Pheidole phanigaster, Longino, J. T., 2009

Longino, J. T., 2009, Additions to the taxonomy of New World Pheidole (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa 2181, pp. 1-90 : 61-63

publication ID



persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Christiana (2009-09-03 05:07:38, last updated 2024-11-26 16:53:12)

scientific name

Pheidole phanigaster

new species

Pheidole phanigaster View in CoL   HNS new species

Figure 17

Holotype major worker. Mexico, Chiapas: 21km SW Salto de Agua, 17.38542°N 92.42802°W, ±200m, 180m, 15 Jun 2008 (LLAMA#Ba-A-08-3-02-10) [ UNAM, unique specimen identifier CASENT0609087]. Paratypes: major and minor workers. Same data as holotype [ BMNH, CAS, FMNH, INBC, JTLC, LACM, MCZ, MHNG, MIZA, MZSP, UCD, UNAM, USNM].

Geographic Range

Mexico (Chiapas).


With the morphometric profile of P. anastasii   HNS but the shape and general habitus of P. nebulosa   HNS . Minor worker: scape relatively long (SI 119-122) versus short (SI 104-106) ( nebulosa   HNS ); gastral dorsum shiny versus matte ( anastasii   HNS ); postpetiole in dorsal view lenticular versus flask-shaped, widest posterior to midlength ( anastasii   HNS ). Major worker: inner hypostomal teeth present and separated from median tooth versus medial hypostomal margin with large blunt medial tooth only ( nebulosa   HNS ); postpetiole in dorsal view lenticular, widest at or anterior to midlength, versus postpetiole flask-shaped, widest posterior to midlength ( anastasii   HNS ); color red brown versus usually yellow orange ( anastasii   HNS ).

Description of minor worker

Measurements (paratype): HL 0.49, HW 0.43, HLA 0.17, SL 0.52, EL 0.10, ML 0.55, PSL 0.05, PMG 0.00, SPL 0.03, PTW 0.07, PPW 0.11, CI 88, SI 120, PSLI 10, PMGI 0, SPLI 5, PPI 147.

Measurements (n=7): HL 0.46-0.50, HW 0.39-0.44, SL 0.46-0.53, CI 84-89, SI 119-122.

Mandible smooth and shiny; clypeus foveolate; face uniformly foveolate; margin of vertex rounded with median impression; occipital carina narrow, not or barely visible in full face view; scape with appressed pubescence and sparse, fine erect setae, these longer than maximum width of scape; promesonotal groove absent; propodeal spines present; entire mesosoma foveolate; mesosomal dorsum with about six pairs erect setae; dorsal (outer) margin of hind tibia with short decumbent pilosity, no long erect setae; first gastral tergum smooth and shining; gastral dorsum with moderately abundant erect setae; color orange.

Description of major worker

Measurements (holotype): HL 1.08, HW 1.01, HLA 0.28, SL 0.61, EL 0.15, ML 0.86, PSL 0.11, PMG 0.00, SPL 0.05, PTW 0.12, PPW 0.26, IHT 0.24, OHT 0.39, CI 94, SI 60, PSLI 10, PMGI 0, SPLI 4, PPI 207, HTI 60.

Measurements (n=7): HL 0.95-1.08, HW 0.90-1.03, SL 0.58-0.62, CI 94-97, SI 60-64.

Mandible smooth and shiny; clypeus shiny, slightly concave, with median carina and parallel longitudinal carinulae laterally, with prominent anterior notch; face foveolate throughout, overlain with parallel rugulae on malar spaces and between frontal carinae, becoming more reticulate and fainter posteriorly; head with abundant suberect setae projecting from sides of head in face view; scape smooth and shining, terete at base, with sparse erect setae longer than maximum width of scape; hypostomal margin flat, median tooth present, usually prominent and larger than inner hypostomal teeth; inner hypostomal teeth present, stout, about one half distance from midline to outer hypostomal teeth; promesonotal groove not distinct; propodeal spines present; mesosoma largely foveolate, with shiny area at anterodorsal margin of pronotum; dorsal (outer) margin of hind tibia with appressed pubescence, no longer erect setae; pilosity abundant on mesosomal dorsum; postpetiole in dorsal view lenticular, widest at midlength, conules moderately developed; first gastral tergite matte, with abundant long stiff erect setae; head and mesosoma generally red brown with greater infuscation on mesosomal dorsum, first gastral tergum orange anteriorly, posterior portion and rest of gastral dorsum darker red brown.


This species is known from numerous baiting samples in wet forest habitat, in one locality in the northern Chiapas lowlands.


The name is in reference to the smooth and shiny gaster of the minor worker, in contrast to the matte gaster of the similar P. anastasii   HNS .


Mexico, Mexico D.F., Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


USA, California, San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences


USA, Illinois, Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History (also used by Finnish Museum of Natural History)


Costa Rica, Santo Domingo de Heredia, Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


John T. Longino


USA, California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History


USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology


Switzerland, Geneva, Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Venezuela, Maracay, Museuo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola


Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]











