Micromorphus Mik, 1878

Bickel, Daniel J., 2022, Notes on the genus Micromorphus Mik (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) and the uncertain identity of its type species, M. albipes (Zetterstedt), Zootaxa 5125 (4), pp. 437-444 : 438

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Plazi (2022-04-12 06:50:24, last updated 2024-11-28 03:54:08)

scientific name

Micromorphus Mik


Genus Micromorphus Mik View in CoL View at ENA

Micromorphus Mik, 1878: 6 View in CoL . Type species: Hydrophorus albipes Zetterstedt, 1843 View in CoL , orig. des.

Diagnosis. Small sized (wing length <1.5 mm), often dull brown/ grey coloured species; arista usually dorsal, and often in slight indentation subtended by short ventral projection; dorsal postcranium flat; acrostichal setae absent; 5 dorsocentral setae, sometimes 4; two strong medial scutellar setae only; posterior mesonotum distinctly flattened anteriad of scutellum ( Fig. 2c View FIGURE 2 ); legs rather bare of major setae except for distinct anterior preapicals on FII and FIII ( Fig. 2a View FIGURE 2 ), and TII with strong ad seta and weak pd seta near 1/3; hypopygium usually on elongate peduncle that can be exserted ( Figs 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ); male sternite 8 usually with distinct median dorsoventral sclerotized band ( Figs 1b View FIGURE 1 , 2b View FIGURE 2 ); hypopygial foramen left lateral; epandrium subrectangular; females with tergite 9+10 divided into two acanthophorites, each bearing 4 pointed spines or dornen.

Remarks. Micromorphus comprises some 32 valid species from all zoogeographic regions except Australasia ( Wikipedia contributors, 2021, May 7). Its range includes such widely separated locales as South Africa, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Brazil and Mexico. Although the identity of some species based on females only requires reassessment, undoubtedly more species await description. For example, Negrobov (2000) described eight new Palaearctic Micromorphus species, with four from Tajikistan. This suggests the genus as a whole is significantly more diverse, but possibly overlooked because of its small size and the necessity to clear the male postabdomen for accurate identification. Regarding its position in the higher classification of the Dolichopodidae , Micromorphus has been variously placed in the subfamilies Sympycninae and Peloropeodinae , or is regarded as incertae sedis.

The male postabdomen provides diagnostic structural, setal and cercal characters that enable accurate species identification (e.g., Figs 1a–b View FIGURE 1 , with arrows indicating diagnostic setal positions). Also, it is important to clear the male postabdomen to view the diagnostic structures microscopically, as they may appear obscured in casual macroscopic view (cf. Figs 1a View FIGURE 1 and 2b View FIGURE 2 ). Species in the genus Micromorphus are rather bare of distinctive leg setation and generally lack diagnostic male secondary sexual characters, although two Afrotropical species have flattened tarsomeres on male legs I and II ( Grichanov 2013).

Grichanov, I. Ya. (2013) Afrotropical species of the genus Micromorphus Mik, 1878 (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). Euroasian Entomological Journal, 12, 607 - 611.

Mik, J. (1878) Dipterologische Untersuchungen. Jahresberichte des Kaiserlich-koniglichen Akademische Gymnasium, Wein, 1877 / 1878, 1 - 24.

Negrobov, O. P. (2000) Revision of the Palaearctic species of the genus Micromorphu s Mik (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). International Journal of Dipterological Research, 11, 19 - 26.

Wikipedia Contributors (2021) Micromorphus. In: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Available from: https: // en. wikipedia. org / w / index. php? title = Micromorphus & oldid = 1021996915 (accessed 21 November 2021)

Zetterstedt, J. W. (1843) s. n. In: Diptera Scandinaviae disposita et descripta. Tomus secundus. Officina Lundbergiana, Lundae [Lund], pp. 441 - 894.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Micromorphus caudatus (Aldrich): a, male postabdomen, ventral; b, male postabdomen, left lateral. M. micidus Parent: c, male postabdomen, left lateral. Legend: cer, cercus; el, epandrial lobe; epand, epandrium; hyp, hypandrium; ph, phallus; st, sternite, tg, tergite; vsur, ventral surstylus. Arrows indicate position of diagnostic setae.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Micromorphus caudatus (Aldrich): a, male habitus, left lateral; b, male postabdomen, left lateral; c, female habitus, dorsal; M. micidus Parent; d, female postabdomen, dorsal; e, male habitus, left lateral; f, male wing, dorsal.









