Camptopelta Williston

Fachin, Diego Aguilar, González, Christian R., Elgueta, Mario & Hauser, Martin, 2021, A catalog of Stratiomyidae (Diptera: Brachycera) from Chile, with a new synonym and notes on the species, Zootaxa 5004 (1), pp. 1-57 : 39-41

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Camptopelta Williston


Subgenus Camptopelta Williston

Camptopelta Williston, 1917: 23 . Type species: Camptopelta aldrichi Williston, 1917 View in CoL , by monotypy.

= Nematotelus Séguy, 1926: 30 . Type species: Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 , by monotypy. Attributed to Osten Sacken.

= Nemotelinus Enderlein, 1936: 79 . Type species: Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 , by monotypy. Described as genus.

= Melanonemotelus Pleske in Lindner, 1937b: 107. Nomen nudum.

= Melanonemotelus Szilády, 1941: 100 . Type species: Nemotelus nigrinus Fallén, 1817 , by monotypy.

chilensis James, 1974 View in CoL

Nemotelus chilensis James, 1974: 9 ; 4 (in key); 20, fig. 7 (male head); 21, fig. 18 (fem. head); 22, figs. 31 (wing), and 33 (gonostylus).

Holotype: male ( CNC, type number No. 6366; see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49). Type locality: Chile, Santiago Province, El Noviciado. Distr. : Coquimbo Region: Choapa Province (Hacienda Illapel); Metropolitana Region: Santiago Province (El Noviciado), Cordillera Province (El Manzano).

Ref.: Woodley, 2001: 324 (cat.).

Comments. Of the 52 paratypes (35 males and 17 females) mentioned in the original description ( James 1974), 24 males and nine females are known to be deposited in the CNC collection (see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49) and the remaining (19) are in the WSU collection (WSU No. 277; see Zack, 1984: 26).

congruens Kertész, 1914

Nemotelus congruens Kertész, 1914: 528 ; 518 (in key); 528, fig. 59 (head).

= Nemotelus basalis Kertész, 1914: 528 ; 518 (in key); 528, fig. 58 (head). Syntypes: 2 males (HNHM, destroyed or unknown depository institution, according to Woodley, 2001: 325). Type locality: Peru, Lima and Barranca. Syn. by James (1974: 18).

= Nemotelus disjunctus Curran, 1925: 244 . Holotype: female (CUIC). Type locality: Peru, Lima, 5000 feet. Syn. by James (1974: 18).

Syntypes: 3 males (HNHM, destroyed or unknown depository institution, according to Woodley, 2001: 324). Type locality: Chile (Arica). Distr.: Arica y Parinacota Region: Arica Province (Arica, Río Lluta). Peru: Lima Department: Barranca Province (Barranca); Lima Province (Lima); Ica Department: Ica Province (Ica) (see also Lindner, 1941: 182).

Refs.: Aubertin, 1930: 94 (list, only congruens ); Lindner, 1941: 182 (distr., suppl. descr., basalis and congruens ); Lindner, 1943: 91 (list); Stuardo, 1946: 64; (cat.) James, 1973a: 26.48 (cat., basalis , congruens , and disjunctus as separate species); James, 1974: 6 (in key, only congruens ), 18 (suppl. descr., basalis and disjunctus syn. of congruens ); Woodley, 2001: 324–325 (cat.).

Comments. Besides the type locality in Peru (Lima and Barranca) and the additional specimen from Ica, this species is only known from a single place in Chile: Arica (see Kertész, 1914: 528) .

fuegensis James, 1974

Nemotelus fuegensis James, 1974: 11 ; 4 (in key).

Holotype: male ( CNC, type number No. 13518; see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49). Type locality: Chile, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego, Bahía Filipe [= Felipe]. Distr.: Magallanes Region: Última Esperanza Province (4 km west of Laguna Amarga ), Tierra del Fuego Province ( Bahía Felipe ).

Ref.: Woodley, 2001: 325 (cat.).

Comments. One male paratype is known to be deposited in the CNC collection (see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49) and other two males are in the CAS collection. An additional male, without abdomen, is mentioned by James (1974: 11), but was not designated as paratype.

hirsutissimus James, 1974

Nemotelus hirsutissimus James, 1974: 12 ; 4 (in key); 20, fig. 10 (head); 22, fig. 36 (male term.).

Holotype: male ( CNC, type number No. 13523; see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49). Type locality: Chile, Antofagasta, Mucar, on Argentine border, 23º20’S, 4000–4100 m. Distr.: Antofagasta Region: El Loa Province (Lever, Mucar).

Ref.: Woodley, 2001: 325 (cat.).

Comments. Of the nine male paratypes mentioned in the original description ( James 1974), four are known to be deposited in the CNC collection (see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49) and the other five in the WSU collection (WSU No. 887; see Zack, 1984: 26).

magellanicus James, 1974 (paratype, Figs 82–85 View FIGURES 82–88 )

Nemotelus magellanicus James, 1974: 10 ; 4 (in key); 20, fig. 8 (male head); 21, fig. 19 (fem. head); 22, fig. 34 (male term.).

Holotype: male ( CNC, type number No. 18047; see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49). Type locality: Chile, Magellanes, Laguna Amarga, Natales [= Puerto Natales], East of Mt. Payne [= Cordillera Paine]. Distr.: Aysén Region: General Carrera Province ( Chile Chico, Lago General Carrera, Puerto Ibáñez); Magallanes Region: Última Esperanza Province (Puerto Natales, Río Tres Pasos, 4 km West of Laguna Amarga), Magallanes Province (Bahia Municiones, Estrecho de Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Tres Brazos), Antártica Chilena Province (N Bahía Inútil, 35 km south of Porvenir). Argentina: Río Negro Province (Bariloche) (see James, 1974: 11).

Refs.: Woodley, 2001: 326 (cat.); Pujol-Luz & Pujol-Luz, 2014: 406 (list).

Comments. Of the 42 paratypes (37 males and five females) mentioned in the original description ( James 1974), 15 males and one female are known to be deposited in the CNC collection (see Cooper & Cumming, 1993: 49) (see Figs 82–85 View FIGURES 82–88 for one female) and other 10 (sexes not stated) are in the WSU collection (WSU No. 892; see Zack, 1984: 26). The depository institution of the remaining 16 paratypes remains unknown.

niger Bigot, 1879

Nemotelus niger Bigot, 1879: 233 .

= Nemotelus fasciatifrons Lynch Arribálzaga, 1881a: 89 . Syntype: female (MACN?). Type locality: Argentina (without precise locality). Syn. by Kertész (1914: 527).

= Nemotelus fasciatifrons Lynch Arribálzaga, 1881b: 190 . Syntype: female (MACN?). Type locality: Argentina (without precise locality). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Nemotelus fasciatifrons Lynch Arribálzaga, 1881a .

Holotype: female ( NHMUK, type number No. BMNH (E)240132). Type locality: Chile. Distr.: Valparaíso Region: Quillota Province (Quillota), Valparaíso Province (Aconcagua). Argentina: Río Negro Province (Bariloche); Paraguay (without precise locality; see Aubertin, 1930: 105).

Refs.: Lynch Arribálzaga, 1882: 130 (cat., only fasciatifrons ); Hunter, 1900: 130 (cat., niger and fasciatifrons as separate species); Kertész, 1908b: 23–24 (cat.); Kertész, 1914: 518 (in key), 526–527 (suppl. descr., fasciatifrons syn. of niger ), figs. 55 (male head), and 56 (fem. head); Aubertin, 1930: 94 (list); Lindner, 1943: 91 (list); Stuardo, 1946: 64 (cat.); James, 1973a: 26.48 (cat.); James, 1974: 1 (com.); 5 (in key); Woodley, 2001: 326 (cat.); Pujol-Luz & Pujol-Luz, 2014: 406 (list).

Comments. In Chile this species is known from the original description, a record from Quillota given by Kertész (1914: 527) and Aubertin (1930: 94), and from Aconcagua by James (1973a: 26.48), but no further information is given.

nigricornis Kertész, 1914

Nemotelus nigricornis Kertész, 1914: 527 ; 518 (in key); 527, fig. 57 (head).

Syntypes: 4 males ( HNHM, destroyed or unknown depository institution, according to Woodley, 2001: 326). Type locality: Chile, Arica. Distr.: Arica y Parinacota Region: Arica Province (Arica) .

Refs.: Aubertin, 1930: 94 (list); Lindner, 1943: 91 (list), Stuardo, 1946: 64; James, 1973a: 26.48 (cat.); James, 1974: 5 (in key); Woodley, 2001 (cat.).

vertebratus James, 1974

Nemotelus vertebratus James, 1974: 13 ; 4 (in key); 20, fig. 11 (head).

Holotype: male (Universidad de Chile = MEUC, but not in MEUC nor in UMCE; localization unknown). Type locality: Chile, Coquimbo Province, Fray Jorje [= Parque Nacional Bosque Fray Jorge], 5 km west of Pachingo , 30º27’S, 71º32’W, 550 m. Distr.: Coquimbo Region: Limarí Province (5 km W and 15 km SW of Pachingo, in Parque Nacional Bosque Fray Jorge ). GoogleMaps

Ref.: Woodley, 2001: 328 (cat.).

Comments. Four paratypes (sexes not stated) are in the WSU collection (WSU No. 903; see Zack, 1984: 26) and another eight (sexes not stated) in the CAS collection. However, this exceeds in one the number of paratypes mentioned by James (1974: 13): 11 paratypes (nine males and two females).


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Natural History Museum, London


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Universidad de Chile












Camptopelta Williston

Fachin, Diego Aguilar, González, Christian R., Elgueta, Mario & Hauser, Martin 2021

Nemotelus chilensis

James, M. T. 1974: 9

Nemotelus fuegensis

James, M. T. 1974: 11

Nemotelus hirsutissimus

James, M. T. 1974: 12

Nemotelus magellanicus

James, M. T. 1974: 10

Nemotelus vertebratus

James, M. T. 1974: 13

Melanonemotelus Szilády, 1941: 100

Szilady, Z. 1941: 100


Lindner, E. 1937: 107


Enderlein, G. 1936: 79

Nematotelus Séguy, 1926: 30

Seguy, E. 1926: 30

Nemotelus disjunctus

James, M. T. 1974: 18
Curran, C. H. 1925: 244


Williston, S. W. 1917: 23

Nemotelus congruens Kertész, 1914: 528

Kertesz, K. 1914: 528

Nemotelus basalis Kertész, 1914: 528

Woodley, N. E. 2001: 325
James, M. T. 1974: 18
Kertesz, K. 1914: 528

Nemotelus nigricornis Kertész, 1914: 527

Kertesz, K. 1914: 527

Nemotelus fasciatifrons Lynch Arribálzaga, 1881a: 89

Kertesz, K. 1914: 527
Lynch Arribalzaga, E. 1881: 89

Nemotelus fasciatifrons Lynch Arribálzaga, 1881b: 190

Lynch Arribalzaga, E. 1881: 190

Nemotelus niger

Bigot, J. M. F. 1879: 233
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