Chrysis sapphirina Semenov, 1912

Rosa, P., 2018, New records of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from Russia with taxonomic notes, Far Eastern Entomologist 360, pp. 1-14 : 8-9

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Chrysis sapphirina Semenov, 1912


Chrysis sapphirina Semenov, 1912 , stat. n.

Figs 9, 10 View Figs 7–11. 7 , 16 View Figs 12–16 , 21 View Figs 17–22

Chrysis inaequalis var. sapphirina Semenov, 1912: 194 . Holotype – ♂, South-East Kazakhstan: Semirechye [ZIN], examined ( inaequalis group). Rosa et al. 2017 a: 30, 141 (Pl.

64). Chrysis inaequalis sapphirina: Rosa et al., 2017 b: 136 .

SPECIMENS EXAMINED. Turkmenistan: Chaek, SE Dushak-Eregdag, Ko-

petdag, 25.VI 1991, 1♂, leg. Krivokhatskij [PRC]. Tajikistan: Kondara , 1100 m ,

Varsob, 28.VIII 1937, 1♂, leg. Gussakowski [ ZIN] .

DISTRIBUTION. South-East Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

mysticalis Linsenmaier ( Spain, Girona); 20 – C. placida Mocsáry , ♂ ( Orenburg Prov. ,

Semenovka); 21 – C. sapphirina Semenov , ♂ ( Turkmenistan); 22 – C. lucidovenalis

Tarbinsky, holotype ♂ ( Kyrgyzstan, Tian-Shan ). Scale bar: 1.0 mm .

REMARKS. This species has been confused for a long time with Chrysis poetica

Semenov (e.g. Linsenmaier, 1959, 1968; Schmidt, 1977) for the blue male body coloration ( Rosa et al., 2017 a: Plate 64). Linsenmaier (1959) e.g., without knowing the type, considered the wholly blue coloration of this as the already known con-

dition of other chrysidids, whose eastern forms are uniformly green to blue, as in C.

comparata orientalis Mocsáry, 1889. Nevertheless, C. sapphirina is no doubt a valid species, only known from Central Asian countries, easily recognizable for the shape of male genitalia ( Fig. 16 View Figs 12–16 vs. Fig. 13 View Figs 12–16 ), with inner side of gonocoxae largely arched. The genital capsula is more comparable to that of C. lucidovenalis Tarbinsky,

2002 (described from Tian-Shan), whose body punctation and apical teeth on the tergum 3 are anyway different ( Figs 11 View Figs 7–11. 7 , 21, 22 View Figs 17–22 ).

Chrysis sapphirina is only known on male specimens; the female may have the typical coloration of C. inaequalis . The coloration is rather variable also in this species: the type is almost completely deep blue, with last tergum a little more greenish, while a specimen from Turkmenistan is entirely green ( Fig. 10 View Figs 7–11. 7 ) and another one from Tajikistan is green with the last tergum golden red ( Fig. 9 View Figs 7–11. 7 ), somehow similar to some male specimens of C. poetica Semenov.


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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