Atomosphyrus wandae, Bustamante & Ruiz, 2020

Bustamante, Abel A. & Ruiz, Gustavo R. S., 2020, New species and records of thiodinines from North and South America (Araneae Salticidae: Salticinae: Thiodinini), Zootaxa 4899 (1), pp. 115-140 : 117

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scientific name

Atomosphyrus wandae

sp. nov.

Atomosphyrus wandae View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 13–21 View FIGURES 13–15 View FIGURES 16–21

Etymology. The specific name honours prof. Wanda Wesołowska (University of Wrocław). Wanda is one of the most influent salticidologists in Poland. She is particularly known for her study of the African jumping spider fauna.

Diagnosis. Males of Atomosphyrus wandae sp. nov. resemble those of A. breyeri Galiano, 1966 by the general appearance of the body (ant-like; with low carapace and orange coloration) and male palp, but differs by the longer embolus (840° in A. breyeri ; 1200° in A. wandae sp. nov.), and by the subtriangular retrolateral tibial apophysis of A. wandae sp. nov. ( Figs 16–21 View FIGURES 16–21 ) (RTA is subsquared in A. breyeri ).

Description. Male (Holotype, MPEG 34338). Total length 2.51. Carapace length 1.07, width 0.63, height 0.34. AME diameter 0.20. Ocular quadrangle length 0.52. Anterior eye row width 0.58. Posterior eye row width 0.63. Abdomen length 1.44.

Chelicera paturon with one tricuspid promarginal tooth and one bicuspid and curved retromarginal tooth; sls distribution: scattered on the entire dorsal surface. Leg I: femur 0.51, patella 0.26, tibia 0.40, metatarsus 0.30, tarsus 0.25; II: fe 0.40, pa 0.22, ti 0.29, mt 0.25, ta 0.22; III: fe 0.40, pa 0.21, ti 0.29, mt 0.29, ta 0.23; IV: fe 0.59, pa 0.26, ti 0.49, mt 0.41, ta 0.27. Leg formula 4132. Leg macrosetae: femur I–IV d0-1-1, p0, r0; patella I–IV 0; tibia I p0, r0, v2-2a-0; II p0, r0, 1r-0-0; III–IV 0; metatarsus I p0, r0, v2-2; II p0, r0, v1r-0; III 0; IV p1di (p2di right), r1di, v0.

Palp ( Figs 16–21 View FIGURES 16–21 ): tibia wider than long; RTA subtriangular, longer than RvTA; RvTA subsquared; embolus simple, fixed to tegulum, arising prolaterally in left palp (9:00), with path of 1200° (3T+120°) before distal coil.

Color in alcohol: carapace orange, with dark striation on thoracic region ( Figs 13–15 View FIGURES 13–15 ), abdomen cream-colored with dark spots on dorsum ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 13–15 ). Legs orange, with metatarsus I brown.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype Ƌ: BRAZIL: Piauí: Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Brasileira , 4.1005278°S, 41.7150555°W, leg. L.S. Carvalho et al., 3.II.2007 (gallery forest) ( MPEG 34338 View Materials ). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: BRAZIL: Piauí: Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades, Brasileira e Piracuruca , 4.0989444°S, 41.7200527°W, leg. L.S. Carvalho et al., 24. VI.2007 (evergreen broad-leaved sclerophyllous shrubland), 1Ƌ ( MPEG 34339 View Materials ); GoogleMaps Same data but 4.0989722°S, 41.8489722°W, open field, 1Ƌ ( MPEG 34343 View Materials ); GoogleMaps Same data but 4.1138889°S, 41.7145833°W, deciduous subdesert shrubland with succulents, 1Ƌ ( MPEG 34344 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Parque Nacional Sete Cidades.

Natural history. Specimens from “evergreen broad-leaved sclerophyllous shrubland”, “deciduous subdesert shrubland with succulents” and “open field” were collected with pitfall traps, and from “gallery forest” with Winkler extractors. These data suggest that this species occurs on the ground.

Note. The coloration pattern of metatarsus I in A. wandae sp. nov. is similar to that of Tartamura (compare our Figs 14–15 View FIGURES 13–15 with Figs 3–6 View FIGURES 3–6 , 40, 42 View FIGURES 39–42 and Bustamante & Ruiz 2017: figs 2–3, 18, 20, 22). This pattern is not observed in A. breyeri ( Galiano 1966: 281) .


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