Xenorthrius aurorafasciatus Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2010

Gerstmeier, Roland & Eberle, Jonas, 2010, Revision of the Indo-Australian checkered beetle genus Xenorthrius Gorham, 1892 (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Clerinae) 2584, Zootaxa 2584 (1), pp. 1-121 : 16-17

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.2584.1.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Xenorthrius aurorafasciatus Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2010

sp. nov.

Xenorthrius aurorafasciatus Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2010 n. sp.

( Figures 13 View FIGURE 13 and 63B View FIGURE 63 )

Specimen examined: Holotype: Malaysia: Borneo: Sabah: Tawau: Maliau Basin , Riparian Nature Trial , 04°44’34.4” N 116°58’12.2” E 254m. a.o., 11 XII – 15 XII 2007, Malaise Trap, Field #VKBS-2007-33. FRC Export Permit:, JPHTN/PPP/EN: 100-44/1/3(106), B. Viklund et N. Jönsson leg. (♂, NHRS).

Measurements: (1 specimen measured) Total length: 7.2mm, elytral length: 4.6mm, elytral width: 1.9mm, pronotal length: 1.9mm, pronotal width: 1.6mm, head width: 1.5mm.

Head: Red-brown, cranium densely vested with short setae, punctation weak, interstices among punctation irregular, about one diameter of punctures; posterior part of clypeus red-brown, anterior margin concave, posterior margin more or less straight, with large punctation and a few long setae laterally, smooth centrally; ventral part wrinkled, smooth centrally; antennae red-brown, all antennomeres lighter apically, A2 equal in length to A3, antennomeres becoming only slightly shorter towards A8, terminal three antennomeres forming a distinct club, male antennae not reaching base of pronotum when laid back; gular sutures diverging apically, deep sulci next to gular sutures, gular process extremely narrow, slightly dilated terminally.

Thorax: Average pronotal length:width ratio 1.2:1; pronotum red-brown, shiny, anteriorly lighter, dark red-brown laterally, pronotal arch with extremely fine punctation, interstices about three to four diameters of punctures, pronotum proper with coarse and dense punctation, interstices distinctly smaller than diameter of punctures; prosternum light red-brown, smooth; mesosternum light red-brown, margins darkened, vested with yellowish setae; metasternum dark red-brown, vested with fine setae, punctation sparse; anterior metasternal process with two strongly sclerotized ventrally projecting edges, metathorax ventrally with two strongly sclerotized rims; scutellum oval, yellow.

Elytra: Average length:width ratio 2.4:1; margins dark brown in basal quarter, each elytron with two dark brown spots centrally, proximal one larger and more distinct than distal one, postmedian fascia orange, anterior and posterior margin dark brown, extreme apex darkened, vested with short decumbent and longer erect setae, punctation relatively large, all striae entirely visible, punctation in striae 1 weaker behind basal quarter, in striae 2 and 3 weaker behind brown spot, remaining striae weaker behind postmedian fascia, interstices between and within striae about one diameter of punctures, interstices within striae smaller laterally, punctation rasp-like in basal third; carinated in apical half along striae 3 to 6.

Legs: Red-brown, coxae, trochanter and proximal part of femora yellow, tarsal pulvilli pale; metatibiae more or less straight, anterior and posterior face of each tibia carinate, carination dark red-brown, distinct on all tibiae.

Abdomen: Ventrites red-brown, punctation weak and sparse, interstices among punctation about two diameter of punctures; lateral margins of male pygidium parallel, apically rounded; male ventrite 6 with Vshaped emargination. Male genitalia ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ): Phallic plates mostly broad base narrow; spicular fork dividing into two branches after one sixth to one fifth of length, spicules with spurs apically.

Distribution: Borneo.

Seasonal occurrence: Collected in December.

Etymology: The specific epithet, aurora, a Latin adjective meaning sunrise, refers to the orange colored postmedian fascia.


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections













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