Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888)

Raharivololoniaina, Liliane, Grosjean, Stéphane, Raminosoa, Noromalala Rasoamampionona, Glaw, Frank & Vences, Miguel, 2006, Molecular identification, description, and phylogenetic implications of the tadpoles of 11 species of Malagasy treefrogs, genus Boophis, Journal of Natural History 40 (23 - 24), pp. 1449-1480 : 1459-1463

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Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888)


Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888) View in CoL

( Figure 4 View Figure 4 )

The following description refers to one voucher specimen in developmental stage 33 (ZSM 588/2004, field number LR 236, TL 44.3 mm, BL 16.1 mm), from locality 3.

In dorsal view ( Figure 4a View Figure 4 ), body elliptical, snout rounded. In lateral view ( Figure 4b View Figure 4 ), body depressed, BW 116% of BH, snout rounded. Eyes moderately large, ED 13.0% of BL, bulging, not visible in ventral view, positioned dorsolaterally but directed anterolaterally and dorsolaterally, situated at about the anterior quarter of the body. Pineal ocellus placed anteriorly to margin of eyes. Nares round, moderately sized, rimmed, positioned dorsolaterally, directed anterolaterally and opening dorsolaterally, positioned nearer to tip of snout than to anterior edge of eyes, RN 86% of NP; NN 44% of PP. Spiracle sinistral, moderately small, slightly conical, slightly visible from dorsal view, free at tip, orientated posterodorsally; spiracular opening oval, situated closer to end of body than to tip of snout, SS 58% of BL, situated below the longitudinal axis of tail musculature. Vent tube short, dextral, opening dextral, its right wall displaced anterodorsally, directed posterolaterally, entirely linked to ventral tail fin. Caudal musculature moderately strong, TMH 55% of BH and 62% of MTH, TMW 51% of BW, at mid-length of tail its height about two-fifths of the total tail height, reaching tail tip. Caudal fins moderately developed, point of maximum height attained at the proximal third of the tail, MTH 89% of BH; dorsal fin convex, originating at the dorsal tail–body junction and taller than ventral fin at mid-length of tail, ventral fin originating immediately behind body; tail tip pointed.

Oral disc ( Figure 4c View Figure 4 ) moderately large, ODW 25% of BL and 47% of BW, positioned and directed ventrally, emarginated. Oral disc surrounded by a single row of 69 (34 on the left side and 35 on the right side) marginal papillae interrupted by a large median gap on the upper labium (DG 71% of ODW), and by a small medial gap on the lower labium. A few submarginal papillae positioned on the lateral parts of the upper labium, and lateral and posterolateral parts of the lower labium. Papillae of moderate size, cylindrical with a rounded tip. No denticulate papillae. Keratodont row formula 1:5+5/1+1:2. Gap on P1 shorter than 0.1 mm; about 188 keratodonts on A1, the longest keratodont row of the oral disc (ca 61 per mm); P1 and P2 of about similar size, slightly longer than P3. Upper jaw completely black, moderately serrated, a large arch with a large median convexity; lower jaw V-shaped, coarsely serrated, mostly coloured in black but its base less pigmented.

Coloration in preservative. Dorsally: body and tail musculature mottled with black stippling; dark pigmentation concentrated dorsally forming dark patches between eyes and next to nares. Laterally: intestinal coils well distinct; dorsal fin with scattered black dots; ventral fin generally clear except near tail tip; at about mid-tail many small dark patches visible along the upper tail musculature. Ventrally: whole surface of ventral body transparent; branchial and cardial organs translucent but slightly visible through ventral body wall.

Variation. TL and BL of two tadpoles at stages 33 and 41, from locality 3 (ZSM 588/2004– 589/2004) are 43.5–44.3 and 15.5–16.1 mm, respectively. The ratios are: BW 116–140% of BH; ED 13.0–14.8% of BL; RN 86–113% of NP; NN 44–49% of PP; SS 58–70% of BL; TMH 55–70% of BH; TMH 62–63% of MTH; MTH 89–112% of BH; ODW 24–25% of BL; ODW 44–47% of BW. KRF of the two tadpoles varies from 1:4+4/1+1:2 to 1:5+5/1+1:2.

Boophis majori View in CoL group Boophis pyrrhus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001 View in CoL

( Figure 5 View Figure 5 )

The following description refers to one specimen in developmental stage 31 (ZSM 580/ 2004, field number LR 231a, TL 41.3 mm, BL 15.0 mm), from locality 3 .

In dorsal view ( Figure 5a View Figure 5 ), body ovoid elongate, snout rounded. In lateral view ( Figure 5b View Figure 5 ), body depressed, BW 117% of BH, snout rounded. Eyes of moderate size, ED 11.3% of BL, bulging, not visible in ventral view, positioned anterolaterally but directed anterolaterally and dorsolaterally. Nares round, moderately small, rimmed, positioned dorsally, directed anterolaterally, nearer to anterior edge of eyes than to tip of snout, RN 123% of NP; NN 40% of PP. Spiracle sinistral, moderately small, square, well visible from dorsal view, free at tip, orientated almost posteriorly; spiracular opening oval, situated closer to end of body than to tip of snout, SS 64% of BL, situated at the height of the longitudinal axis of tail musculature. Vent tube short, dextral, opening dextral, its right wall displaced anterodorsally, directed posterolateroventrally. Caudal musculature moderately developed, TMH 50% of BH and 60% of MTH, TMW 40% of BW, at mid-length of tail its height about two-fifths of the total tail height. Caudal fins moderately weakly developed, MTH 83% of BH; dorsal fin originating at the dorsal tail–body junction, ventral fin originating immediately behind body; tail tip nearly rounded.

Oral disc ( Figure 5c View Figure 5 ) of moderate size, ODW 20% of BL and 37% of BW, positioned and directed ventrally, emarginated. A single row of marginal papillae interrupted by a large median gap on the upper labium (DG 53% of ODW), and by a very small medial gap on the lower labium. A few submarginal papillae positioned in the lateral parts of the upper and lower labia. Papillae stout, of moderate size, conical with a rounded tip. No denticulate papillae. Keratodont row formula 1:3+3/1+1:2. About 92 keratodonts on A1 (ca 54 per mm). P1 interrupted by a gap of less than 0.1 mm and slightly longer than P2; P3 about two-thirds of P2. Upper jaw completely black, a large arch with a slight median convexity, moderately coarsely serrated; lower jaw strong, V-shaped, coarsely serrated.

Coloration in preservative. Dorsally: the whole dorsum body and the caudal musculature with dark scattered pigmentation. Laterally: intestinal coils completely visible; lateral body and caudal musculature covered with sparse black dots; caudal fins moderately pigmented. Ventrally: the whole surface of ventral body transparent; branchial and cardial region visible through ventral body wall.

Variation. TL and BL of 11 tadpoles at stages 31–41 (ZSM 580/2004–587/2004, and LR 231c, LR 231d, LR 231i), all from locality 3, are 30.3–43.4 and 13.1–16.2 mm, respectively. The ratios vary in the following proportions: BW 111–133% of BH; ED 10.7–12.6% of BL; RN 113–155% of NP; NN 40–47% of PP; SS 59–67% of BL; TMH 50–59% of BH; TMH 46–58% of MTH; TMW 35–44% of BW; MTH 89–109% of BH; ODW 17–21% of BL; ODW 29–37% of BW. KRF of the 11 tadpoles is 1:3+3/1+1:2.














Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888)

Raharivololoniaina, Liliane, Grosjean, Stéphane, Raminosoa, Noromalala Rasoamampionona, Glaw, Frank & Vences, Miguel 2006

Boophis pyrrhus

Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan 2001
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF