Gahanopsis Ogloblin

Huber, John T., 2015, World reclassification of the Gonatocerus group of genera (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Zootaxa 3967 (1), pp. 1-184 : 26-27

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Plazi (2016-04-19 15:23:31, last updated 2017-01-14 04:34:10)

scientific name

Gahanopsis Ogloblin


Gahanopsis Ogloblin , stat. rev. (= deficiens species group, of authors)

( Figs 83–94)

Lymaenon (Gahanopsis) Ogloblin, 1946: 286 ; Annecke & Doutt, 1961: 13 (given generic status); Huber 1988: 33 (discussion of species placement, treated as a species group); Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 11 (subgenus under Gonatocerus ), 80 (key to species).

Type species. Lymaenon (Gahanopsis) deficiens Ogloblin , by monotypy.

Diagnosis. Within Gonatocerini, species of Gahanopsis are distinguished by the following feature: propodeum with divided medially by a deep longitudinal sulcus that continues uninterrupted as a wide sulcus behind the metanotum almost to the spiracle and posteriorly widening above the petiole ( Figs 90, 91).

Description. FEMALE. Face with subantennal sulci usually present though sometimes (in the type species) faint and poorly defined ( Figs 84, 88). Vertex usually with 3 setae ( Fig. 85), rarely 2, in ocellar triangle. Occiput forming sharp angle with vertex ( Fig. 87), and either entire ( Fig. 86) or, more often, divided by a weak, curved sulcus above foramen magnum and close to posterior eye orbit. Mandible with 3 normal teeth ( Fig. 89). Antenna with 8 or 7 funicle segments, with apical funicle segment usually with 4 mps. Pronotum entire and very short, vertical and usually barely visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 90). Pronotal spiracle sometimes huge, much larger than propodeal spiracle. Mesoscutum with notauli fine, appearing as thin (?internal) lines, not visible in micrograph ( Fig. 90). Scutellum with campaniform sensilla at or close to anterior margin ( Fig. 90). Dorsellum with posterior margin slightly sinuate, medially with a short oblique projection or notch ( Figs 90, 91). Fore wing microtrichia as dense behind venation as distally and present to base of parastigma ( Fig. 83), though sometimes with a central clear area free of microtrichia behind parastigma. Parastigma with apex truncate. Propodeum with median longitudinal sulcus continuing uninterrupted as a wide sulcus behind metanotum almost to spiracle and posteriorly widening above petiole ( Figs 90, 91). Metasoma closely abutting mesosoma ( Fig. 94). Petiole extremely short, much wider than long. Metasomal terga with posterior margin sometimes deeply indented medially, V-shaped ( Fig. 92), and hypopygium usually well developed, sometimes short ( Figs 93, 94) and rather inconspicuous, often extending to apex of gaster. Ovipositor extending slightly to considerably under the mesosoma, sometimes almost to level of head ( Figs 92–94).

MALE. Radicle short, separated from scape by a line or sulcus. Scape at most about 3 × as long as pedicel. Genitalia with aedeagal apodemes fused at junction with aedeagus, not extending anteriorly as far as apex of apodeme of genital sternum (see Triapitsyn 2010).

Discussion. Gahanopsis species appear superficially similar to those of. Gastrogonatocerus .

Gastrogonatocerus specimens also have an ovipositor that extends anteriorly to varying degrees under the

mesosoma but they can be distinguished from those of Gahanopsis by the pronotal and propodeal structure, and

fore wing setation. Specimens of a few Old World Lymaenon species also have the ovipositor extending anteriorly

under the mesosoma.

Distribution. Gahanopsis species occur only in the Neotropical region, from Belize, Costa Rica and Trinidad

south to Argentina.

Hosts. Cicadellidae (Aethalioninae) and Membracidae are reported as host for four of the currently recognized

Gahanopsis species, as follows: Aethalion reticulatum (L.) for G. aethalionis (Ogloblin) , Acanophora pugionata

Germar for G. acanophorae (Ogloblin) , Entylia gemmata Germar for G. pusilus (Ogloblin) , and Tylopelta

monstrosa Fairemaire for G. deficiens .

Included species:

Gahanopsis acanophorae (Ogloblin) , comb. n. from Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis ). Lymaenon (Gastrogonatocerus) acanophorae Ogloblin, 1938 b: 97 ; lectotype ♀ in MLPA (examined). De Santis in De Santis & Esquivel, 1967: 50 [transferred to Gonatocerus ( Gastrogonatocerus )]; Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 81 [placed in Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis )]. TL: Argentina: Misiones, Loreto.

Gahanopsis aethalioni s (Ogloblin), comb. n. from Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis ). Lymaenon (Gastrogonatocerus) aethalioni s Ogloblin, 1938 b: 93; lectotype ♀ in MLPA (examined). De Santis in De Santis & Esquivel, 1967: 50 [transferred to Gonatocerus ( Gastrogonatocerus )]; Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 83 [placed in Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis )]. TL: Argentina: Misiones, Loreto.

Gahanopsis arkadak (Triapitsyn) , comb. n. from Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis ). Gonatocerus (Gahanopsis) arkadak Triapitsyn in Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 87; holotype ♀ in UCRC (examined). TL: Colombia, Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu, Matamata.

Gahanopsis deficiens (Ogloblin) , comb. rev. from Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis ). Lymaenon (Gahanopsis) deficiens Ogloblin, 1946: 288 ; holotype ♀ in USNM (examined). Annecke & Doutt, 1961: 13 (transferred to Gahanopsis ); Huber, 1988: 7 (placed informally in deficiens group of Gonatocerus ); Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 88 [placed in Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis )]. TL: Trinidad, St. Augustine.

Gahanopsis pusilus (Ogloblin) , comb. n. from Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis ). Gonatocerus (Gastrogonatocerus) pusilus Ogloblin, 1935: 68 ; holotype ♀ in MLPA (examined). Ogloblin, 1938 b: 105 [transferred to Lymaenon ( Gastrogonatocerus ), as pusillus (sic)]; De Santis & Esquivel, 1967: 50 [(transferred to Gonatocerus ( Gastrogonatocerus )]; Triapitsyn et al., 2010: 90 [placed in Gonatocerus ( Gahanopsis )]. TL: Argentina: Misiones, Loreto.

Annecke, D. P. & Doutt, R. L. (1961) The genera of the Mymaridae. Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea. Entomology Memoirs. Department of Agricultural Technical Services, Republic of South Africa, 5, 1 - 71.

De Santis, L. & Esquivel, L. (1967 [1966]) Tercera lista de himenopteros parasitos y predatores de los insectos de la Republica Argentina. Revista del Museo de la Plata (Nueva Serie) Seccion Zoologia, No. 69, 9, 47 - 215.

Huber, J. T. (1988) The species groups of Gonatocerus Nees in North America with a revision of the sulphuripes and ater groups (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, 141, 109 pp.

Ogloblin, A. A. (1935) Especies nuevas o poco conocidas del genero Gonatocerus (Hym. Mymaridae) de la Republica Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina, 7, 65 - 78 + 2 plates.

Ogloblin, A. A. (1938 b) Especies nuevas del subgenero Gastrogonatocerus Ogloblin (Genero Lymaenon, Mymaridae Hym.). Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro, 8, 93 - 106.

Ogloblin, A. A. (1946) Descriptions of new genera and species of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Iowa State College Journal of Science, 20, 277 - 295.


University of California, Riverside


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History









