Eudorylas bipertitus Kehlmaier, 2005

Kehlmaier, Christian, 2005, Taxonomic studies on Palaearctic and Oriental Eudorylini (Diptera: Pipunculidae), with the description of three new species, Zootaxa 1030 (1), pp. 1-48 : 40-42

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Eudorylas bipertitus Kehlmaier

sp. nov.

Eudorylas bipertitus Kehlmaier View in CoL spec. nov. ( Figs 13a–h View FIGURE 13 )

Type material Israel 1♂ (holotype), Hazeva, 13. III .1994, leg. A. Freidberg, coll. TAU .


The Latin expression “bipertitus” (divided in two) refers to the phallic guide that seems to be divided into two independent parts.



Body length. 4.1mm.

Head. Face dark, silver­grey pollinose. Scape dark, with one dark upper bristle. Pedicel dark, with three upper and two dark lower bristles. Flagellum slightly paler than pedicel (dark brown), tapering (LF:WF=2.6) and grey pollinose. Arista dark, flattened, with thickened base. Eyes meeting for 18 times diameter of ocellus. F:EM:V=1:0.8:0.7. Frons dark, silver­grey pollinose. Vertex dark, lacking pollinosity, bearing an elevated, equilateral ocellar triangle. Occiput dark, grey pollinose changing to brown only posterior to ocellar triangle.

Thorax. Pleura, prescutum, scutum and scutellum dark. Pleura grey pollinose. Postpronotal lobe pale, grey pollinose and with six to seven postpronotal hairs along upper margin (up to 0.07mm). Prescutum and scutum dorsocentrally brown pollinose, along margins broadly grey pollinose, with two uniseriate dorsocentral rows of hair and some supra­alar hairs. Scutellum grey pollinose and with about twelve hairs along posterior margin (up to 0.08mm).

Wing. Length: 4.2mm. LW:MWW=3.2. Microtrichia of wing surface missing or greatly reduced in small basal cells of wing, e.g. bc, the entire cell br and bm, basal half of r 1, basal half of c, r 2+3, cup, anal lobe and most of sc except base and pterostigma. Pterostigma dark and complete (LS:LTC=1.0). LTC:LFC=1.5. r­m reaches dm between basal quarter and third of the cells length. M 1 weakly undulating in its middle.

Halter . Length: 0.4mm. Base and knob dark. Stem pale.

Legs. Coxae dark and grey pollinose, front coxa with a pale anteroapical margin. Mid coxa with two strong dark anterior bristles on inner apical corner. Trochanters slightly paler than coxae, partly grey pollinose. Femora dark with slightly paler bases (anteroventrally) and distinctly pale apices, weakly grey pollinose except hind femur shining posteroventrally. Mid femur bearing two ventral rows of dark, peg­like spines. Front femur with a posteroventral row of spines in apical half and some anteroventral spines towards apex. Hind femur with an anteroventral row in apical half. Tibiae grey pollinose, pale but darkened ventrally in apical half. Front and mid tibiae with apical spines. Hind tibia with a wrinkled indentation midanteriorly. Tarsi pale but distitarsi darkened, grey pollinose. Pulvilli slightly shorter than distitarsi.

Abdomen. Ground colour dark. Tergite 1 grey pollinose, with four dark lateral bristles. Tergite 2 to 5 laterally grey pollinose, extending onto dorsal surface along posterior margin and narrowly meeting in middle, otherwise brown pollinose. Viewed dorsally, tergite 5 asymmetrical (T5R:T5L=1.3). LT35:WS8=1.1. Sternite 6, 7 and syntergosternite 8 dark, all greyish pollinose and the latter with a small dorsal depression on side of outer surstylus. Viewed dorsally, syntergosternite 8 rather small and pointed. Viewed laterally, higher than long (LS8:HS8=0.8). Viewed caudally, membranous area small and inconspicuous, placed to the lower right ( Fig. 13d View FIGURE 13 ). Sternites dark, greyish pollinose. Sternite 5 very narrow but wide. Sternite 6 and tergite 6 somewhat projecting ventrally (only seen after genitalia capsule is removed from abdomen.


Genital capsule dorsal view: Epandrium rather pale and grey pollinose, longer than wide (MLE:MWE=1.2). Surstyli pale and grey pollinose, both with a short but wide base, laterally somewhat projecting, and an inner finger­like projection apically (scythe­shaped), the latter being broken off at the outer surstylus in the holotype ( Fig. 13f View FIGURE 13 ).

Genital capsule ventral view: Gonopods small but outer one larger ( Fig. 13a View FIGURE 13 ). Phallus trifid, short and broad, with ejaculatory ducts semicircular to circular ( Fig. 13c View FIGURE 13 ). Phallic guide divided into two, with its main part arising from inner gonopod and an additional part arising from outer gonopod (broken off in holotype — might be fixed to subepandrial sclerite?) ( Fig. 13a View FIGURE 13 ).

Genital capsule lateral view: Epandrium without a projecting lobe. Inner surstylus with a distinct hump on its dorsal surface ( Fig. 13h View FIGURE 13 ). Main part of phallic guide straight, additional part bent towards dorsal surface ( Fig. 13b View FIGURE 13 ).

Ejaculatory apodeme spade­shaped ( Fig. 13e View FIGURE 13 ).

Female unknown.


The shape of the surstyli show some relation to the Mediterranean E. falcifer De Meyer, 1997 but the rest of the genitalia (phallus, phallic guide, ejaculatory apodeme, syntergosternite 8) differs considerably, especially the divided phallic guide. Additional material might eventually reveal its entire structure and provide a better understanding of its morphology and functionality.


Tel-Aviv University













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