Pachybrachis erinae, Barney, 2018

Barney, Robert J., 2018, Definition and Revision of the Atomarius Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Including Descriptions of Nine New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (1), pp. 9-74 : 72-73

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Pachybrachis erinae


Pachybrachis erinae

Specimens Examined. Holotype + 67 paratypes. CANADA: QUÉBEC: Deux-Montagnes Co., La Trappe, 4.vii.1933, J. Ouellet [16, CEUM]; same data, except 26.vii.1933 [16, CEUM]; same data, except 14- 21.vii.1934 [766 4♀♀, CEUM]; same data, except 31. viii.1934 [16 1♀, CEUM]; same data, except 17. vii.1935 [16, CEUM]; Oka, 17.vii.1995, J. Ouellet [1♀, CEUM]; Gatineau Co., Mont King, Parc de la Gatineau, 19.viii.1996, sweeping Quercus rubra and Q. alba, L. LeSage [16, HOLOTYPE, CNC]; same data, except 4.vii.1996, P. Belanger [16, LFC]; Iberville Co. , Mont St. Grégiore, 21.vii.1985, Larochelle & Larivière [366, CNC]; Joliette Co. , Joliette, 12.vii.1922, J. Ouellet [1♀, CEUM]; Vaudreuil Co. , Rigaud, 7. viii.1919, J. Ouellet [1♀, CEUM]; same data, except 14.vii.1920 [16, CEUM]; same data, except 19.vii.1985, Larochelle & Larivière [16, CNC]; St. Lazare , 9.viii.1982, Larochelle & Larivière [16, CNC]; same data, except 6.viii.1985 [1♀, CNC]. USA: IL- LINOIS: Jo Daviess Co. , Savanna Army Depot, 19. vi.1986, W. G. Ruesink [16, INHS]; Unknown county , Ill., Stromberg Collection [16, INHS]. KENTUCKY: Laurel Co. , Bald Rock,, R. L. Fisher [16, MSUC]. MICHIGAN: Gratiot Co. , 13.vii.1946, R. R. Dreisbach [16, CDFA]; Lake Co. , 7.vii.1957, R. & K. Dreisbach [266 3♀♀, MSUC]. NEW YORK: Suffolk Co. , 3.viii.1965, M. I. Blenderman [566 4♀♀, AMNH]; same data, except 13-23.vii.1966 [16 3♀♀, AMNH]; same data, except 8.viii.1968 [16, AMNH]; same data, except 5.viii.1970 [16 1♀, AMNH]. NORTH CAROLINA: Bladen Co. ,, on oak [16 2♀♀, NCSU]; Buncombe Co. , Black Mountains , 14.vii [16, AMNH]; New Hanover Co. , Carolina Beach, 4.vii.1927 [16 2♀♀, NCSU]. PENNSYLVANIA: Berks, Co., Reading,, R. P. Seibert [16, AMNH]; Monroe Co. , Canadensis, 11.vii.1927, Shoemaker Collection [16, USNM]. SOUTH CAROLINA: Pickens Co. , Sassafras Mountain , 22.viii.1935, O. L. Cartwright [2♀♀, AUEM]; same data, except 20.vii.1937 [16 1♀, AUEM; 16, USNM].



Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Illinois Natural History Survey


American Museum of Natural History


North Carolina State University Insect Museum


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Auburn University Entomological Museum

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