Habrophlebia hassainae Benhadji & Sartori, 2018

Benhadji, Nadhira, Hassaine, Karima Abdellaoui & Sartori, Michel, 2018, Habrophlebia hassainae, a new mayfly species (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from North Africa, Zootaxa 4403 (3), pp. 557-569 : 558-569

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Habrophlebia hassainae Benhadji & Sartori

sp. nov.

Habrophlebia hassainae Benhadji & Sartori , sp. nov.

Habrophlebia cf. fusca Gagneur & Thomas 1988: 215 View in CoL Habrophlebia View in CoL cf. gr. fusca Thomas 1998: 14 View in CoL

Materials examined. HolotypE: 1 malE imago, with nymphal and Subimaginal EXuviaE (GBIFCH00517552), AlgEria, TlEmcEn Wilaya, ISSEr watErShEd, Chouly wadi, upStrEam YEbdar ( CH 1), 34° 49' 15" N, 1° 10' 55" W, 915 m., 25.VII.2016, N. BEnhadji coll. [ MZL]

ParatypES: 16 malE imagoS (GBIFCH00517551), onE of thEm partially mountEd on SlidE (GBIFCH00585308) 18 fEmalE imagoS, 9 fEmalE SubimagoS (GBIFCH00517559) with corrESponding EXuviaE (GBIFCH00517550), with 2 of them mounted on slide (GBIFCH585306̄307) same data as holotype [ MZL]; 5 nymphs (GBIFCH00517557), SamE locality, 20.V.2015 [ MZL]; 3 nymphS (GBIFCH00517555), SamE locality, 8.XII.2015 [ MZL]; 1 nymph, SamE locality, 14.IV.2015 [ UABT]; 1 nymph, Chouly wadi, BEni Ghazli ( CH 0), 34° 47' 20.19" N, 1° 13' 6.72" W, 1022 m GoogleMaps . , 2.V.2015 [ UABT]; 15 nymphS (GBIFCH00517560), SamE locality, 14.III.2015 [ MZL]; 2 nymphS, Chouly wadi, road OulEd Mimoun-Sidi AbdElli ( CH 4), 34° 55' 57.22" N, 1° 04' 26.50" W 552 m., 14.III.2015 [ UABT]; 1 nymph, ISSEr wadi, Aïn ISSEr ( IOM), 34° 47' 56.78" N, 1° 04' 51.60" W GoogleMaps , 870 m., 05.VI.2015 [ UABT]; 1 nymph; Tafna watErShEd , KhEmiS wadi, upStrEam KhEmiS (KH1), 34° 37' 59.18" N, 1° 34' 11.63" W GoogleMaps , 853 m., 29.VIII.2015 [UABT]; 10 nymphS (GBIFCH00517556), SamE data [MZL]; 1 nymph; SafSaf wadi, downStrEam El Ourit (SK1), 34° 51' 23.41" N, 1° 17' 1.84" W, 700 m., 31.XII.2015 [UABT]; 11 malE imagoS, 8 fEmalE imagoS (GBIF00517554), SamE locality, 25.XII.2015 [MZL]; 4 nymphS (GBIFCH00517558), SamE locality, 27.VII.2015 [MZL]; 8 nymphS (GBIFCH00517553), SamE locality, 4.VIII.2015 [MZL]; all coll. N. BEnhadji.

OthEr matErial (not typE matErial): 9 malE imagoS, 1 fEmalE imago (GBIFCH00517561), Chouly wadi, downStrEam TEbbar [YEbdar] (C1), 800 m., 16.X.1982; 7 nymphS (GBIFCH00517566), SamE locality, 19.VI.1986; 5 malE imagoS(GBIFCH00517562), SamE locality, without datE; 2 nymphS (GBIFCH00517565), Saf Saf wadi, upStrEam El Ourit (S1), 800 m., 17.III.1981; 12 nymphS, 1 malE Subimago (GBIFCH00517563), SamE locality, without datE; 20 nymphS (GBIFCH00517564), Saf Saf wadi, downStrEam El Ourit (SS), 700 m., 24.V.1986; 2 nymphS (GBIFCH00517567), Tafna wadi, bEtwEEn thE SpringS and SEbdou (T1), 4.II.1984 [all MZL]; coll. J. GagnEur, lEg. A.G.B. ThomaS.

Description. Male imago. Body lEngth: 6.7 to 7 mm. ForEwing lEngth: 6.1 to 7 mm. CErci and tErminal filamEnt lEngth: 8.1 to 9 mm.

HEad. GEnEral coloration mEdium brown, dark brown bEtwEEn ocElli; baSal portion of compound EyES grEyiSh, uppEr portion yEllowiSh brown ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22 ); ScapE mEdium brown, pEdicEl dark brown, flagEllum light brown.

ThoraX. Pronotum grEyiSh brown waShEd with dark brown; mESo- and mEtanotum uniformly dark brown, plEura, coXaE and trochantErS grEyiSh brown waShEd with dark brown; forE fEmora EntirEly dark brown, forE tibiaE mEdium brown, tarSi light brown.; mid- and hind lEgS with fEmora mEdium brown on uppEr SurfacE, lightEr on proXimal part, tibiaE and tarSi light brown ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 22 ).

FEmur/tibia/tarSi ratio in forElEg: 1/1.5/0.5/0.5/0.4/0.2; mid lEg: 1/1.2/0.1/0.1/0.05/0.2; hind lEg: 1/1.2/0.08/ 0.07/0.05/0.15. ForE claw compoSEd of two paddlE-ShapE StructurES, mid- and hind claw with onE paddlE-likE and onE hookEd. ForE wing ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 24 ) tranSparEnt, ptEroStigmatic arEa milky with ca 10 obliquE and SimplE tranSvErSal vEinS, longitudinal vEinS light brown, tranSvErSal vEinS whitiSh. MA and MP forkS aSymmEtrical, cubital fiEld with onE Short and two long intErcalary vEinS Hind wing (Fig. 25) with roundEd coStal procESS ca in thE middlE of thE wing; vEin Sc long, rEaching thE apEX of thE wing.

AbdomEn. TErgitES and StErnitES colorationS aS in thE nymph.

StyligEr platE mEdium brown, firSt SEgmEnt of thE gonopodS grEyiSh brown, SEgmEntS 2 and 3 yEllowiSh brown. PoStErior margin of thE StyligEr platE Strongly convEX in thE middlE, mEdian inciSion rEgularly roundEd (Fig. 26); SEgmEnt 1 Slightly longEr than SEgmEntS 2 and 3 combinEd; ratio lEngth SEgmEnt 1 vS SEgmEnt 2: ca 2.0 and SEgmEnt 1 vS SEgmEnt 3: ca 2.2; innEr margin of SEgmEnt onE with a broad baSE, and a Small inciSion on thE outEr margin. PEniS lobES roundEd and cloSE togEthEr, vEntral SpinE long and thin, rEaching thE baSE of thE StyligEr platE (Fig. 26¯27).

CErci and tErminal filamEnt light brown, darkEr at baSE.

Female imago. Body lEngth: 7.8 to 8.1 mm. ForEwing lEngth: 7.1 to 8 mm. CErci and tErminal filamEnt lEngth: 10.2 to 11 mm.

Similar to thE malE, with thE following diffErEncES (Fig. 23). OvErall coloration lESS contraStEd, tibiaE and tarSi mEdium brown, forE wing with longitudinal vEinS mEdium brown, tranSvErSal vEinS light brown; SubgEnital platE tranSformEd in an ovipoSitor, Subanal platE dEEply clEft; cErci and tErminal filamEnt rEddiSh brown.

Subimagos. Similar to imagoS, wingS mEmbranE browniSh.

Eggs. GEnEral ShapE ovoid, lEngth/width ca 190 µm/90 µm; numErouS longitudinal ribS SinuouS, ca 3.5–4.0 µm widE, EntirE without punctuation ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28 ); micropylE in Equatorial poSition, with marginS Slightly ElEvatEd (Fig. 29).

Nymph. Body lEngth of final inStar, EXcluding caudal filamEntS, 6.3 to 7.3 mm for malE and 8.3 to 10 mm for fEmalE. CErci aS long aS body lEngth. GEnEral coloration light brown with dark brown markingS mainly on abdominal tErga ( FigS 2 View FIGURES 2 –3). ThE wholE cuticlE iS ShagrEEnEd.

HEad. GEnEral coloration mEdium brown; palEr arEa bEtwEEn compound EyES and latEral ocElli; bEtwEEn ocElli, a dark brown mark not rEaching thE clypEuS diStally, and EXtEnding latErally in front of thE compound EyES; vErtEX SuturES yEllowiSh, wEll viSiblE. UppEr portion of malE EyES yEllowiSh brown (Fig. 3). AntEnna with ScapE and pEdicEl grEyiSh brown, filamEnt yEllowiSh. Labrum ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 5 ) rEctangular, ca 1.7 X widEr than long; dorSal SurfacE covErEd diStally with ScattErEd Stout SEtaE, proXimally with long and thin SEtaE; antErior margin with a row of Stout and SpatulatE SEtaE; antEromEdian Emargination narrow with fivE flat/roundEd dEnticlES; vEntral SurfacE with two bunches of stout setae medially. Maxilla (Fig. 6) stocky, subapical row of 7̄8 pectinate setae; maxillary palp 3̄segmented, segment 1 slightly longer than segment 2, and about two times longer than segment 3; segment 3 triangular a littlE bit longEr than widE at baSE; all Stout SEtaE on thE palp EntirE, nonE fEathErEd (Fig. 7). MandiblES Similar to othEr Habrophlebia SpEciES (Fig. 8). HypopharynX with SupErlinguaE wEll dEvElopEd Ending with a mEmbranouS digitation (Fig. 9). Labium (Fig. 10) with gloSSaE rhomboid, outEr margin and apEX covErEd with Stout and Short SEtaE; paragloSSaE EnlargEd latErally, covErEd with thin and long SEtaE on dorSal SurfacE; with Stout and long setae on outer margin; labial palp 3̄segmented; inner margin of segment 1 greatly enlarged towards apex, ca 0.8 X longEr than maXimum width, SEgmEntS 2 and 3 SubEqual in lEngth, ca 0.7 X lEngth of SEgmEnt 1; SEgmEnt 3 ca 1.5 X longEr than widE at baSE.

ThoraX. Pro- and mESonotum light brown to mEdium brown, with grEyiSh black maculaE, ESpEcially on latEral margins ( Figs 2 View FIGURES 2 ̄3); legs yellowish brown to medium brown; dorsal surface of femora almost entirely washed with grEyiSh brown macula, tarSi and tibiaE gEnErally lightEr, EXcEpt SomEtimES in maturE nymphS. AntErolatEral anglES and antErior margin of pronotum with numErouS long, Stout and pointEd SEtaE. ForE fEmora ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12 ) ElongatEd, ca 2.5 longEr than widE, uppEr SurfacE covErEd with long, EntirE, and pointEd SEtaE (Fig. 13); forE tibiaE SubEqual in lEngth to fEmora, outEr margin with thin and long SEtaE, innEr margin with SEvEral rowS of long Stout and pointEd SEtaE, EithEr EntirE or fEathErEd ESpEcially nEar apEX (aS in Fig. 15); tarSi 0.6 X lEngth of tibiaE, outEr margin with long and thin SEtaE, innEr margin with two rowS of long, Stout and pointEd SEtaE. MiddlE lEgS (Fig. 14) Similar to forE lEgS, dorSal SurfacE of fEmora with morE numErouS and Slightly longEr Stout and pointEd SEtaE; tibiaE 0.8 X lEngth of fEmora and tarSi 0.5 X lEngth of tibiaE. Hind fEmora (Fig. 16) 3 X longEr than widE, dorSal SurfacE (Fig. 17) covErEd with Stout, long, pointEd and fEathErEd SEtaE (only viSiblE at high magnification – 400 X and morE); hind tibiaE Slightly ShortEr than hind fEmora, outEr margin with ScattErEd Stout, pointEd SEtaE; innEr margin with SEvEral rowS of Stout, pointEd and EntirE SEtaE; tarSi 0.5 X lEngth of tibiaE, outEr margin with long and thin SEtaE, innEr margin with two rowS of long, Stout and pointEd SEtaE. ClawS (Fig. 11) of all lEgS Slightly hookEd, with 18–22 dEnticlES incrEaSing in SizE towardS apEX.

AbdomEn. TErgitES light to mEdium brown with charactEriStic markingS ( FigS 2 View FIGURES 2 ¯3), conSiSting in two SublatEral ElongatEd blackiSh brown maculaE, joining on thE poStErior margin and with an oblong Sagittal maculaE, leaving two lateral light areas; posterior marking sometimes absent on tergites VIIĪX. Sternites coloration somewhat similar to tergites (Fig. 4); sternite I entirely greyish brown; sternites IĪVIII greyish brown with lateral, antErior and poStErior bandS light brown, and two paraSagittal bEan-likE markS; StErnitE IX morE light brown, in malE nymphS with gEnitalia wEll viSiblE and StyligEr platE dark brown. PoStErolatEral EXpanSionS only on SEgmEntS VIII and IX. OrnamEntation of thE tErgitES ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 18 ): poStErior margin of tErgitE IX with wEll-dEvElopEd narrow and pointed spines, ca 3 times longer than wide; tergites VIĪVIII with narrower and shorter spines, bordered with submarginal microdenticles; tergites V̄VI with even smaller spines, tergite IV with minute spines, not longer than the submarginal microdenticles; tergites ĪIII with barely visible spines at high magnification (400x). Gills present on segments ĪVII; all gills long and large; first gill (Fig. 19) with ventral lamella bearing 3–4 filaments, dorsal lamElla with 5–6 filamEntS, gillS II¯VI (Fig. 20) with 5–8 and 9–12 filamEntS on thE vEntral and dorSal lamElla rESpEctivEly, gill VII (Fig. 21) with about 8 filamEntS on vEntral lamElla and ca 10 filamEntS on dorSal lamElla.

CErci and tErminal filamEnt yEllowiSh brown, mEdium brown in maturE nymphS.

Etymology. ThE nEw SpEciES iS dEdicatEd to Prof. Karima AbdEllaoui HaSSainE, dirEctor of thE « LaboratoirE dE ValoriSation dES actionS dE l'hommE pour la protEction dE l'EnvironnEmEnt Et application En Santé publiquE », UnivErSity Abou BEkr BElkaïd, TlEmcEn, AlgEria.

Affinities. ThE malE imago of Habrophlebia hassainae sp. nov. can bE EaSily SEparatEd from thE onE of H. antoninoi by thE ShapE of thE hind wing, from H. fusca and H. eldae by thE prESEncE of roundEd lobES on outEr margin of thE StyligEr, from H. consiglioi and H. antoninoi by thE ShapE of thE pEnial SpinE which iS not Stout, and from H. vaillantorum by pEniS lobES in vEntral viEw which arE divErgEnt and pEnial SpinE longEr. It iS morE rElatEd to H. lauta , with whom it SharES thE StyligEr ShapE, thE pEniS lobES almoSt Straight, and thE pEnial SpinE which iS long and thin. It can bE SEparatEd howEvEr, from thE lattEr by thE ratio of thE SEgmEntS of thE gonopodS (SEgmEnt 1 two timES longEr than SEgmEnt 2, whErEaS in H lauta , it iS lESS than 1.5), thE coloration pattErn of thE abdomEn, and by thE ShapE of thE pEnial SpinE which iS Straight and not concavE in latEral viEw (SEE Alba-TErcEdor 2000, FigS 12 View FIGURES 12 – 23).

ThE nymph of H. hassainae diffErS from thoSE of H. consiglioi , H eldae , H. fusca and H. vaillantorum by thE coloration pattErn of thE abdomEn, from H eldae , H. fusca and H. lauta by thE ShapE of thE SupErlingua of thE hypopharynX, from H. eldae , H. vaillantorum and H. fusca by thE ShapE of thE SpinES on thE poStErior margin of thE tErgitES. AS in malE imagoS, thE nymph iS moSt Similar to thE onE of H. lauta , from which it can bE SEparatEd by thE coloration of thE abdomEn, thE ShapE of thE Stout SEtaE on thE dorSal SurfacE of thE fEmora, and thE prESEncE of fEathErEd SEtaE on thE dorSal SurfacE of hind fEmora. Among all PalaEarctic SpEciES of Habrophlebia , H. hassainae iS thE largESt (6.3 to 10 mm vS 4.5 to 8 mm in othErS), bEarS thE highESt numbEr of dEnticlES on clawS (18–22 dEnticlES vS 11–16 in othErS), and haS gillS with thE moSt numErouS filamEntS on Each lamElla (5–8 in vEntral and 9–12 in dorSal, vErSuS 1–6 and 3–9 in vEntral and dorSal lamElla rESpEctivEly, in all othEr SpEciES).

ThE EggS of H. hassainae (lEngth/width ratio ca 2.1) diffEr from thoSE of H.lauta (ca 2.7) and H. vaillantorum (ca 1.7) by thE ShapE, from thoSE of H. fusca and H. consiglioi by thE ShapE of thE ribS which arE EntirE and not punctuatE, thuS rESEmbling SomEwhat thoSE of H. eldae .

TABLE I. Geographical and physical data of sampling sites of Tafna basin Algeria (white rows = sampling sites with H. hassainae and grey rows = sampling sites without H. hassainae ).

P = pebbles, G = gravels, S = sands, Si = silts, M = mud, C = clear, T = turbid, Ps = pluristratified, Sh = shrublands, Hb = herbaceous.

Ecology. ThE SEvEn Sampling SitES whErE nymphS of Habrophlebia hassainae sp. nov. wErE found SharE Similar gEomorphological (TablE 1) and phySicochEmical charactEriSticS ( TablE 2). ThEir proXimity to thE SpringS at mEdium and high altitudE, linkEd to thE cloSEnESS of thE groundwatEr, thE prESEncE of riparian and aquatic vEgEtation allowS thE watEr tEmpEraturE to rEmain cool.

ThE wadiS arE formEd by a SuccESSion of rifflES and poolS, and it iS in thESE poolS that H. hassainae iS thE moSt frEquEntly EncountErEd. ThE poolS arE approXimatEly 5 to 40 cm dEEp with low to modEratE currEnt ovEr a Stony bEd and EvEn finE Sandy SEdimEntS. MoSt nymphS can bE found in thE marginal SubmErgEd vEgEtation. FirSt inStar nymphS can alSo bE found in thE rifflE SEction whErE thEy find rEfugE and food undEr thE StonES.

ThE SitES arE lESS EXpoSEd to pollution than thE downStrEam SitES and thE Supply of frEShwatEr from thE numErouS SpringS maintain thE clEarnESS of thE watEr, richnESS of aquatic vEgEtation and thE rifflES kEEp thE watEr wEll oXygEnatEd.

GagnEur & ThomaS (1988) mEntionEd that high conductivity waS thE main Ecologic factor limiting thE downStrEam diStribution of H. cf. fusca (maX. approXimativEly 700 µS/cm). In our Study wE found thE SamE valuES for SitES colonizEd by H. hassainae nymphS, with thE EXcEption of SitE I1 which had highEr valuES (850–900 µS/ cm). ThESE highly StablE valuES ovEr 30 yEarS indicatE a wEak anthropogEnic impact on thE EnvironmEnt.


Musee Zoologique


Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences














Habrophlebia hassainae Benhadji & Sartori

Benhadji, Nadhira, Hassaine, Karima Abdellaoui & Sartori, Michel 2018

Habrophlebia cf. fusca

Gagneur & Thomas 1988 : 215
Thomas 1998 : 14
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