Citrogramma pintada, Mengual, 2012

Mengual, Ximo, 2012, The flower fly genus Citrogramma Vockeroth (Diptera: Syrphidae): illustrated revision with descriptions of new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 164 (1), pp. 99-172 : 155-156

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scientific name

Citrogramma pintada




Male: Head: Face with facial tubercle, gradually sloping dorsally, more abrupt ventrally, entirely yellow, mainly yellow pilose, dark pilose dorsally and laterally; gena yellow, brown pilose, white pollinose posteriorly; holoptic; lunule brown; frontal triangle yellow with medial small brown macula pointed posteriorly and with posterior lateral margin with black vitta from eye union until antennal base level, black pilose; vertical triangle black, black pilose ( Fig. 63 View Figures 63–75 ); ocelli brownish; antenna brownish, black pilose on scape and pedicel; basoflagellomere dark dorsally; arista brown; occiput black, mainly silver pollinose, golden pollinose dorsally, yellowish-white pilose on ventral two thirds, golden-yellow pilose on dorsal third with some black hairs.

Thorax: Scutum black with dorsomedial area almost uniformly grey pollinose with some metallic iridescence, with lateral yellow vitta, black pilose dorsally, mainly black pilose laterally except notopleuron yellow pilose anterodorsally, densely black pilose on ventral notopleuron and supra-alar area; notopleuron yellow continuing until scutellum; scutellum yellow with dorsomedial broad brownish macula reaching the posterior margin, black pilose, with complete subscutellar fringe with black hairs. Pleuron mostly yellow, except katepisternum black ventrally, meron black and katatergum black posteriorly, entirely yellow pilose; metasternum pilose; calypter yellow, blackened basally and distally, with yellow and black hairs on margin; plumula yellow; halter yellow; spiracular fringes yellow.

Wing: Wing membrane brownish, lighter on posterior margin, entirely microtrichose. Alula microtrichose, broad, broader than costal cell and slightly narrower than cell BM.

Legs: Coxa and trochanter yellow, yellow pilose; pro- and mesofemur yellow, mainly black pilose, yellow pilose basally; pro- and mesotibia dark yellowbrownish, black pilose; pro- and mesotarsus dark brown or black, clearly different from tibia; metafemur dark, light brown on basal quarter, black pilose; tibia and tarsus black, black pilose.

Abdomen: Figure 61 View Figures 51–62 . Parallel-sided; tergum 5 slightly margined. Dorsum mainly matte black, except terga 2, 3, and 4 with a posterior shiny black fascia, black pilose dorsally and laterally except tergum 1 yellow pilose laterally and tergum 2 yellow pilose laterally on anterobasal half; tergum 1 black, yellow laterally; tergum 2 black with two mesolateral rounded yellow maculae, laterally extending forward to anterolateral tergal margin (like ‘golf club’-shaped spots), yellow lateral margin on anterior half; terga 3 and 4 black with slightly curved yellow fascia, about quarter of tergum length, not reaching lateral margin; tergum 5 black with two subtriangular yellow maculae; sterna yellow, yellow pilose with black hairs posteriorly; genital segments yellowish; male genitalia brownish, as in Figure 155 View Figures 154–157 .

Female: Similar to male except for normal sexual dimorphism and as follows: lunule brown, yellowish medially; frons yellow with medial brownish macula dorsad to lunule extending dorsally and with broad black vitta on lateral margin from ocellar triangle to antennal bases, as wide as the distance between posterior ocelli; metafemur more yellow basally, up to half of femur length; abdominal tergum 2 with two yellow maculae joined medially forming a narrow fascia; terga 3 and 4 black with narrow yellow fascia pointed forward and backward medially, not reaching lateral margin; tergum 5 with slightly sinuate yellow fascia ( Fig. 62 View Figures 51–62 ).

Variation: The pleural pilosity, in males and females, ranges from entirely yellow to yellow pilose with black hairs on posterior anepisternum and anepimeron. There is a specimen with a slightly different abdominal pattern, with yellow fascia on terga 3 and 4 with posterior margin emarginate medially. In the female, the medial brown-orangish macula dorsad to lunule can look less evident, and some specimens have greater or lesser density of the black hairs on notopleuron.

Length (N = 5): Body, 9.2–10.0 (9.5) mm; wing, 8.0–8.8 (8.4) mm.

Geographical distribution: New Guinea.

Etymology: The specific epithet is derived from the Spanish pintado meaning painted, made-up ( Brown, 1956: 219), and refers to the yellow frontal triangle of males with a posterior black vitta from eye angle to antennal base level. Species epithet to be treated as a noun in apposition.

Differential diagnosis: Citrogramma pintada belongs to a species group where the abdominal yellow fasciae on terga 3 and 4 do not reach the lateral margins ( Figs 61, 62 View Figures 51–62 ). Very similar to C. luteopleurum , differs from it by having lunule brown and frontal triangle with a black vitta dorsoposteriorly ( Fig. 63 View Figures 63–75 ). There is a very different female from New Ireland Island ( PNG), named Citrogramma sp. 2 , very similar to C. pintada but that has supra-alar area densely yellow pilose and yellow abdominal fasciae broader ( Figs 64, 65 View Figures 63–75 ).

Citrogramma schlingeri , C. distinctum , C. triton , C. luteifrons , C. pinyton , C. luteopleurum , and C. pintada form a species group only known from New Guinea. Species are very close morphologically and in some cases only male genitalia can distinguish them, e.g. C. pintada and C. pinyton .

Holotype male deposited in the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA) and labelled: ‘NEW GUINEA (NE)/Wau, Morobe Distr./ 1200 m, 5.X.1962 ’ ‘J. Sedlacek/Malaise Trap/BISHOP’ ‘ HOLOTYPE / Citrogramma / pintada /det. X. Mengual 20 09 ’ [red, second and third lines handwritten].

Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province, Bulolo District, Wau , 1200 m, 70°20′S, 146°42′E GoogleMaps .

Material examined: Type material. Holotype, as above. Paratypes. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Morobe Province, Wau, 1200 m, 5.x.1962, J. Sedlacek [1♂, BPBM] ;..., 1400 m, 20.xii.1961,... [1♂ 1♀, BPBM] ;..., 1250 m, 13.x.1962,... [3♂, BPBM] ;..., 1250 m, 11.viii.1965, Malaise trap, J. & M. Sedlacek [1♀, BPBM] ;..., 1750 m, 8.ix.1965,... [1♀, BPBM] ;..., 1150 m, vi.1971, M. Sedlacek [1♂, BPBM]; Morobe Province, Mount Kaindi , 2350 m, 19.vii.1971, M. Sedlacek [1♀, BPBM]; 6 km W of Wau, Nami Creek , 1700 m,, J. & M. Sedlacek [3♀, BPBM] .













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