Fortipalpa panamensis, Supeleto & Santos & Aguiar, 2022

Supeleto, Fernanda A., Santos, Bernardo F. & Aguiar, Alexandre P., 2022, Revision of Fortipalpa Kasparyan & Ruíz-Cancino, (Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), Zootaxa 5219 (6), pp. 501-533 : 515-518

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Plazi (2022-12-14 08:53:25, last updated 2024-11-27 05:47:37)

scientific name

Fortipalpa panamensis

sp. nov.

Fortipalpa panamensis sp. nov.

( Figs 8–9 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 , 19–21 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 )

Description. Holotype ♀. Fore wing 7.30 (5.75–10.06) mm. Head ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9A–B View FIGURE 9 ). MLW 1.67 (1.55–1.67). MWW 0.50 (0.47–0.50). MSM 0.33 (0.33–0.39). CHW 0.50 (0.49–0.53). Clypeus anterior margin centrally with two small tubercles. Antenna with 22 (22–24) flagellomeres. Supra-antennal area distinctly coriarious; median line distinct and straight.

Thorax ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9A View FIGURE 9 ). Epomia distinctly curved. Mesoscutum length to width 0.94 (0.88–1.04) × as long as wide. Notaulus reaching about 0.47 (0.30–0.47) of mesoscutum length. Scuto-scutellar groove with vestigial longitudinal wrinkles. Epicnemial carina reaching about 0.8 of distance to subalar ridge; ending above pronotoal spiracle; almost straight. Sternaulus moderately strong, wide and shallow at posterior 0.25; weakly sinuous. Mesopleuron polished smooth, centro-anteriorly with transversal striation, ventral half punctate. Mesosternum medio-longitudinal suture with short transverse wrinkles. Transverse furrow anterior to propodeum entirely polished smooth. Metapleuron densely punctate-rugulose; moderately pilose.

Propodeum ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9A&C View FIGURE 9 ).Area behind anterior transverse carina transversally strigate, arched posteriorwards. Spiracle elliptic, SLW 1.67 (1.67–2.13). Anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards.

Wings ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). Fore wing crossvein 1m-cu more or less uniformly curved; limit between 1m-cu and 1-Rs+M more or less traceable. Vein 2Cua 0.71 (0.71–0.83) × as long as crossvein 2cu-a. APH 0.71 (0.47–0.76). Areolet subpentagonal; slightly wider than high. AWH 0.74 (0.71–0.96). AAW 1.23 (0.98–1.23). Crossvein 3r-m spectral. Crossvein 2r-m and 3r-m about same length. Vein 3-M distinctly shorter than 2-M. HW1C 1.34 (1.30–1.49). Hind wing vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, otherwise straight. Vein 2-1A ending at 0.20 (0.20–0.26) of distance to wing margin.

Metasoma ( Figs 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9A&D View FIGURE 9 ). T1LW 2.85 (2.67–2.85). T1WW 2.00 (1.78–2.12). T1 spiracle at 0.53 (0.53–0.55) of its length. Median depression of T1 elongate, very shallow. T2LW 0.97 (0.97–1.13). T2WW 2.19 (1.83–2.19). T2–8 from distinctly coriarious T2 to smooth T8. Ovipositor straight, OST 1.59 (1.58–1.59); ventral valve apex with 14 (14–15) teeth ( Fig. 9D View FIGURE 9 ).

Color. Head whitish (241,228,184) with supra-antennal area and vertex black (36,31,21). Supraclypeal area lateroventrally brown (112,63,29). Clypeus mid ventrally with dark brown (62,39,22) spot. Malar space black. Orbital band almost complete, briefly interrupted near 6 h. Mandible basally whitish, apical 0.60 dark brown. Antenna dark brown (45,29,16) with whitish band (241,229,195), composed by fl5 apical 0.55, fl6–12, and fl13 basal 0.40. Pronotum black, collar and dorso anterior spot whitish (241,229,195) spot. Propleuron whitish. Mesoscutum black, median lobe centrally with whitish spot. Tegula and subalar ridge whitish. Epicnemium orange (244,168,62). Mesopleuron orange, dorso anteriorly black; hypoepimeron whitish (241,228,184), posteriorly with some yellow. Mesepimeron light orange, dorsally whitish. Metapleuron bright orange (240,142,56). Dorsal division of metapleuron light orange with some yellow. Scutellum and postscutellum whitish (241,229,195). Propodeum bright orange. Fore leg light orange (231,182,68); t3 apical 0.45 brown (115,75,50); t4–5 dark brown. Mid leg light orange (231,182,68); t1 apical 0.20 brown (115,75,50); t2 brown (115,75,50); t3–5 dark brown. Hind leg: coxa, trochanter, trochantellus and femur bright orange; tibia light orange, apically with brown (115,75,50) spot; t1 whitish (241,230,204), basal 0.25 light orange; t2–5 whitish. Metasoma striped, dark brown (45,29,16) and whitish (241,229,195). T1–6 bicolored, dark brown with posterior 0.15–0.30 whitish; T7 posterior 0.5 and T8 posterior 0.15 whitish. Sternites whitish; S2 anterior 0.6 dark brown (62,39,22), S3–4 anteriorly with dark brown spot.

Morphometry. See Table 1, Figs 20–21 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 , and Appendix.

Variation. Antenna with 24 flagellomeres; one specimen from Colombia with epomia almost indistinct on dorsal half. Pronotum without anterolateral whitish spot. Fore wing vein 3-M distinctly longer than 2-M; anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards. Paratypes with a narrow yellow stripe on dorsal margin of pronotum; scuto-scutellar groove with distinct longitudinal wrinkles; metapleuron almost entirely punctate; ventral valve of ovipositor with 15 teeth.

Male. Unknown.

Comments. Structure. Most similar to F. yucatanica , but differs by having the following features: OST 1.58– 1.59 (vs. 1.37); T1LW 2.67–2.85 (vs. 2.54); MSM 0.33–0.39 (vs. 0.28); HW1C 1.30–1.49 (vs. 1.76); sternaulus weakly sinuous (vs. strongly sinuous); epicnemial carina reaching about 0.8 of distance to subalar ridge (vs. reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge); MLW 1.55–1.67 (vs. 1.44).

Also similar to F. frida , from which it differs by having the following features: Clypeus anterior margin centrally with two small tubercles (vs. without teeth); mesopleuron polished smooth, centro-anteriorly with transversal striation, ventral half punctate (vs. polished smooth, ventral half punctate); OST 1.58–1.59 (vs. 1.25–1.38); HW1C 1.30–1.49 (vs. 1.70–2.00); epicnemial carina ending above pronotoal spiracle (vs. ending at pronotal spiracle); limit between fore wing crossvein 1m-cu and 1-Rs+M more or less traceable (vs. fully continuous with 1-Rs+M); sternaulus weakly sinuous (vs. strongly sinuous; epicnemial carina reaching about 0.8 of distance to subalar ridge (vs. reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge).

Also similar to F. exelysae , but differs by having the following features: Area behind anterior transverse carina transversally strigate, arched posteriorwards (vs. transversally strigate, generally weak, antero-laterally faint); scutoscutellar groove with vestigial longitudinal wrinkles (vs. with distinct longitudinal wrinkles); median depression of T1 elongate, very shallow (vs. drop-shaped, distinct, large); T2–8 from distinctly coriarious T2 to smooth T8 (vs. faintly coriarious).

Color pattern. Closest to F. shakira , from which it differs by having tergites black, posteriorly with whitish stripes (vs. bright orange); and antenna with white band composed by fl5 apical 0.55, fl6–12, and fl13 basal 0.40 (vs. by f5 apical 0.20, f6–10 and most of fl11).

Also similar to F. exelysae , from which it differs by having epicnemium entirely light orange (vs. mostly or almost entirely black); dorsal margin of pronotum black (vs. pale yellow); and propodeum posteriorly without pale yellow mark (vs. with pale yellow mark).

Also similar to F. yucatanica , from which it differs by having propodeum posteriorly without pale yellow mark (vs. with pale yellow mark); hind coxa dorsally without whitish spot (vs. with distinct whitish spot centrally); and scape ventrally dark brown, or with yellow spot (vs. whitish).

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the country where the holotype was collected.

Distribution records. Colombia and Panamá ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 ).

Material examined. Four specimens, 4♀♀. Holotype: PANAMA, 1♀, Darién,?, P. N. Darién , Cerro Pirre - Est. Rancho Frio, 80 m, 7°55′40"N, 77°42′06"W, 2000-11-7 /10, R.Cambra & A.Santos, YPT, FAS 4629,?, USUC GoogleMaps Paratype: PANAMA, 1♀, 2?, Panama Canal Zone, Cocoli, 90 m, 8°58′58"N, 79°35′50"W, 1946-10, N.L.H. Krauss,?, FAS 4630 ,?, USNM GoogleMaps Other specimens: COLOMBIA, 1♀, Valle del Cauca,?, PNN Falladones de Cali ; Alto Anchicaya,?, 650 m, 3˚26′N, 76˚48′W, 2001-4/5 -24/8, S.Sarria, Malaise,?, M1900 , IAVH GoogleMaps 13ib, M1527 , ib GoogleMaps .

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FIGURE 8. Fortipalpa panamensis sp. nov. Holotype female. Habitus.

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FIGURE 9. Fortipalpa panamensis sp. nov. Holotype female. A, Dorsal view. B, Head, frontal. C, Propodeum, dorsal. D, Ovipositor tip, left side.

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FIGURE 19. All known distribution records for Fortipalpa spp. (first map) and individual records for each species. Taxa presented in alphabetical order.

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FIGURE 20. All results for morphometric ratios calculated for specimens of Fortipalpa spp., shown comparatively. On each plot, the species are sorted on the Y-axis from highest (top) to lowest (bottom) average. Graphs organized by alphabetical order of ratios.

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FIGURE 21. Continuation of Figure 20.


Colombia, Instituto Alexander von Humboldt


Instituto de Ivestigacion de los Recursos Biologicos Alexander von Humboldt











