Cratichneumonina HEINRICH

A. M, 2009, Illustrated key to the tribes of subfamilia Ichneumoninae and genera of the tribe Platylabini of world fauna (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (2), pp. 1317-1608 : 1370-1372

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Cratichneumonina HEINRICH


Subtribe Cratichneumonina HEINRICH

Cratichneumonina HEINRICH 1967 -1968 - Ichn. Stenop. of Africa 1: 27, 3: 487, 4: 791-792.

Type genus: Cratichneumon THOMSON.

Cratichneumonina : HEINRICH 1977 - Ichn. Florida and Neigb. States 9: 124-125. Cratichneumonina : RASNITSYN 1981 - Opr. Faun. SSSR 3 (3): 572.

Cratichneumonina : TERESHKIN 2004 - Russian Entomol. J. 13 (4): 277-292, figures.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: World-wide. There is most rich presented in Ethiopian Region.

I n t r o d u c t i o n:

Cratichneumonina is the least specialized group of Ichneumonini tribe. The subtribe has world-wide distribution and characterized by enormous variety of forms and is presented mostly in Ethiopian Region.

Cratichneumonina is characterized by usually slightly or only just impressed gastrocoeli (first of all of females), almost always distinct, but usually small thyridia, delicate punctured, coriaceous or irregularly wrinkled structure of postpetiolus (rarely longitudinally striated of Crytea CAMERON ), oxypygous or rarely semiamblypygous abdomen of females ( Anisopygus KRIECHBAUMER Rhadinodonta SZEPLIGETI ). Scutellum of females as a rule is from flat to slightly elevated above postscutellum, laterally usually not carinated, rarely partially carinated.

For Neotropical genus Plagiotrypes ASHMEAD , in which G. Heinrich genus Neopyga HEINRICH 1930 introduced ( HEINRICH 1977) and East-Palaearctic Hymenura TOWNES (= Neopyga HEINRICH) characteristic sickle-shaped mandibles as of Joppocryptini , high elevated scutellum and specifically modified apex of abdomen of females with long hypopygium are inherent. The group, according to G. Heinrich can pretend for higher, up to tribal, status, but previously it was placed by him to subtribe Cratichneumonina .

M o r p h o l o g y:

F l a g e l l u m: Of females as a rule filiform, almost filiform or semi bristle-shaped from stout to moderately long and, rarely distinctly bristle-shaped, as exception slender and long. Of males, as a rule, with short row bacilliform or long-oval, rarely (some Eupalamus WESM. ) broadly-oval tyloides, more or less distinctly nodose.

H e a d: Contour of temples as a rule slightly narrowed behind eyes, often not narrowed, sometimes even broadened, usually distinctly curved. Vertex from lateral as a rule, not abrupt just after the ocelli to occipital carina; malar space never very long, usually equal or shorter than the mandible base width, never much longer; occipital carina and hypostomal carina without any specialization like Aethioplitina ; clypeus usually normal, flat, with sharp apical margin, sometimes with medio-apical impression or tendency to development apical tooth or teeth (African species); sometimes clypeus in part slightly concave, at Rhadinodonta SZÉPLIGETI apical margin of clypeus prominent, extraordinary broad; mandibles as a rule normal, at some genera with one tooth ( Rhadinodonta ), sickleshaped (Neopyga HEINRICH), as exception small subapical tooth moved inside ( Baranisobas HEINRICH Neopyga HEINRICH ).

T h o r a x: Mesonotum, as a rule, neither very long, nor strongly convex; basal part of notauli more often distinct; sternauli also usually marked or distinct; scutellum from flat to slightly elevated above postscutellum, laterally usually not carinated, rarely partially and not distinctly carinated or carinated laterally ( Stenaoplus HEINRICH Baranisobas HEINRICH ); scutellum elevated of many males (for example Aoplus TISCHBEIN and relatives groups). Propodeum, as a rule, more or less shortened, length of horizontal part more than length of area posteromedia in middle, especially of males; set of carinae of propodeum almost always complete, sometimes set of carinae of propodeum incomplete or carinae absent; at many genera area basalis with knoll (genera of Melanichneumon THOMSON group); area superomedia usually hexagonal, often longer than breadth, with costulae before middle, narrowed from costulae to area basalis; of some species of Cratichneumon genus area superomedia almost parallel sided and merged with area basalis, costula not distinct; of Melanichneumon THOMSON area superomedia large and in form of arch in front; apophysises usually absent, rarely only marked or developed; spiracles of propodeum as rule slit-shaped or longishoval, sometimes small and short-oval, rarely almost circular (Holarctic Neischnus HEINRICH African Parvaoplus HEINRICH and Spinamblys HEINRICH ).

L e g s: Short and strong, to moderately strong, never very long; claws smooth, never pectinate (with exception of Deuterolabops HEINRICH ); hind coxae of females sometimes with scopa.

W i n g s: Nervulus postfurcal or interstitial; areolet with tendency to narrowing anteriad, from pentagonal to quadrangular; radius indistinctly sinuous, often short.

A b d o m e n: Of females of Holarctic species oxypygous, rarely semiamblypygous ( Anisopygus KRIECHBAUMER Rhadinodonta SZÉPLIGETI ); sheath of ovipositor not pro-

trude, slightly protrude, or strongly protrude behind apex of abdomen (of Holarctic genus Crypteffigies HEINRICH some African species); postpetiolus, as a rule, punctured of Melanichneumon group, coriaceous, irregularly wrinkled or aciculated of Cratichneumon , sometimes smooth, as exception, longitudinally striated (Crytea); gastrocoeli shallow, to full lacking, thyridia, however, recognizable, to very distinct; of genera Aoplus TISCHBEIN, Virgichneumon HEINRICH and others, gastrocoeli well developed and deep; sculpture of front tergites punctured, or coriaceous, sometimes almost smooth, without striations.

S i z e:From very small to large.

B i o l o g y:

In Holarctic there are mainly parasites of Geometridae . Imago does not hibernate, except of females Rhadinodonta and Aoplus.












Cratichneumonina HEINRICH

A. M 2009


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