Laelaspis Berlese, 1903

Nemati, Alireza, Riahi, Elham, Khalili-Moghadam, Arsalan & Gwiazdowicz, Dariusz J., 2018, A catalogue of the Iranian Mesostigmata (Acari): additions and updates of the previous catalogue, Persian Journal of Acarology 7 (2), pp. 115-191 : 144-145

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Laelaspis Berlese, 1903


Genus Laelaspis Berlese, 1903

Laelaspis astronomicus (C.L. Koch, 1839)

Distribution and habitats. Fars Province (Neyriz), soil ( Bazrafshan et al. 2013); Khorasan Razavi Province (Mashhad), soil-litter and associated with ants nests (Ghafarian et al. 2013a); Guilan Province (Region not mentioned), soil ( Ramroodi et al. 2013); (Region not mentioned), soil and litter ( Ramroodi et al. 2014c); (Majil), soil in olive orchard (Mahjoori et al. 2014); (Saravan, Emamzadeh Hashem, Rostamabad and Rudbar), soil (Ramroodi et al. 2015); Zanjan Province (Region not mentioned), soil ( Bigdeli et al. 2014); Hamedan Province (Hamedan), on M. musculus , R. rattus and R. norvegicus ( Zendehfili et al. 2015) ; Mazandaran Province (Nowshahr, Ecological

(Botanical) Garden), soil and litter ( Saberi et al. 2016); East Azarbaijan Province (Arasbaran Forests), soil and plant debris (Mohammad-Dustar-Sharaf et al. 2016a); (Arasbaran Forests, Vaygan, Aynalu, Kalaleh and Garmanab), soil and plant debris (Mohammad-Dustar-Sharaf et al. 2016b); (forests of Arasbaran Region), soil, leaf-litter and plant debris ( Ordoukhanian et al. 2017).

Laelaspis calidus Berlese, 1924

Distribution and habitats. Khuzestan Province (Region not mentioned), soil (Nemati et al. 2017b).

Laelaspis dariusi Joharchi & Jalaeian, 2012

Distribution and habitats. Fars Province (Neyriz), soil ( Bazrafshan et al. 2013); Guilan Province (Region not mentioned), soil ( Ramroodi et al. 2013); (Region not mentioned), soil and litter ( Ramroodi et al. 2014c); (Roodbar, Majil), soil in olive orchard (Mahjoori et al. 2014); (Rudsar, Lahijan, Amlash, Fuman, Roudkhan castle and Rostamabad), soil and leaf litter (Ramroodi et al. 2015b); (Saravan, Emamzadeh Hashem, Rostamabad and Rudbar), soil (Ramroodi et al. 2015a); Mazandaran Province (Lavij Region of Nour County), soil, humus and litter ( Ghasemi-Moghadam et al. 2014); East Azarbaijan Province (Maragheh), soil in orchards ( Valizadeh et al. 2017).

Laelaspis elongatus Kazemi, Mehrzad & Latifi, 2016

Distribution and habitats. Kerman Province (Bam), under elytra of Acinopus (Acinopus) picipes (Olivier) (Col.: Carabidae ); Khuzestan Province (Ahwaz), associated with Pheidole pallidula (Nylander) (Hym., Formicidae ) ( Kazemi et al. 2016a).

Laelaspis equitans (Michael, 1891)

Distribution and habitats. Guilan Province (Region not mentioned), soil and litter ( Ramroodi et al. 2014c); Khuzestan Province (Region not mentioned), soil (Nemati et al. 2017b).

Laelaspis guilaniensis Ramroodi, Joharchi & Hajizadeh, 2014

Distribution and habitats. Guilan Province (Talesh, Gisoom forest), soil under alder trees in forest (Ramroodi et al. 2014 b).

Laelaspis humeratus (Berlese, 1904)

Distribution and habitats. Guilan Province (Region not mentioned), soil and litter ( Ramroodi et al. 2014c); Mazandaran Province (Nowshahr, Ecological (Botanical) Garden), soil and litter ( Saberi et al. 2016); Khuzestan Province (Region not mentioned), soil (Nemati et al. 2017b).

Laelaspis kamalii Joharchi et al., 2012

Distribution and habitats. Lorestan Province (Kuhdasht), soil (Heydari et al. 2014a); Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province (Saman and Shahrekord), soil of ant nests, Tapinoma sp. (Hym.: Formicidae ) and soil of ant nests, unknown ant (Hym.: Formicidae ) ( Khalili-Moghadam and Saboori 2015); (Lordegan County, Khanmirza Region, Salehat Village), soil from different parts of oak forests (Bagheri Kordeshami et al. 2015); East Azarbaijan Province (forests of Arasbaran Region), soil, leaf-litter and plant debris ( Ordoukhanian et al. 2017); Khuzestan Province (Region not mentioned), soil (Nemati et al. 2017b).

Laelaspis morazae Kazemi, 2015

Distribution and habitats. Esfahan Province (Shahreza, Chaqad Region), nest of unknown ant; Khorasan Razavi Province (Mashad), Lepisiota semenovi (Ruzsky) (Formicinae) (Kazemi 2015) .














Laelaspis Berlese, 1903

Nemati, Alireza, Riahi, Elham, Khalili-Moghadam, Arsalan & Gwiazdowicz, Dariusz J. 2018

Laelaspis elongatus

Kazemi, Mehrzad & Latifi 2016

Laelaspis guilaniensis

Ramroodi, Joharchi & Hajizadeh 2014
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