Dissomphalus rosangelae Colombo & Azevedo

Colombo, Wesley D. & Azevedo, Celso O., 2016, Review of Dissomphalus Ashmead, 1893 (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae) from Espíri- to Santo, Brazil, with description of twenty-one new species, Zootaxa 4143 (1), pp. 1-84 : 38-39

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Dissomphalus rosangelae Colombo & Azevedo

sp. nov.

Dissomphalus rosangelae Colombo & Azevedo , sp. nov.

( Figs 8 View FIGURES 8–13 , 29 View FIGURES 26–31 , 134–140 View FIGURES 134–142 )

Description. Male. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma dark castaneous. Mandible with three apical teeth; median clypeal lobe subtrapezoidal, large median tooth; frons strongly coriaceous, punctate. Pronotal disc strongly coriaceous. T2 with median depression elliptical, not so deep, pair of lateral tubercles, tubercles directed to each other. Posterior hypopygeal margin straight. Genitalia: paramere wide, apex narrow, smaller than basiparamere; aedeagal ventral ramus smaller than dorsal body, laminar, irregular apex, progressively narrowing apically, basal process weakly bifurcated; aedeagal dorsal body with three pairs apical lobes, external pair membranous with apex irregular in lateral view, apical extension in dorsal view, wavy, middle pair sickle-shaped, inner pair serrate; apodeme not extending beyond genital ring. Female unknown.

Variations. Tergal process tubercles with little targeted.

Remarks. This species is now included in vallensis species-group by having the tergal process with median depression with pair of tubercles directed to each other. This species has the genitalia similar to those of D. extrarramis . However, the aedeagal dorsal body of D. rosangelae sp. nov. have three pairs apical lobes with apical extension and, aedeagal ventral ramus have basal process, whereas D. extrarramis have two pairs apical lobes without apical extension and, aedeagal ventral ramus not have basal process.

This species goes to couplet 8 in the key proposed by Azevedo (1999a) for the vallensis species-group and should be read as:

8. Outer lobe aedeagal dorsal body not serrated ventrally, without apical extension, dorsal view; aedeagal ventral ramus thin only in apex............................................................................... D. strictus Azevedo - Outer lobe aedeagal dorsal body serrated ventrally, with apical extension, dorsal view; aedeagal ventral ramus progressively narrowing apically.................................................................... D. rosangelae sp. nov.

Material examined. Types : Holotype. ♂, BRAZIL, E[spírito] S[anto]: Santa Maria de Jetibá, Fazenda Clarindo Krüger, 20º04’S 40º44’O, 29.XI–06.XII.2002, armadilha Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares, [C.O.] Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 1♂, João Neiva , Alto Bérgamo, 19º44’S 40º26’W, 27.X–3.XI.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, C.O. Azevedo & equipe col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Santa Teresa , Est [ação] Biol [ógica de] Santa Lúcia, 23.II.2001, varredura, Azevedo & Kawada col. ( UFES) ; 6♂, same locality of holotype. 29.XI–13.XII.2002, armadilha Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares, [C.O.] Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) ; 10♂, Santa Maria de Jetibá , Fazenda Paulo Seick, 20º02’S 40º41’O, 29.XI–13.XII.2002, armadilha Malaise, [M.T.] Tavares, [C.O.] Azevedo e eq[uipe] col. ( UFES) GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The epithet rosangelae is in allusion to the mother’s first author name Rosangela in memoriam. Distribution. Brazil (Espírito Santo).


Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo













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