Viola declinata Waldst. et Kit., Descr. Icon. Pl. Rar. Hung. 3: 248 (1807)

Novikov, Andriy, 2023, An annotated nomenclatural checklist of endemic vascular plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 103921-103921 : 103921

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Biodiversity Data Journal by Pensoft (2023-08-12 16:38:23)

scientific name

Viola declinata Waldst. et Kit., Descr. Icon. Pl. Rar. Hung. 3: 248 (1807)


Viola declinata Waldst. et Kit., Descr. Icon. Pl. Rar. Hung. 3: 248 (1807)

Viola declinata = Viola declinata var. knechtelii Grec., Consp. Fl. Rom.: 88 (1898)

Viola declinata = Viola declinata var. major (Roch.) Grec., Consp. Fl. Rom.: 88 (1898)

Viola declinata = Viola declinata [unranked] b Viola montana Schur, Enum. Pl. Transsilv.: 86 (1866); BHL:

Viola declinata = Viola gracilis Rchb., Fl. Germ. Excurs. 709 (1832), non alior; GBIF:; IPNI:; BHL:

Viola declinata = Viola mutabilis [unranked] b Pyrola intermedia Roch., Enum. Pl. Banat.: 6 (1828) [nom. nudum]

Viola declinata = Viola mutabilis [unranked] e Soldanella major Roch., Enum. Pl. Banat.: 6 (1828) [nom. nudum]

Conservation status

In Ukraine - LC ( Onyshchenko et al. 2022).


SE Capathian endemic.


Viola declinata is often considered a Carpatho-Balkanic species ( Kricsfalusy and Budnikov 2002, Oprea 2005, Ciocârlan 2009). However, Velev and Apostolova (2009) reported that it does not occur in Serbia and Bulgaria, as suggested before. Considering the questionable presence of V. declinata in the Balkans (perhaps it is introduced), Chorney (2011) and Kliment et al. (2016) considered it a Carpathian endemic.

POWO (, accessed on 06.06.2023) erroneously indicates V. latisepala Wettst. amongst synonyms of V. declinata . Viola latisepala (= V. elegantula subsp. Viola elegantula latisepala (Wettst.) W.Becker) is a problematic taxon, which is often considered a synonym for V. elegantula , a Balkan endemic ( Valentine et al. 1968, Tomović et al. 2016). Currently V. latisepala is considered as a synonym for V. tricolor L. ( Marcussen et al. 2022). Moreover, there are some other species (e.g. V. aetolica Boiss. & Heldr. and V. dacica Borbás) that are occasionally misidentified as V. L.tisepala. ( Tomović et al. 2014).

Chorney, I. I., 2011. Critical revision of the taxa, mentioned as endemic for flora of Ukrainian Carpathians. Scientific Proceedings of Bukovina Society of Naturalists 1 (1-2): 23 - 59

Ciocarlan, V., 2009. Flora ilustrată a Romaniei. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta. Editura Ceres, Bucuresți

Kliment, J., Turis, P., Janisova, M., 2016. Taxa of vascular plants endemic to the Carpathian Mts. Preslia 88 (1): 19 - 76

Kricsfalusy, V., Budnikov, G., 2002. Endemic vascular plants in the Ukrainian Carpathians. In: Hamor, F. D., Ed., Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference People and mountains.

Marcussen, Thomas, Ballard, Harvey E., Danihelka, Jiri, Flores, Ana R., Nicola, Marcela V., Watson, John M., 2022. A revised phylogenetic classification for Viola (Violaceae). Plants 11 (17)

Onyshchenko, V. A., Mosyakin, S. L., Korotchenko, I. A., Danylyk, I. M., Burlaka, M. D., Olshanskyi, I. H., Shiyan, N. M., Zhygalova, S. L., Tymchenko, I. A., Kolomiychuk, V. P., Novikov, A. V., Chorney, I. I., Kish, R. Y., Shevera, M. V., Fedoronchuk, M. M., Protopopova, V. V., 2022. IUCN Red List categories of vascular plant species of Ukrainian flora. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Oprea, A., 2005. Lista critică a plantelor vasculare din Romania. Editura Universitătii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi

Tomovic, Gordana, Vukojicic, Snezana, Mirjacic, Ksenija, Radovic, Ana, Niketic, Marjan, 2014. Genus Viola L. (Violaceae) in Serbia collections of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade and the Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden 'Jevremovac', Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum 7: 31 - 91

Tomovic, G., Niketic, M., Lazarevic, M., Melovski, L., 2016. Taxonomic reassessment of Viola aetolica and Viola elegantula (V. sect. Melanium, Violaceae), with descriptions of two new species from the Balkan Peninsula. Phytotaxa 253 (4): 237 - 265

Valentine, D. H., Merxmueller, H., Schmidt, A., 1968. . Flora Europaea 2

Velev, N. I., Apostolova, I. I., 2009. A review of Potentillo ternatae-Nardion strictae alliance. Hacquetia 8: 49 - 66











