Eugenia letreroana Lundell, Wrightia

Uc Gala, Victor C., Valdemarin, Karinne Sampaio, Lucas, Eve, Negrão, Raquel & Mazine, Fiorella F., 2023, Eugenia (Myrtaceae) from Mexico: checklist, distribution, and conservation assessments, Phytotaxa 583 (2), pp. 99-140 : 115-116

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Eugenia letreroana Lundell, Wrightia


40. Eugenia letreroana Lundell, Wrightia View in CoL 3: 15 (1961b)

EOO: 17,971.950 km ². AOO: 32 km ². Evaluation of IUCN: Near Threatened.

Eugenia letreroana is known to occurs from Mexico and Guatemala. The estimated of occurrence (EOO) based on records falls into the thresholds of Vulnerable category under B, whilst the estimated area of occupancy (AOO) falls into the thresholds of Endangered category under the criterion B but it would probably exceed the thresholds of this category if the remaining habitat available is taken in account. Up to five known locations are inferred. In total there are ten records available and this species is distributed in Humid Montane Forests from 1,300 to 1,400 m, in a good state of conservation, with low disturbance of anthropic activities, although presenting only use of resources for subsistence agriculture. In both countries the species occurs within protected areas in parts of its range, such as “El Triunfo” and “Laguna de Montebello”, There are only three records in Mexico collected in the state of Chiapas ( WCSP 2020), and the habitat is under certain threats such as the inadequate management of forest resources and the modification of the habitat for agricultural use. However, according to CONABIO (2018) the ecological degradation is not high, given also that the indigenous population from this area still protects the forests in their lands. In addition, the area has a strong importance in terms of biodiversity for botanical and fauna studies for Mexico ( Breedlove 1981, Breedlove 1986, Castillo & Narave 1992, Martínez et al. 1994, Levy-Tacher et al. 2006, INE-SEMARNAP 199b). The lack of records within Mexican territory is more related to the lack of collection effort and its unlikely related to any decline in the population. It is believed that the population of the species is in good condition. In this sense, Eugenia letreroana is classified as Near Threatened (NT) due to its restricted distribution and number of locations, meeting the criterion B1a+B1b, however under low level of habitat degradation from which is not possible to infer a continuing decline of habitat.

Specimens examined:— MEXICO. Chiapas: Ton 5336 (MEXU!). Guatemala: Contreras 4944 (LL).













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