Coniceromyia pilipleura Borgmeier

Ament, Danilo César & Amorim, Dalton De Souza, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Coniceromyia Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), with the description of three new species from Brazil, Zootaxa 4086 (1), pp. 1-87 : 48

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Plazi (2016-03-12 15:53:43, last updated 2024-11-24 23:20:23)

scientific name

Coniceromyia pilipleura Borgmeier


Coniceromyia pilipleura Borgmeier View in CoL

( Figs. 109–112 View FIGURES 109 – 112 , 178 View FIGURES 174 – 190 , 230 View FIGURES 227 – 238 , 297 View FIGURES 294 – 297 )

Coniceromyia pilipleura Borgmeier, 1962: 77 View in CoL . Refs.: Borgmeier 1963a: 88, fig. 86.

Diagnosis (male). Wing vein costa long, about half of the wing length, swollen at apex; wing without long ventral microtrichia; M2 sinuous and CuA1 almost straight.

Material examined. Holotype ♂, USA: Florida: Sebring , 31.viii.1942, C .T. Parsons col. (MCZ). Paratype: 1♂, USA: Texas: Brownsville , 8.iv.1945, D. Hardy col. ( USNM). Additional material : COSTA RICA : 2♂, Puntarenas: Coopemarti , 8.63ºN, 83.47ºW, ii.1991, Malaise trap, 30 m, P. Hanson col. ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Alajuela: Los Chiles , 10.4ºN, 84.33ºW, iii.1990, Malaise trap, 300m, P. Hanson col. ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, Guanacaste : Santa Rosa National Park, 10.95ºN, 85.62ºW, 27.ix–18.x.1986, Malaise trap, I. Gauld & D. Janzen col. ( LACM); HONDURAS GoogleMaps : 1♂, Olancho: Catacamas , 15.83ºN, 85.85ºW,, Malaise trap, 600 m, R. Cordero col. ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; PANAMA: 1♂, Divisa , 3.viii.1961, D . Novas col. ( MZSP); USA: 1♂, Florida: Sebring , 24.viii.1942, C . T. Parsons col. (MZSP); 1♂, Missouri, Wayne Co., Williamsville , 15–, Malaise trap, J. Becker col. ( LACM) ; 1♂ same but viii.1988; 2♂, same but vii.1987.

Hypopygium description ( Figs. 109–112 View FIGURES 109 – 112 ). Hypopygium light brown. Epandrium extensively covered with microtrichia, with small proximal lateral areas bare; epandrial dorsal suture absent, left suture present. Left epandrial process dorsally setose, with apex setulose, and subepandrial group of about four large setae near base. Right epandrial projection with few subepandrial setulae. Hypoproct with four setae. Right lobe of hypandrium without projections.

Geographical distribution. Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama and United States.

Comments. The hypopygium of Coniceromyia pilipleura is nearly identical to that of C. sakaii . Both species have a characteristic (possibly apomorphic) wing venation, a thick anteroapical process of the foremetatarsus, and small foretibia dorsal setae. The long and swollen costal vein is a feature also shared by C. sakaii , C. cubensis and C. laticosta .

Borgmeier, T. (1962) Some new north american species of the dipterous family Phoridae. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 22, 65 - 82.

Borgmeier, T. (1963 a) Revision of the North American Phorid Flies. Part I. The Phorinae, Aenigmatiinae and Metopininae, except Megaselia (Diptera, Phoridae). Studia Entomologica, 6, 1 - 256.

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FIGURES 109 – 112. Coniceromyia pilipleura hypopygium, 109. Dorsal, 110. Ventral, 111. Left lateral, 112. Right lateral.

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FIGURES 174 – 190. Coniceromyia male forelegs. 174. C. mexicana; 175. C. neofusca, sp. nov.; 176. C. parvicornis; 177. C. pilicoxa; 178. C. pilipleura; 179. C. piricornis; 180. C. plaumanni; 181. C. reina; 182. C. sakaii; 183. C. sanctaetheresae; 184. C. setitarsalis; 185. C. stephensoni; 186. C. striativena; 187. C. tanycrossa sp. nov.; 188. C. truncata; 189. C. valdesi; 190. C. vespertilio.

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FIGURES 227 – 238. Coniceromyia male wings. 227. C. neofusca sp. nov.; 228. C. parvicornis; 229. C. pilicoxa; 230. C. pilipleura; 231. C. piricornis; 232. C. plaumanni; 233 – 234. C. reina; 235. C. sakaii; 236. C. sanctaetheresae; 237. C. setitarsalis; 238. C. stephensoni.

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FIGURES 294 – 297. Coniceromyia male hind femur. 294. C. neofusca sp. nov.; 295. C. parvicornis; 296. C. pilicoxa; 297. C. pilipleura.


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Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


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