Myrmarachne malayana Edmunds & Prószyński, 2003

Yamasaki, Takeshi & Ahmad, Abdul Hamid, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Myrmarachne of Borneo (Araneae: Salticidae), Zootaxa 3710 (6), pp. 501-556 : 531-533

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.6.1

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scientific name

Myrmarachne malayana Edmunds & Prószyński, 2003


Myrmarachne malayana Edmunds & Prószyński, 2003 View in CoL

( Figs 24 View FIGURE 24. M A–G, 25A–E)

Myrmarachne malayana Edmunds & Prószyński, 2003: 317 , Figs 101–109.

Non-type material examined. BORNEO: 1 male, Poring Hot Spring, Sabah, 4 IV 2008, H. Takizawa leg.; 1 female, Kinabalu Park Headquater area, Sabah, 14 IV 2008, H. Takizawa leg.; 1 male and 1 female, Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, 2–5 XI 2009, T. Yamasaki leg.; 1 female, Tawau Hills Park, Sabah, 17 XI 2009, T. Yamasaki leg.; 1 female, Mahua, Crocker Range Park, Sabah, 8 X 2010, T. Yamasaki leg.; 1 male, 2 females and 2 juveniles, Tabin Wild life Researve, Sabah, 14 X 2010, T. Yamasaki leg.; 1 male, Sukau, Sabah, 17 X 2010, T. Yamasaki leg.; 2 males and 2 females, Inobong substation, Crocker Range Park, Sabah, 26 X 2010, T. Yamasaki leg.; 1 male and 2 females, Kinabalu Park Headquater area, Sabah, 11 XI 2010, T. Yamasaki leg. SUMATRA: 2 females, Pinag-Pinag, 7 XI 2008, Kei. Nakamura leg.

Diagnosis. Blackish species; anterolateral area of cephalic part fringed with long white hairs above coxa I; white hairs forming transverse band on constriction behind posterior lateral eyes dorsally. In males, fang weakly curved without tooth-like apophysis. In females, copulatory atria round; spermathecae spherical; sclerotised copulatory ducts without twist ( Figs. 25 View FIGURE 25. M D–E); median pocket broad, broader than long.

Measurements (male/female). Carapace length 2.00–2.75/2.25–2.95, width 1.38–1.74/1.34–1.62. Abdomen length 1.90–2.55/2.10–3.00. Chelicera length 1.20–2.50. Sternum length 1.13–1.53/1.23–1.53. Width of eye row I 1.40–1.66/1.42–1.64; II 1.20–1.44/1.22–1.40; III 1.42–1.70/1.48–1.74. ALE–PLE 1.00–1.24/1.06–1.30; ALE– PME 0.52–0.62/0.54–0.66. Eye size: AME 0.46–0.56/0.46–0.53, ALE 0.25–0.30/0.26–0.30, PME 0.06–0.09/0.06– 0.08, PLE 0.28–0.34/0.29–0.33.

Male ( Figs 24 View FIGURE 24. M A–G). Cephalic part almost flat dorsally. Thoracic part strongly convex dorsally, and abruptly sloping downward behind convexity; sometimes dorsum of thoracic part almost flat anteriorly without swelling dorsally. Chelicera almost as long as carapace, with six to eight prolateral and nine to twelve retrolateral teeth; two small prolateral teeth located on base very close to retrolateral teeth. Fang weakly curved without tooth-like apophysis. Sternum slightly broad. Abdomen oval with dorsal scutum that is incised on each lateral outline anteriorly.

Palp ( Figs 24 View FIGURE 24. M E–G). Tegulum round with strongly curved seminal reservoir along posterior edge of tegulum and U-shaped reservoir in anterior part. Embolus forming two coils; embolus coils occupying almost half of venter of cymbium. RTA weakly curved. Flange of RTA not developed.

Leg spination. Femur I md 0–2, pd 1; patella I pv 0, rv 0–1; tibia I pv 6–8, rv 5–8; metatarsus I pv 2–4, rv 2–4; femur II pd 0–1; tibia II pv 2–3, rv 3; metatarsus II pv 2, rv 2; femur III pd 1, rd 1; femur IV pd 1, rd 1. Coloration and pilosity. Carapace dark brown to black, with white transverse band formed by white hairs on constriction dorsally, and with white marking formed by white hairs on anterolateral area of cephalic part above coxa I. Chelicera dark brown. Maxilla, labium and sternum brown. Coxa I cream; coxae II, III and IV tinged with blackish brown. Abdomen covered with fine hairs; dorsal scutum dark brown; integument except for scutum blackish grey.

Female ( Figs 25 View FIGURE 25. M A–E). Cephalic part weakly convex or almost flat dorsum, almost as high as, or slightly higher than thoracic part. In lateral view dorsum of thoracic part strongly convex, and abruptly sloping downward behind convexity. Chelicera with six prolateral and eight or nine retrolateral teeth. Sternum slightly broad. Abdomen oval, and with broad dorsal scutum that is incised on each lateral outline anteriorly.

Epigyne ( Figs 25 View FIGURE 25. M D–E). Copulatory atria containing openings round. Spermathecae spherical; sclerotised copulatory ducts without twist. Median pocket broad, broader than long.

Leg spination. Patella I rv 0–1; tibia I pv 6–7, rv 6–7; metatarsus I pv 2, rv 2; tibia II pv 2–3, rv 2–3; metatarsus II pv 2, rv 2.

Coloration and pilosity. Carapace black; cephalic part covered with white hairs; thoracic part sparsely covered with white hairs; white hairs forming dorsal transverse band on constriction behind PLEs and lateral marking on anterolateral area of cephalic part above coxa I as in males, sometimes transverse band extending to lateral surface of carapace. Chelicera dark brown. Maxilla and labium brown. Sternum dark brown. Coxa I white; coxae II and III black; coxa IV cream, and partly tinged with black. Abdomen covered with long and short thin hairs, with two white markings fringed with white hairs on anterior part; dorsal scutum dark brown; integument except for scutum blackish grey.

Distribution. Malay Peninsula (Edmunds & Prószyński 2003), Sumatra, Borneo.

Remarks. Although we did not observe the type material of M. malayana , our specimens agreed with the original description by Edmunds & Prószyński (2003).

In the males, M. malayana in external appearance resembles M. borneensis , but is distinguished from the latter mainly by the absence of spine-like hairs on retrolateral side of palpal tibia, present in M. borneensis .

Biology. The species often occurs in the forest interior. The retreats are constructed on the underside of leaves with a mixture of threads and dead plant fragments.

























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