, of yellow-amber color, haired marginally; legs black; claws and pulvilli elongate in males.

Abdomen: narrowed and elongate, at least twice as long as wide; frequently acutely produced dorsally into a tail-like process; mid-dorsal depression on ST1+2 reaching hind margin of syntergite; T3, T4 and sometimes ST1+2 with one to three pairs of discal bristles; all tergites with marginals. In females, abdomen usually not as elongate as males and with a rounded posterior end.


Uramya is easily distinguished by the following combination of traits: densely haired eyes; facial carina absent; facial ridge bare; parafacial bare (sometimes with a few black setulae in females); ocellar bristles weak to absent; prosternum bare; postpronotum with 4-5 bristles; 3 postsutural supra-alar bristles (2 in U. pannosa ); 3 large postsutural dorsocentral bristles (4 in U. venusta ); metathoracic spiracle fringed with plumose hairs of about equal size along anterior and posterior edges, leaving a V-shaped mid-dorsal opening; scutellum with 3-4 pairs of strong marginal scutellar bristles (1 pair of basal scutellar bristles, 1-2 pairs of lateral bristles, and 1 pair of subapical bristles), excluding a pair of strong, crossed apicals; vein M sharply angled at bend; abdomen subcylindrical (in males often with T5 dorsally produced into a tail-like structure), with 1-2 pairs of median discal bristles on tergites 3 and 4.


Nearctic and Neotropical (not known from Chile and southern Argentina)


According to Arnaud (1978) Uramya species parasitize lepidopteran larvae in the families Limacodidae , Arctiidae , Megalopygidae and Lasiocampidae . Current data from ACG inventoried larvae confirm this, adding records from the family Dalceridae . Uramya puparia are asymmetrical as seen in Fig. 2 ( Uramya infracta sp. nov.).









