Thelotrema isidiosum S. Joshi, Upreti & Hur, 2018

Joshi, Santosh, Upreti, Dalip K., Bawingan, Paulina A. & Hur, Jae-Seoun, 2018, New species in the family Graphidaceae (Ascomycota: Ostropales) from the Philippines, Phytotaxa 345 (2), pp. 152-158 : 153-156

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.345.2.6


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scientific name

Thelotrema isidiosum S. Joshi, Upreti & Hur

sp. nov.

Thelotrema isidiosum S. Joshi, Upreti & Hur View in CoL spec. nov. ( Fig 2A–C View FIGURE 2 )

Mycobank MB824345

Differing from Thelotrema isidiophorum in that the thallus produces transversely septate ascospores and salazinic acid as a secondary compound.

Type:— THE PHILIPPINES. IIocos Norte: Luzón Island, Adams, Mt. Mabolo, 18°26’26.3’’ N, 120°53’27.1’’ E, alt. 473 m, on bark, January 2015, Paulina A. Bawingan PH 150039 (holotype: KoLRI).

Thallus corticolous, crustose, green to greenish-grey, continuous, glossy, isidiate, 50–90(–100) μm thick; cortex loose, 10–15 μm thick; algal layer trentipohlioid, 10–25 μm thick; medulla white crystalline, 30–50 μm; isidia cylindrical, branched, coralloid, 0.4–0.6 × 0.09–0.1 mm; prothallus dark brown.

Apothecia porinoid, sessile, barrel-shaped, dispersed, 1–2 mm diam.; pore widely open, 0.2–0.4 mm in diam.; disc flesh colored, epruinose, partly covered by proper exciple, deeply immersed; thalline margin distinct, entire, embedded with crystals, 120–220 μm thick; proper exciple pale brown, reddish-brown to brown, free, denticulate apically; 120–160 μm thick, embedded with crystals, separated from the thalline margin by a narrow split (double margin); epihymenium greyish, crystalline, 15–25 μm high; hymenium hyaline, clear (lacking oil-droplets), conglutinate, resting deep inside proper exciple, 160–260 μm high; paraphyses unbranched, parallel, 1–2 μm thick; subhymenium hyaline, indistinct; asci clavate, 8-spored, (210–)213.9−224−234(–236) × (26.5−)27.3−30–33.3(–34) μm (n =10), non-amyloid; ascospores hyaline, fusiform, transversely septate, 15–22-locular with ± wavy spore wall, endospore 5–6 μm thick, (95–)98.2−101.4−104.6(–105.8) × (15−)15.6−16.7–17.8(–18) μm (n =40), amyloid.

Chemistry:— K+ red, PD + yellow-orange, C–; salazinic acid detected by TLC.

Etymology:— The epithet refers the isidiate thallus of the new taxon.

Distribution and Ecology:— The new taxon is described only from the type locality in the Philippines, where it was growing in association with Leiorreuma exaltatum (Mont. & Bosch) Staiger , Pallidogramme chrysenteron (Mont.) Staiger, Kalb & Lücking , Platythecium pyrrhochroum (Mont. & Bosch) Z. F. Jia & Lücking , Sarcographa labyrinthica (Ach.) Müll. Arg. , and species of Pertusaria DC. and Porina Ach. on thin barked trees.

Remarks:— The new taxon is distinguished in having coralloid isidiate, loosely corticate thallus producing salazinic acid, sessile, barrel-shaped apothecia with wide pores and double margin, hyaline to pale brown proper exciple internally lined by peripysoids, 8-spored asci and transversely septate ascospores with thick endospore. The new species differs from and does not seem close to any of the species in Thelotrema Acharius (1803: 130) . The isidiate thallus in the genus is rare, and found only in T. isidiophorum (Kremp.) Zahlbr , which also has sessile apothecia, but is clearly distinguished in having a verrucose thallus containing stictic acid and large, muriform ascospores, 180–300 × 15–25 μm ( Rivas Plata et al. 2010: 175). Thelotrema isidiosum shares some taxonomic characteristics with Thelotrema porinoides Mont. & Bosch. , T. heladivense Weerakoon, Jayalal & Lücking , T. weberi Hale and T. subweberi Sipman. Thelotrema porinoides with transversely 13–25(–27)-septate, amyloid ascospores of 40–150(–170) × 15–22 μm is close, but differs from the new taxon in having a non-isidiate thallus containing the stictic acid chemosyndrome ( Mangold et al. 2009: 393; Rivas Plata et al. 2010: 173). Thelotrema heladivense also produces transversely, up to 15- septate ascospores measuring 80–100 × 12–15 μm, but is clearly separated in that the thallus lacks isidia and contains norstictic acid with unknown compounds, as well as in having weakly amyloid ascospores ( Weerakoon et al. 2015: 84). Thelotrema weberi and T. subweberi with barrel-shaped apothecia are comparable to the new taxon in having strongly amyloid ascospores, but both the former species are distinct in producing muriform ascospores and norstictic acid in the thallus ( Rivas Plata et al. 2010: 175).

Additional specimen examined:— THE PHILIPPINES. IIocos Norte: Luzón Island, Adams, Mt. Mabolo, 18°26’49.5’’ N, 120° 54’ 58.6’’ E, alt. 393 m, on bark, January 2015, Paulina A. Bawingan PH 150064 (KoLRI).


Dutch Plant Protection Service, Culture Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria

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