Banyallarga (Banyallarga) loxana (Navás)

Prather Table Of Contents, Aysha L., 2004, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Banyallarga (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 435 (1), pp. 1-76 : 15-16

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Felipe (2021-06-24 16:50:23, last updated 2024-11-29 15:28:09)

scientific name

Banyallarga (Banyallarga) loxana (Navás)


Banyallarga (Banyallarga) loxana (Navás)

Figs. 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7

Phylloicus loxanus Navás 1934a:173 [Type locality: Ecuador, Loja; MNHNP; original description implies male, but type is female].

Banyallarga loxana (Navás) — Flint 1983:77; 1996b:424 [distribution].

This is the largest known species of Banyallarga View in CoL , and size alone is sufficient to distinguish this from other species in the genus. The shape of male tergum X is diagnostic for B. loxana , with its narrow, notched apex ( Fig. 6A, B View FIGURE 6 ).

Adult. Forewing length 15.8–20.8 mm (n=34).

Head chestnut brown. Maxillary palps golden brown, covered with dark setae. Antenna of male twice forewing length, female antenna only slightly longer than wing; flagellum chestnut brown posteromesally, pale anterolaterally. Dorsal pterothorax chestnut brown; ventrolateral thorax and femora golden brown, tibiae covered with dark setae, each tarsomere dark basally and pale distally. Forewing mottled gold and golden brown, with large round patches of pale setae marking nygma and thyridium; large patch of pale setae at posteromesal margin. Hind wing of male with basal semimembranous sleeve or pouch, enclosing brush of long setae (as in Fig. 32B View FIGURE 32 ).

Male. Tergum IX with heavily sclerotized anterior ridge, posterior margin rounded or irregular ( Fig. 6B View FIGURE 6 ); lateral ridge incomplete dorsally; dorsal pleural setae approximately 15; ventral pleural setae approximately 3; sternum IX with paired sublateral ridges extending from anterior margin, not reaching posterior margin ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). Preanal appendage shorter than tergum X, tapered apically, with long setae on apical half. Tergum X tapered and shallowly notched posteromesally; in lateral view with shallowly humped dorsal ridge ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Inferior appendage simple, with long setae ventrally and laterally on coxopodite; harpago rounded apically, of uniform circumference, with short fine setae basoventrally, peglike setae apically. Phallus with phallotremal sclerite horseshoe­shaped, ventral sclerite a short tube.

Female. Sternum VIII anterior marginal ridge darkly sclerotized; dense fine setae covering posterior 1/4; posterior margin marked by single row of short stout setae ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Tergum IX without mesal ridge; sternum IX with anterior and posterior lobes darkly sclerotized and finely striate. Tergum X semisclerotized posteromesally, with sclerotized bands sublaterally, appendage without clear suture line; with short digitate posteromesal process ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ); sternum X with patches of fine setae lateral to anal opening. Vaginal apparatus anterior and posterior sclerites equal in length; anterior sclerite emarginate anteriorly, posterolateral projections truncate; posterior sclerite ovoid ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ).

Material examined. ARGENTINA: Tucuman: Siambon , ii.1933 — 1 female ( NMNH) ; BOLIVIA: Cochabamba: Yungas de Corani , 2800 m, 11.xii.1984, Peña G. — 1 female ( NMNH) ; 1 male ( UMSP) ; La Paz: Río Zongo , 1900 m, 24–31.x.1984, Peña G. — 1 male ( NMNH) ; Tarata, Río Zongo , 3200 m, 24–30.x.1984, Peña G. — 6 females ( NMNH) ; 1 male ( UMSP) ; ECUADOR: Azuay: Cajas , 3150 m, 23.xii.1992, Becker — 1 male, 3 females ( NMNH) ; Río Llaviuco , 16 km W Quenca, 3010 m, 18.ix.1990, Flint — 1 male, 3 females ( NMNH) ; Loja: 1909, Poujade — holotype female ( MNHNP) ; Zamora­ Chinchipe: 30 km E Loja , 2000 m, 23.ix.1990, Flint — 1 female ( NMNH) ; PERU: Cuzco: 13°08'00"S 71°33'00"W, 2150 m, 28–29.viii.1989, Adams — 1 male, 3 females ( NMNH) GoogleMaps ; Buenos Aires , 53 km W Pilcopata, 2280 m, 3–5.xii.1979, Heppner — 1 female ( NMNH) ; Paucartambo to Pilcopata rd. small streams past Morro Leguia , 2000 m,, Blahnik & Pescador — 1 female ( NMNH) ; Paucartambo to Pilcopata rd., small stream ca. 0.5 km from Puente Morro Leguia , 2220 m,, Blahnik & Pescador — 3 females ( NMNH) ; 2 females ( UMSP) .

Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru.

Flint, O. S., Jr. (1983) Studies of Neotropical caddisflies, XXXIII: New species from austral South America (Trichoptera), Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, Vol. 377, Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 100 pp.

Flint, O. S., Jr. (1996 b) Trichoptera collected on the expeditions to Parque Manu, Madre de Dios, Peru. In: Wilson, D. E. & Sandoval, A. (Eds) Manu: The biodiversity of southeastern Peru, Smithsonian Institution Press., Washington, DC, pp. 369 - 430.

Navas, R. P. L. (1934 a) Insectos Suramericanos, Novena serie. Revista de la Academia de Ciencias de Madrid, 31, 155 - 184.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. Banyallarga (Banyallarga) loxana. Male (UMSP0000009860): A—lateral view; B— dorsal view; C—ventral view; D—phallus, lateral view; E—phallotremal sclerites, dorsal view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 7. Banyallarga (Banyallarga) loxana. Female (holotype): A—sterna IX, X and vaginal apparatus, ventral view; B—terga IX and X, dorsal view; C—sternum VIII, ventral view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 32. Banyallarga (Histricoverpa) sanchezi. Wings (holotype): A—forewing; B—hindwing.


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University of Minnesota Insect Collection


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay













