Kohlsia misantlensis Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez, 2019

Acosta, Roxana & Salceda-Sánchez, Beatriz, 2019, A New Species of Flea of the Genus Kohlsia Traub, 1950 (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae) from Veracruz, Mexico, Zootaxa 4671 (4), pp. 564-570 : 565-568

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Plazi (2019-09-19 13:50:32, last updated 2024-11-29 18:14:36)

scientific name

Kohlsia misantlensis Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez

sp. nov.

Kohlsia misantlensis Acosta & Salceda-Sánchez View in CoL sp. nov.

Figures 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3

Type Material. Holotype: male, ex Peromyscus mexicanus , Mexico, Veracruz, Misantla, Salvador Díaz Miron , 846 m, ecotone tropical forest-oak forest ( TF-OF), N 19º47’49”, W 96º52’48”, 04 November 2010 (09063 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps . Allotype female, same data as holotype (09066 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 16 females, 17 males, same data as holotype (09064-09065, 09072-09075, 09077- 09095, 09098-09104 MZFC-S; CAIMSipTp-00047, 0048, 0050; BYU) except for riparian vegetation, 12 December 2010 GoogleMaps ; 1 female (09067 MZFC-S) and 5 males (09069-09071 MZFC-S, CAIMSipTp-0046, 0049) Misantla , Salvador Díaz Mirón, N19°47’30.9” W96°52’36”, 846 m, ex P. mexicanus , riparian vegetation GoogleMaps ; 1 female (09113 MZFC-S) Misantla , Cerro Gordo (Cueva), 340 m, N 19º56’31”, W 96º45’48”, 22 June 2010 GoogleMaps , ex Desmodus rotundus , crop fields and open grassland; 1 female (09119 MZFC-S) Misantla , Villa Nueva, 942 m, ecotone TF-OF, N 19º46’12.9”, W 96º51’46.5”, ex P. mexicanus GoogleMaps ; 1 male ( BYU) Misantla , Manuel Gutiérrez Najera, 878 m, ecotone VG-VR, N 19º47’31.2”, W 96º51’38.3”, 10–15 October 2010 GoogleMaps , ex P. mexicanus .

Additional specimens examined: Mexico, Veracruz, Misantla , Salvador Díaz Mirón, 846 m, Ecotone TF-OF, N 19º47’49”, W 96º52’48”, 04 November 2010, ex P. mexicanus , 5 females, 5 males (09076, 09078, 09105 -09112 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps , riparian vegetation 12 December 2010; ex P. mexicanus , 6 females, 5 males (09130-09140 MZFC-S) ; Misantla, Los Idolos, 363 m, patch of tropical forest, N 19º53’50”, W 96º51’37.4”, 29 June 2010, ex P. mexicanus , 1 male (09114 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps ; Misantla, San Felipe Cerro Quebrado I, 442 m, tropical forest, N 20º00’16”, W 96º55’00.3”, 23 August 2010, ex P. mexicanus , 2 males (09141-09142 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps ; Misantla, Pueblo Viejo, 724 m, VR-SM, 3 August 2010, 19º48’51.8” N, 96º52’4.7” W, on rodent, 1 male, 2 females (09115-09116, 09143 MZFC-S) ; Misantla, Villa Nueva, 942 m, ecotone TF-OF, N 19º46’12.9”, W 96º51’46.5”, ex P. mexicanus , 6 females, 8 males (09117- 09118, 09120-09129, 09146-09147, 09816 MZFC-S) GoogleMaps ; tropical forest, 22-27 April 2011, 1 male (09148 MZFC-S) .

The holotype, allotype, 36 paratypes (17 males, 19 females), 18 females and 23 males specimens are deposited in the flea collection of the Museo de Zoología “Alfonso L. Herrera ”, Facultad de Ciencias UNAM ( MZFC-S), four paratypes (two females, two males) are deposited in the Colección de Artrópodos con Importancia Médica (CAIM- SipTp) and two partatypes (males) in the Brigham Young Univeristy Flea Collection, ( BYUC) .

Diagnosis. Kohlsia misantlensis sp. nov. is distinctive in the great development of sternite VIII with a tuft of seven long bristles near the truncated apex. It is similar to K. whartoni , but that species has 10 large subapical bristles on sternite VIII. K. misantlensis sp. nov. has 9–10 spines in the pronotum as does K. ahucacatlan , but differs by the presence of three stout bristles in the movable process, and the immobile lobe process (P1) being somewhat acute or pronounced. The crochet is similar to other species, triangular without any projection.

Description. Male head ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ) with frontoclypeal margin rounded, acute tubercle near midpoint, micropunctations scattered above and in front of first row of setae on both pre- and postantennal regions. Preantennal area with four complete rows of setae, the first two irregular in number and arrangement. These rows arranged approximately as follows (from front to rear): in male, 6–8; 4–8; 3–4; 3; in female, 2–4; 8; 3; 2. One seta inserted near the maxillary border or just anterior to eye. Eye distinct, well sclerotized but rather small, about as long as broad, subovate. Genal process somewhat pointed in males and rounded in female. Maxillary lobe reaching apex of fourth segment of maxillary palpus. Maxillary palpus four-segmented; labial palpus six-segmented, extending beyond the middle length of forecoxa. First antennal segment about twice as long as broad; with marginal row of small setae and few proximal and dorsomarginal setae; second antennal segment with a fringe of short setae. Row of small setae bordering dorsal margin of antennal fossa. Postantennal region with three rows of setae, arranged in male approximately 4, 4–5, 5; in female, 4–5, 4–6, 5–6, in both sexes intercalary small setae between base of last row usually absent, or in some specimens, very small; ventralmost seta of last two rows longer than others in row.

Thorax ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Pronotum with one row of five setae and five or six small intercalaries; ventralmost seta longest, with two small intercalaries above ventralmost seta and one intercalary between others in row; comb of 9–10 (males) or 9 (females) well-developed spines per side. Mesonotum with three irregular rows of bristles (5–7, 4–6, 4–5), those in last row longest and with small intercalaries; flange of mesonotum with one mesal pseudoseta per side. Mesepisternum usually with three medium-sized setae, two of which are caudomarginal, preceded by two or three smaller lateromedian setae. Mesepimeron usually with three long setae.

Metanotum with three rows of setae, with arrangement 3–5, 5–6, 4–5, those of posterior row longest and with intercalaries; metanotal flange usually with one subdorsal apical spinelet. Lateral metanotal area with two setae, those in dorsocaudal angle longer. Metepisternum with one long submedial setae inserted at level of the proximal part. Metepimeron with 8 bristles, arranged 3, 4, 1, spiracle rough and broad with rounded apex.

Legs. Forecoxa with many lateral setae scattered over entire length of segment. Mid- and hindcoxae with few submarginal or subapical setae. Profemur with dorsomarginal row of small setae, with a long, stout curved seta at dorsocaudal angle, one subapical and two or three submarginal thinner setae, and several small lateral setae. Midfemur similar but with a pair of setae at dorsocaudal angle, frequently with one small apical mesal seta. Hind- and midfemora with nine to eleven small submarginal dorsal setae; with one or two smaller setae near the large seta at the anteroventral angle. Hindtibia with 7 notches in caudal margin, bearing large bristles as follows (from base to apex): 2, 2, 1–2, 2, 1, 2 (and the apical three setae). Fore- and midtibiae with subapical setae extending to or beyond apex of first tarsal segment. Each fifth tarsal segment with five lateral pairs of setae, the proximal pair slightly displaced on plantar surface. Blade of unguis about twice length of thickened, recurved basal portion.

Abdomen ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Typical tergites with two rows of setae, both rows extending slightly below level of rounded spiracle, second row with longer setae and small intercalaries ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Tergites I–IV usually with one or two apical teeth per side, arranged as 1, 2, 2, 1 (males) or 2, 2, 2, 1 (females). Basal sternum with one ventromarginal seta. Unmodified sternites usually with one row of three setae in males, and three or four setae in females. Male with three antesensilial setae, the middle one four times longer than the lowermost, and the uppermost shorter than the lowermost ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Female with three antesensilial setae, the middle seta more than twice the length of the lowermost and the uppermost bristles; in some specimens the lower and uppermost setae about the same length.

Modified abdominal segments, male ( Fig. 2A, B, C View FIGURE 2 ). Tergum VIII not evident, with four subdorsal setae, the two posteriormost setae longest. Sternum VIII pencil-like ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ), long, apically truncated with a stout apical patch of seven long setae, and below these two or three setae; the tendon of S-VIII extending from the juncture of the fused proximal base of both S-VIII and DA9 ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Clasper as in other species of the genus: dorsal margin of fixed process as high as the movable process, with two or three small apical setae in wide lobe (P1) and two long acetabular bristles inserted on ventral convexity of posterior margin of fixed process; dorsolateral margin straight. Movable process oval, two times longer than broad; anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin very convex; apex weakly pointed, with three very stout, long submarginal setae, the lowermost seta inserted at level of dorsal margin of acetabulum, and with small, thin, apical mesal setae, another one or two similar setae intercalary, between the middle and lowermost stout bristle and below the ventral bristle; along anterior margin of movable process a row of seven subspiniform setae; with one or two tiny small setae at the apex. Tergal apodeme of ninth segment longer than manubrium. Sternum IX with proximal arm about as long as distal arm, margins parallel until apex expanding into triangular shape ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Proximal arm broadened apically and strongly arched. Distal arm of sternite IX wide in the middle and rounded at the apex ( Fig. 2B View FIGURE 2 ); near middle, this lobe bearing three marginal subspiniform setae and three short bristles. Apically, distal arm with narrow lobe, with three short, rather stout subapical setae and two apical anteromarginal setae, one of which is minute; with a patch of 11 or 12 scattered thin lateromedial setae extending down to level of lobe. Distal arm also with a dorso-mesal sclerotized portion extending distally as an elongated, acuminate projection almost reaching apex of arm.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 ). Aedeagal apodeme wide, with slightly convex margins about twice length of aedeagus proper, more than four times longer than broad; dorsal margin slightly sinuate.

Proximal spur well developed, somewhat similar accessory spur at base of aedeagus. Median dorsal lobe expanded and almost straight with rounded apex. Lateral lobes well developed, sinuate, extending dorsally. Crochet of aedeagus large, hyaline, and triangular, dorsal margin slightly concave; anterior margin more heavily sclerotized and ending on the upper margin in a rounded lobe, presence of the paxillus in the thinnest part at the base of the crochet. Inner tube heavily armoured, apex curved dorsally. Armature of inner tube apparent as an acuminate, anteriorly-directed projection at its apex; another portion of this armature represented as a lateral sclerotization, flanking the caudal portion of the vertical tube; apical portion of inner tube flanked by a long sclerite terminating in an elongate acuminate projection. Apodemal strut and its lateral ventral lobe well developed; crescent sclerite conspicuous; penis rod strongly recurved but not coiled; virga ventralis passes from the middle of the apodemal aedeagus. Tenth abdominal segment conspicuous; sensilium flat; dorsal lobe of proctiger with few lateromedian setae, apical setae the longest; ventral lobe of proctiger about twice as long as broad, with a few subapical and long apical setae.

Modified abdominal segments, female ( Fig. 3A, B View FIGURE 3 ). Contour of the caudal margin of sternum VII with a sinus resulting in a narrow, subacute dorsal lobe; ventral lobe broadly rounded with a row of about 4–7 setae. Tergum VIII with 7–10 short setae dorsal to spiracle, two long setae ventral to sensilium, 4–7 long or slightly shorter lateromedial setae ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ). Sternum VIII slightly longer than broad, lightly sclerotized. Dorsal anal lobe of proctiger with marginal setae and 10–11 scattered lateromedian setae, in addition to four or five marginal setae below anal stylet. Anal stylet about 3.5 times longer than broad at base, with a long apical seta 2.5 times longer than ventromarginal seta; with one vestigial subapical seta. Ventral anal lobe angulate, short, with long thin subapical setae; with two or three smaller setae at angle and 3 or 4 submarginal setae. Spermatheca ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ) bulga round to ovoid, well sclerotized, dorsal margin slightly convex, ventral margin almost straight; hila more than twice length of bulga, and curved upward forming a “C”. Bursa copulatrix almost straight, dorsal end dilated, lightly sclerotized; duct slightly arched proximal to head.

Etymology. The specific name misantlensis , is latinized from the Náhuatl word misantlecus, which means “place of deer” in reference to the collection locality.

Remarks. A total of 87 specimens were collected; 83 were found on P. mexicanus , three on Heteromys sp. and one on Desmodus rotundus . We consider the last record as accidental because this species, as well as other species of the genus, shows a host preference for peromyscine rodents. The distribution of the species cannot be accurately inferred with the existing data, because it has only been found in the northern region of Veracruz state.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Kohlsia misantlensis sp. nov. Male (Scale = 500 µm).

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FIGURE 2. Kohlsia misantlensis sp. nov. Male. A. Aedeagus (abbreviations: S.i.t. = Sclerotized Inner Tube; Ae.A. = Aedeagal Apodeme; P.R. = Penis Rods; P.S. = proximal spur; M.D.L. = Median Dorsal Lobe; Lat.L. = Lateral Lobe; PAX. = Paxillus; V.V. = Virga Ventralis; CR. = Crochet). B. Distal arm of sternite IX. C. Sternite VII and proximal arm of sternite IX (Scales: A = 200 µm, B, C = 100 µm).

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FIGURE 3. Kohlsia misantlensis sp. nov. female. A. Sternite VII. B. Spermatheca. (Scales: A = 400 µm, B = 100 µm).


Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico











