
Prather Table Of Contents, Aysha L., 2004, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Banyallarga (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 435 (1), pp. 1-76 : 34-36

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Felipe (2021-06-24 16:50:23, last updated 2021-06-24 16:50:28)

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Key to the males of Banyallarga

I provide this key for the convenience of readers who do not have ready access to the Inter­ net. However, for ease of use and accuracy of identification, I recommend an interactive key, which will include any taxonomic changes subsequent to publication of this paper, maintained at <>. Upon request, I can provide updated conventional or interactive keys on paper or CD­ROM.

1 Endotheca of phallus with thornlike setae ( Fig. 21D). (subgenus Histricoverpa ) 2

— Endotheca of phallus without thornlike setae, but may have fine setae or spicules ( Fig. 3D) ..................................................................... (subgenus Banyallarga ) 11

2(1) Preanal appendage long, usually longer than tergum X, slender, digitate (Fig. 17A, B) ........................................................................................................................... 3

— Preanal appendage broad, shorter than tergum X ( Fig. 25A, B) .............................. ............................................................................... B. (H.) mollicula (McLachlan)

3(2) Coxopodite a simple cylindrical tube without basal process (Fig. 17A, C) .......... 4

— Coxopodite with long, digitate, mesal process ( Fig. 31C) .. B. (H.) sanchezi n. sp.

4(3) Tergum X with both normal setae and spinelike setae ( Fig. 19A, 27A)............... 5

— Tergum X setose, but without prominent spinelike setae (Fig. 17A, B)................ 6

5(4) Tergum X shallowly emarginate, suboval in lateral view, with paired linear rows of long spinelike setae ( Fig. 19A, B)................................... B. (H.) echinata n. sp.

— Tergum X deeply emarginate, with paired digitate lateral projections, apices of projections bearing short spinelike setae ( Fig. 27A, B).............. B. (H.) nica n. sp.

6(4) Tergum X rounded apically in lateral view ( Figs. 21A, 35A) ............................... 7

— Tergum X acute or bifurcate apically in lateral view ( Figs. 23A, 29A, 33A) ....... 8

7(6) Tergum X without dorsomesal ridge ( Fig. 21A, B)............. B. (H.) fortuna (Resh)

— Tergum X with high dorsomesal ridge ( Fig. 35A, B)............. B. (H.) tapanti n. sp.

8(6) Tergum X shallowly to moderately cleft, without long lateral bifurcate projections (Figs. 17B, 29B, 33B), but with acutely tapered or rounded apicoventral lateral projections, or apex of X acute, but without projections (Figs. 17A, 29A, 33B)... 9

— Tergum X deeply cleft, with long, paired, apically bifurcate lateral projections ( Fig. 23A, B)...................................................................... B. (H.) mexicana n. sp.

9(8) Tergum X with short or no apicoventral projection ( Figs. 29A, 33B)................. 10

— Tergum X with long, acute apicoventral projection (Fig. 17A)................................ ................................................................ B. (H.) acutiterga (Denning and Hogue)

10(9) Tergum X without apicoventral projection; dorsolateral lobes not prominent ( Fig. 29 ( Fig. 29A, B)... B. (H.) quincemil n. sp.

— Tergum X with short, acute apicoventral projection and prominent paired rounded dorsolateral lobes (Fig. 33A, B) ............................................ B. (H.) sylvana n. sp.

11(1) Tergum X acute apically in lateral view, without ventrolateral flanges ( Fig. 5A) 12

— Tergum X truncate apically in lateral view, with ventrolateral flanges ( Fig. 3A) .... ........................................................................................... B. (B.) argentinica Flint

12(11) Tergum X with high, setose dorsal ridge ( Fig. 14A, B)...... B. (B.) yungensis Flint

— Tergum X without high dorsal ridge, but with linear row of mesal setae ( Fig. 5B). .............................................................................................................................. 13

13(12) Apex of tergum X, in dorsal view, broad, truncate or shallowly emarginate ( Figs. 5B, 8B).................................................................................................................. 14

— Apex of tergum X, in dorsal view, narrow, with deep or shallow posteromesal notch ( Figs. 6B, 10B, 12B)................................................................................... 15

14(13) Apex of tergum X, in dorsal view, truncate; without basolateral lobes ( Fig. 5B) .... .................................................................................... B. (B.) columbiana (Navás)

— Apex of tergum X, in dorsal view, shallowly emarginate; with paired rounded basolateral lobes ( Fig. 8B)........................................................ B. (B.) penai n. sp.

15(13) Large species, forewing length 16–21 mm ......................... B. (B.) loxana (Navás)

— Small species, forewing length 9–12 mm ............................................................. 16

16(15) Tergum X, in dorsal view, with shallow posteromesal notch ( Fig. 10B).................. ........................................................................................... B. (B.) vicaria (Walker)

— Tergum X, in dorsal view, with deep posteromesal notch ( Fig. 12B) ...................... ............................................................................................ B. (B.) villosa (Navás)