Paracaphyllisa montani, Li & Wang & Wei, 2010

Li, De-Wei, Wang, Guo-Quan & Wei, Sui-Gai, 2010, Description of a new genus and four new species of Acaricalini (Acari, Eriophyidae, Phyllocoptinae) from South China, Zoosystema 32 (2), pp. 233-245 : 241-244

publication ID 10.5252/z2010n2a2


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paracaphyllisa montani

sp. nov.

Paracaphyllisa montani n. sp.

( Fig. 4 View FIG )

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype: Jiulong MT., 33 km North of Heng County (22°69’N, 109°2’E), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, 15.X.2004, from Gnetum montanum Markgr. (Gnetaceae) , coll. De-Wei Li and Guo-Quan Wang, ♀ ( CAGU).

Paratypes: same data as holotype, 3 ♀♀, 5 ơơ ( CAGU) ; 1 ♀, 1 ơ ( MNHN) .

ETYMOLOGY. — The specific epithet is derived from the species name of the host plant, montanum .

RELATION TO HOST. — The mites are vagrants on the lower surface of the leaves, no visible damage.


Female (n = 5)

Body ( Fig.4A, B View FIG ) spindleform, yellowish, 200 (188- 213) long, 69 (64-72) wide, 60 (55-63) thick.

Gnathosoma 21 (19-22), projecting obliquely down, pedipalp coxal setae (ep) 2 (2-3); dorsal pedipalp genual setae (d) 8 (7-9); oryal stylets 21 (18-22).

Prodorsal shield with frontal lobe, 47 (45-49) long, 62 (60-63) wide; median line incomplete, from rear to 1/6 and from anterior to 1/6 of shield only, admedian lines complete, at basal 1/6 of shield fused with median line, a transverse short line connecting admedian lines at middle shield, submedian lines incomplete; shield sides with granules. Scapular tubercles ahead of rear margin, 15 (15-16) apart, scapular setae (sc) 4 (4-5), directed up and mediad.

Coxae ( Fig. 4C View FIG ) with sternal line, coxal area smooth, anterolateral setae on coxisternum I (1b) 5 (5-6), apart 15 (14-15); proximal setae on coxisternum I (1a) 14 (13-15), apart 9 (8-9); proximal setae on coxisternum II (2a) 18 (17-19), apart 25 (24-26).

Leg ( Fig. 4F, G View FIG ) segments normal. Leg I 22 (21-23), femur 7 (7-8), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 5 (5-6); genu 2 (2-3), antaxial genual setae (l’’) 25 (23-27); tibia 5 (5-6), paraxial tibial setae (l’) 3 (3-4), at dorsal middle tibia; tarsus 4 (4-5), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’) 16 (14- 18), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’’) 12 (11-14), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae (u’) 3 (3-4); tarsal empodium, 4 (4-5), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 5 (5-6), knobbed. Leg II 21 (20- 23), femur 7 (7-8), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 6 (6-7); genu 2 (2-3), antaxial genual setae (l’’) absent; tibia 4.5 (4.5-5); tarsus 4 (4-5), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’) 18 (16-20), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’’) 6 (5-8), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae (u’) 3 (3-4); tarsal empodium, 4 (4-5), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 5 (5-6), knobbed.

Opisthosoma ( Fig. 4A, B View FIG ): middorsal ridge ending in a broad furrow before the termination of subdorsal ridges; dorsal opisthosoma ridges with filamentous microtubercles on ridges; dorsal opisthosoma with 48 (47-50) annuli; ventrally with 72 (70-74) annuli, with rounded microtubercles; setae c2 13 (12-14) on ventral annulus 10 (10-11), apart 61 (58-64); setae d 50 (47-53), on ventral annulus 26 (25-27), apart 34 (33-36); setae e 11 (11-12), on ventral annulus 47 (46-48), apart 14 (13-15); setae f 14 (13-15), on 6th ventral annulus from rear, apart 18 (18-19); setae h1 present; setae h2 54 (50-58).

Female genitalia ( Fig. 4C View FIG ) 17.5 (17-19) long, 23 (22-24) wide, coverflap with basal granules and distal 12 longitudinal lines, proximal setae on coxisternum III (3a) 10 (10-11), apart 16 (16-17).

Male (n = 6)

Body spindleform, yellowish, 182 (178-185) long, 56 (53-60) wide; 52 (50-56) thick.

Gnathosoma 19 (17-20), projecting obliquely down, pedipalp coxal setae (ep) 2 (2-3); dorsal pedipalp genual setae (d) 7 (7-9); oryal stylets 19 (17-20).

Prodorsal shield with frontal lobe, 45 (43-46) long, 59 (57-60) wide; median line incomplete, from rear to 1/6 and from anterior to 1/6 of shield only, admedian lines complete, at basal 1/6 of shield fused with median line, a transverse short line connect admedian lines at middle shield, submedian lines incomplete; shield sides with granules. Scapular tubercles ahead of rear margin, 14 (13- 14) apart, scapular setae (sc) 4 (3-4), directed up and mediad.

Coxae with sternal line, coxal area smooth, anterolateral setae on coxisternum I (1b) 5 (4-5), apart 14 (13-14); proximal setae on coxisternum I (1a) 13 (12-13), apart 8 (7-8); proximal setae on coxisternum II (2a) 16 (15-17), apart 23 (22-25).

Leg segments normal. Leg I 20 (19-21), femur 6 (6-7), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 5 (4-5); genu 2 (2-3), antaxial genual setae (l’’) 22 (20-24); tibia 4 (4-5), paraxial tibial setae (l’) 3 (2-3), at dorsal middle tibia; tarsus 4 (4-5), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’) 14 (13-16), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’’) 11 (10-12), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae (u’) 3 (3-4); tarsal empodium, 4 (4-5), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 5 (5-6), knobbed. Leg II 19 (18-20), femur 6 (6-7), basiventral femoral setae (bv) 6 (5-6); genu 2 (2-3), antaxial genual setae (l’’) absent; tibia 4 (4-5); tarsus 4 (4-5), paraxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’) 16 (14-18), antaxial fastigial tarsal setae (ft’’) 6 (5-7), paraxial unguinal tarsal setae (u’) 3 (3-4); tarsal empodium, 4 (4-5), divided, each branch 4-rayed, tarsal solenidion 5 (5-6), knobbed.

Opisthosoma: middorsal ridge ending in a broad furrow before the termination of subdorsal ridges; dorsal opisthosoma ridges with filamentous microtubercles on ridges; dorsal opisthosoma with 47 (45-49) annuli; ventrally with 70 (69-73) annuli, with rounded microtubercles; setae c2 12 (12-14) on ventral annulus 10 (10-11), apart 57 (55-62); setae d 46(44-59), on ventral annulus 25 (25-27), apart 32 (30-35); setae e 10 (10-12), on ventral annulus 47 (46-48), apart 12 (11-14); setae f 13 (13-15), on 6th ventral annulus from rear, apart 16 (14-17); setae h1 present; setae h2 50 (48-55).

Male genitalia 17 (15-18) wide, proximal setae on coxisternum III (3a) 10 (9-11); apart 16 (16- 17) ( Fig. 4D View FIG ).


This species is similar to Paracaphyllisa adinandrae Kuang & Luo, 2004 , but can be differentiated by the prodorsal shield with median line incomplete, sides with granules; dorsal opisthosoma ridges with filamentous microtubercles; coxal area smooth, tarsal solenidion knobbed, coverflap with basal granules and distal longitudinal lines; setae h1 present ( P. adinandrae prodorsal shield median line complete and sides smooth; dorsal opisthosoma ridges smooth, without filament microtubercles; coxal area with short lines; tarsal solenidion slightly knobbed coverflap smooth; setae h1 absent in P. adinandrae ; see Kuang et al. 2004).


1. Scapular setae absent; tibial setae absent ..................................................................... 2

— Scapular setae present; tibial setae variable .................................................................. 3

2. Opisthosoma with central longitudinal ridge ................................................... Knorella

— Opisthosoma with central ridge for about 4 annuli followed by a broad central furrow ... ...................................................................................................................... Schizacea

3. Scapular tubercles on rear shield margin ..................................................................... 4

— Scapular tubercles ahead of rear shield margin ............................................................ 5

4. Scapular setae very small, located on lateral edges of rear shield margin; tibial setae absent ............................................................................................................. Neodichopelmus

— Scapular setae normally placed on rear shield margin directing setae divergently to the rear; tibial setae present ............................................................................. Dichopelmus

5. Coxal setae 1b absent ................................................................................................. 6

— Coxal setae 1b present ................................................................................................ 7

6. Dorsal opisthosoma with a single middorsal ridge; genu II setae absent ......... Acaphylla

— Dorsal opisthosoma with three ridges; genu II setae present ....... Chiacaphyllisa n. gen.

7. Opisthosoma with several dorsal annuli near prodorsal shield fused forming a plate either directly behind or a few annuli away from shield ........................................................ 8

— Opisthosoma dorsal annuli not fused ....................................................................... 12

8. Dorsal annuli fused immediately behind prodorsal shield ........................................... 9

— Dorsal annuli fused following three opisthosomal annuli ........................... Tumescoptes

9. Tibial setae placed distally; first 3 or 4 annuli fused medially to form a lyre-shaped lobe ............................................................................................................... Neoacaphyllisa

— Tibial setae placed basally or absent .......................................................................... 10

10. Tibial, genu II and opisthosomal setae d and setae e absent .................... Protumescoptes

— Tibial setae present; opisthosomal and other leg setae variable .................................. 11

11. Genu II setae absent .......................................................................... Calpentaconvexus

— Genu II setae present ............................................................................... Pentaconvexus

12. Opisthosoma rounded, smooth ................................................................................ 13

— Opisthosoma with ridge(s) ....................................................................................... 14

13. Prodorsal shield trapezoid-shaped .............................................................. Neolitaculus

— Prodorsal shield semicircular .......................................................................... Litaculus

14. Genu II setae present ................................................................................... Acaphyllisa

— Genu II setae absent ................................................................................ Paracaphyllisa


Mus. Tinro, Vladyvostok


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle















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