Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920

Matias, Rafael, 2024, The subgenus Astomyrme Schwartz, 1984 in the Iberian Peninsula: associating Physetopoda pusilla (Klug in Waltl, 1835) with Smicromyrme suberratus Invrea, 1957, and description of the hitherto unknown female of S. matritentis (Mercet, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), Zootaxa 5480 (1), pp. 1-62 : 16-17

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Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920


Tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920

Genus Smicromyrme Thomson, 1870

Subgenus Astomyrme Schwartz, 1984

Astomyrme Schwartz, 1984: 22 , ♂, ♀; Lelej, 1985: 219 (as subgenus of Smicromyrme Thomson ); Lelej & Brothers 2008: 9 (as subgenus of Smicromyrme Thomson ); Brothers & Lelej 2017: 95; Pagliano et al. 2020: 187 (as subgenus of Smicromyrme Thomson ); Lelej & Williams 2023: 129 (as subgenus of Smicromyrme Thomson ).

Type species. Smicromyrme ausonius Invrea, 1950 , ♂, by original designation.

Diagnosis. MALE. Mandible apically tridentate, basally without external tooth, or with inconspicuous one without excision. Clypeus flattened or concave. F1 ca. 2 × F2. Second abscissa of radial vein thickened on some species. T1 shorter than its maximum width (dorsal view). Volsellar cuspis long, projects over inner protuberance of gonostylus. FEMALE. Pygidium elongate, covered with divergent striae, typically with partially smooth apex (including species in the Iberian Peninsula) or basally broadened (species from eastern Europe). Mesosoma with marked humeral and posterior angles, with dorsum variably flattened (lateral view). Scutellar scale most frequently small and inconspicuous on European species. T2 with pale pubescence frequently forming one or three basal spots. See also Lelej (1985), Lelej & Williams (2023).

Distribution and diversity. Seventeen species, all Palaearctic: Smicromyrme (Astomyrme) asiaticus Lelej, 1985 (♂) [ Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan]; S. (A.) asinarensis Pagliano & Strumia, 2007 (♂) [Sardinia ( Italy)]; S. (A.) ausonius Invrea, 1950 (♂, ♀) [ France, eastwards to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan]; S. (A.) corriasi Pagliano in Pagliano & Strumia, 2014 (♂) [Sardinia ( Italy)]; S. (A.) cristinae Lo Cascio, 2000 (♀) [Cyclades islands ( Greece)]; S. (A.) esterinus Pagliano, 1983 (♂) [Sicily and S Italy]; S. (A.) inermus ( Schwartz, 1984) (♂) [SE France]; S. (A.) massagetus Lelej, 1985 (♂, ♀) [ Kazakhstan]; S. (A.) matritensis ( Mercet, 1905) (♂, ♀) [Iberian Peninsula]; S. (A.) meridionalis (Pagliano & Matteini Palmerini in Pagliano et al., 2018) (♂) [S Italy]; S. (A.) minutus Lelej, 1985 (♂) [ Iran to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan]; S. (A.) morawitzi Lelej, 1979 (♂, ♀) [ Afghanistan to S Kazakhstan]; S. (A.) nikolskajae Lelej, 1985 (♂, ♀) [ Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan]; S. (A.) opistomelas Invrea, 1950 (♂) [SE Spain, Sardinia, S Italy, Libya]; S. (A.) pilisensis Muskovits & Lelej, 2010 (♂, ♀) [ Hungary]; S. (A.) pusillus (Klug in Waltl, 1835) (♂, ♀) [uncertain distribution: see Discussion]; S. (A.) succedaneus Ovchinnikov, 2002 (♂, ♀) [ Kyrgyzstan] (e.g. Lelej 1985, 2002; Amini et al. 2014; Pagliano et al. 2020; Lelej & Williams 2023; this paper).












Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920

Matias, Rafael 2024


Lelej, A. S. & Williams, K. A. 2023: 129
Pagliano, G. & Brothers, D. J. & Cambra, R. & Lelej, A. S. & Lo Cascio, P. & Palmerini, M. M. & Scaramozzino, P. L. & Williams, K. A. & Romano, M. 2020: 187
Brothers, D. J. & Lelej, A. S. 2017: 95
Lelej, A. S. & Brothers, D. J. 2008: 9
Lelej, A. S. 1985: 219
Schwartz, F. 1984: 22
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