Phyxelis rigidus ( Say, 1832 )

Anderson, Robert S., 2018, A Revision of the Weevil Genus Phyxelis Schönherr 1843 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae; Entiminae; Tropiphorini) in North America, Insect Systematics and Diversity (AIFB) 2 (5), No. 2, pp. 1-11 : 3-4

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Phyxelis rigidus ( Say, 1832 )


Phyxelis rigidus ( Say, 1832) View in CoL Figs. 1 View Figs , 3–4 View Figs , 11 View Figs , 15 View Fig

Barynotus rigidus Say 1832: 11 View in CoL . Holotype in NHRS, examined via photographs.

Phyxelis rigidus View in CoL ; Schönherr 1842: 124. Horn 1876: 57. Blatchley and Leng 1916: 107. O’Brien and Wibmer 1982: 59. Downie and Arnett 1996: 1496. Bright and Bouchard 2008: 269. Bousquet et al. 2013: 346.

Trachyphloeus melanothrix Kirby 1837: 124 View in CoL . Holotype in BMNH, not examined.

Phyxelis glomerosus Boheman 1843: 123 View in CoL . Holotype in Germar Collection, Halle, not examined.

Phyxelis setiferus Boheman 1843: 124 View in CoL . Holotype in NHRS, examined via photographs.

Phyxelis latirostris Blatchley 1916: 107 View in CoL . Lectotype in PURC, examined. Bright and Bouchard 2008: 269.


Head with rostrum with apex at most only slightly expanded laterally, not as wide as head, not flattened and the sides not extended laterally (as in Fig. 9); elytra with suberect to erect scales scales narrow, those on elytral declivity at least 10 times as long as wide, those on declivity along suture towards elytral apex of same length and of same spacing as elsewhere on elytra ( Fig. 4 View Figs ); maximum width of elytra much wider than maximum width of pronotum ( Fig. 3 View Figs ); elytral declivity in lateral view steeply descended ( Fig. 4 View Figs ).


Female: Body length 3.2–4.1 mm, width 1.9–2.3 mm; in dorsal view 1.65–1.80 times longer than the greatest width which is slightly before midlength of elytra; dorsal outline in lateral view convex. General color gray to various shades of pale to dark brown, some specimens somewhat mottled, the mottling from areas of exposed lighter-colored scales and areas with encrusted dirt. Vestiture composed of pale brown, finely ramose, erect scales (although scales over great parts of surface appear to trap adherent fine dirt and debris and are individually obscured), with rather long, slightly recurved, fine dark brown or blackish setae-like scales, scales about as long as width of an elytral interval, those on elytral declivity at least 10 times as long as wide, apex of each scale subtruncate. Rostrum very slightly transversely impressed between eyes such that dorsal surface of rostrum is on slightly higher plane than area between eyes. Rostrum with apex very slightly dilated laterally, not much wider than distance between eyes. View into mouthparts with sides of rostrum with inturned area very narrow, with no or a very few scales visible, lateral portions of rostral apex not expanded laterally. Mandibles with a number of fine, elongate setae. Pronotum short, subcylindrical, wider than long with the greatest width near base; dorsal surface roughly but very finely sculptured, heavily encrusted with dirt obscuring surface texture, with scattered erect, fine brownish setae-like scales; posterior margin broadly rounded, slightly wider than anterior margin. Elytra in dorsal view rather globose, length 1.27–1.33 times the greatest width, maximum width distinctly wider than that of pronotum; anterior margin broadly rounded; humeral region of elytra about same width as posterior margin of pronotum; lateral margins divergent until slightly before midlength, thereafter convergent to rounded apex; in lateral view with dorsal outline convex; posterior declivity rather abrupt, steeply descending, almost reflexed; intervals largely covered with pale brown finely ramose scales, with dark and light areas forming a mottled pattern, the darker areas generally caused by adherent dirt among scales; surface also with regularly distributed rather long, slightly recurved, fine dark brown or blackish setae-like scales; all elytral intervals more or less uniform in height and width. Venter with ramose scales similar to those of dorsum, also trapping adherent dirt; ventrites 1 and 2 on distinctly different plane than ventrites 3 and 4, ventrite 2 about as long as 1 (laterally), ventrites 3 and 4 much shorter, subequal in length, together not as long as ventrite 2; ventrite 5 tumid at middle especially towards base, length longer than 3 and 4 combined. Female terminalia with tergite VIII compressed laterally, dorsal margin subcarinate; sternite VIII strongly compressed laterally, blade-like and sharply keeled ventrally; gonocoxite II with stylus apical. Male. Not known.














Phyxelis rigidus ( Say, 1832 )

Anderson, Robert S. 2018

Phyxelis latirostris

Bright, D. E. & P. Bouchard 2008: 269
Blatchley, W. S. & C. W. Leng 1916: 107

Phyxelis glomerosus

Boheman, C. H. 1843: 123

Phyxelis setiferus

Boheman, C. H. 1843: 124

Phyxelis rigidus

Bousquet, Y. & P. Bouchard & A. E. Davies & D. S. Sikes 2013: 346
Bright, D. E. & P. Bouchard 2008: 269
Downie, N. M. & R. H. Arnett Jr. 1996: 1496
O'Brien, C. W. & G. J. Wibmer & Am. Entomol 1982: 59
Blatchley, W. S. & C. W. Leng 1916: 107
Horn, G. H. 1876: 57
Schonherr, C. J. 1842: 124

Trachyphloeus melanothrix

Kirby, W. 1837: 124

Barynotus rigidus

Say, T. 1832: 11
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