Krateriske guianensis Huber

Huber, John T., 2015, World reclassification of the Gonatocerus group of genera (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Zootaxa 3967 (1), pp. 1-184 : 39-40

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Plazi (2016-04-19 15:23:31, last updated 2024-11-26 03:36:34)

scientific name

Krateriske guianensis Huber

sp. nov.

Krateriske guianensis Huber , sp. n.

( Figs 146, 147 View FIGURES 146 – 148 , 149, 151 View FIGURES 149 – 152 , 154 View FIGURES 153 – 155 , 156–174 View FIGURES 156 – 158 View FIGURES 159 – 162 View FIGURES 163 – 168 View FIGURES 169 – 174 )

Type material. Holotype ♀ ( CNC) on card, labelled: 1. “ French Guiana: Saül 7 km N. & 3 km SE. Les Eaux Claires, Mt. Fumée 490m, 1– J. Ashe, R. Brooks, FIT”. 2. “ Holotype Krateriske guianensis Huber ♀.” Paratypes. 10 ♀ and 9 ♂. FRENCH GUIANA. 33.5 km S. Cayenne & 8.4 km NW. hwy N2 on hwy D5, 30m, 29.v–, J. Ashe, R. Brooks (1 ♂, CNC); 7 km S. Les Eaux Claires, Saül, 170m, 30.v–, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, FIT (1 ♂, CNC); 41.5 km S. Matoury, 4°37.37'N 52°22.59'W, 50m, 29.v–, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, FIT (2 ♀, 1 ♂, CNC); Montagne des Chevaux 4°43' 0.01"N 52°25' 0.12"W, 11.xii.2011, S.E.A.G. via Y. Braet (1 ♀, CNC); Patawa, Kaw Mountains, 4°33.56' N 52°12.43' W, viii and ix.2007, J. Cerda MT (1 ♀, 1 ♂, MNHN), montagne de Kaw, relais Patawa, 4°32'N 5210'W, 190m, iii.2003, J.A. Cerda, MT (2 ♂, CNC, UCRC); 8.4 km SSE Roura, 4°40.69' N 52°17.47' W, 200m, 22–24, and 25–29.v.1997, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, MT (1 ♀, 1♂, CNC); 27.4 km SSE Roura, 4°34.33' N 52°13.41' W, 280m, 25–29.v.1997, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, MT (2 ♀, CNC, UCRC); 7 km N. Saül & 1 km N. Les Eaux Claires, rue de Belizon tract, 280m, 4–, J. Ashe, R. Brooks, FIT (2 ♀, CNC); same data as holotype (1 ♀, 1 ♂, CNC), same data as holotype but 300m, 4– (1 ♂, CNC).

Diagnosis. Krateriske guianensis is distinguished from the other two Krateriske species by the fore wing with a light longitudinal band between a darker anterior and posterior areas ( Figs 146 View FIGURES 146 – 148 , 154 View FIGURES 153 – 155 ).

Description. FEMALE. Body length 2125–2300 (n=8). Colour. Mesosoma, petiole, legs and antenna except clava brownish yellow, sometimes with pronotum, lateral lobe of mesoscutum, and anterior scutellum lighter; head light brown, clava and pretarsus dark brown, gaster with terga dorsally except gt6 each with a narrow brown band slightly wider laterally and sometimes also medially, the bands well separated from each other by white intersegmental membrane ( Figs 156, 158 View FIGURES 156 – 158 ), gt6 with band broken into two sublateral brown spots. Fore wing ( Fig. 154 View FIGURES 153 – 155 ) with a light longitudinal band between darker anterior and posterior areas; hind wing darker in apical half beyond venation. Head. Head ( Fig. 147 View FIGURES 146 – 148 ) width 662–683 (n=2). Antenna. Each funicle segment with 2 mps except fl1 without mps, and clava with about 35 mps ( Fig. 151 View FIGURES 149 – 152 ). Antennal measurements (n=2), length/width (ratios of funicle segments): scape 722–744/108–115, pedicel 105–106/62–64, fl1 106–110/50–54 (2.04–2.11), fl2 118–119/ 53–55 (2.13–2.66), fl3 116–120/53–57 (2.04–2.27), fl4 116–117/59–64 (1.81–1.97), fl5 106–110/58–67 (1.57–1.90), fl6 96–99/66 (1.46–1.51), fl7 86–91/66–67 (1.28–1.39), fl8 77–80/67–70 (1.09–1.19), clava 633–661/106. Mesosoma. Propodeum with median oval slightly wider dorsally than ventrally and blunt, with carinae extending outwards from oval quite long ( Figs 159 View FIGURES 159 – 162 , 169–172 View FIGURES 169 – 174 ). Wings. Fore wing length (n=2) 2522–2550, width 610–638, length/width, 4.00–4.14, longest marginal setae 88–90. Hind wing length 2050–2112, width 115–132, longest marginal setae 114–116. Metasoma. Ovipositor sheath length 595 (n=1), distinctly shorter than metatibia length (~ 860).

MALE. Body length 2225–2500 (n=6). Colour. Gaster ( Fig. 160 View FIGURES 159 – 162 ) with wider brown bands and larger spots on gt6, with relatively less white intersegmental membrane visible than in female; flagellum dark brown. Antenna. Measurements (n=1): scape length/width 171/86, pedicel length/width 78–75, flagellar segment length: fl1 276, fl2 335, fl3 328, fl4 338, fl5 342, fl6 323, fl7 290, fl8 263, fl9 267, fl10 281, fl11 306; total flagellar length 3351; fl6 length/ width 3.39, with about 16 mps in each of 3 irregular whorls ( Fig. 149 View FIGURES 149 – 152 ). Metasoma. Genitalia as in generic description ( Figs 161, 162 View FIGURES 159 – 162 ).

Etymology. The species is an adjective named after the country where all the specimens were collected.

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FIGURES 146 – 148. Krateriske spp.: 146, K. guianensis, paratype, habitus; French Guiana, 41.5 km S. Matoury, 4 ° 37.37 ' N 52 ° 22.59 ' W, 50 m, 29. v – 9. vi. 1997, J. Ashe, R. Brooks; 147, K. guianensis, head anterior; 148, K. peruensis, head anterior. Scale bars: 146 = 1000 Μm, 147 and 148 = 200 Μm.

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FIGURES 149 – 152. Krateriske spp., antenna: 149, K. guianensis, male (+ enlargement, showing sensilla); 150, K. ecuadorensis, female (fl 6 – fl 11 missing); 151, K. guianensis, female; 152, K. peruensis, female. Scale bars = 200 Μm.

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FIGURES 153 – 155. Krateriske spp., wings: 153, K. ecuadorensis; 154, K. guianensis; 155, K. peruensis. Scale bars = 500 Μm.

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FIGURES 156 – 158. Krateriske guianensis, female: 156, propodeum + metasoma, dorsal; 157, genitalia, ventral; 158, metasoma, dorsolateral. Scale bars = 500 Μm.

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FIGURES 159 – 162. Krateriske guianensis, male: 159, mesosoma + base of metasoma, dorsal; 160, metasoma, dorsal; 161, genitalia, dorsal; 162, genitalia, ventral. Scale bars: 159, 160 = 500 Μm; 161, 162 = 100 Μm.

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FIGURES 163 – 168. Krateriske guianensis, head: 163, anterior; 164, dorsal; 165, lateral (+ propleura); 166, dorsoposterior; 167, ventral; 168, mouthparts. Scale bars = 100 Μm.

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FIGURES 169 – 174. Krateriske guianensis: 169, mesosoma, dorsal; 170, mesosoma, lateral; 171, posterior of frenum – anterior of gt 1, posterodorsal; 172, propodeum, laterodorsal; 173, gaster, dorsal; 174, gaster, lateral. Scale bars = 200 Μm.


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


University of California, Riverside











