Psychotria chartacea Craib (1932: 477)

Turner, I. M. & Kumar, V. S., 2018, Flora of Singapore precursors, 4. A summary of scandent Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia, Phytotaxa 361 (2), pp. 183-197 : 184

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Psychotria chartacea Craib (1932: 477)


1. Psychotria chartacea Craib (1932: 477) View in CoL .

Type (lectotype, designated here):— THAILAND. Satul: Kao Keo Range 1600 m, 12 Mar 1928, A. F. G. Kerr 14504 ( K barcode K 000777255).

Specimens examined: — PENINSULAR MALAYSIA. Kedah: South facing slope of Bukit Perak, Kedah, alt. 1500’, 27 Nov 1969, B. Everett FRI 13706 View Materials ( K) ; Gunong Lang , 25 Mar 1938, Kiah SFN 35051 ( K) ; Gunong Inas FR, compt 8, Sungei Kupang , broad ridge top 3000’, 8 Feb 1968, T. C. Whitmore FRI 4685 View Materials ( K) ; Koh Mai Forest Reserve, 1 Apr 1938, Kiah SFN 35103 ( K). Perak: Thaiping Hills , Dec 1902, H. N. Ridley s.n. ( K) ; Maxwell’s Hill , 4 Mar 1965, Hardial & Samsuri 304 ( K) .

Notes: —The type of Psychotria chartacea was collected in Satun, the province of Thailand bordering Malaysia on the west coast of the Peninsula. It would therefore not be unexpected to find P. chartacea in Peninsular Malaysia. There are a group of specimens from the northern states of Kedah and Perak that come close to P. chartacea . However, they generally have larger inflorescences which are more tomentose than the Thai material. In the absence of open flowers for Malaysian material, we refer these collections to Psychotria cf. chartacea .


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Royal Botanic Gardens


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


University of Copenhagen


University of Helsinki


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