Peromyscus ochraventer, Baker, 1951

Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 204-535 : 394-395

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Carolina (2022-06-23 16:42:12, last updated 2024-11-29 05:03:06)

scientific name

Peromyscus ochraventer


304. View Plate 18: Cricetidae

El Carrizo Deermouse

Peromyscus ochraventer View in CoL

French: Péromyscus d’El Carrizo / German: El-Carrizo-Hirschmaus / Spanish: Ratén ciervo de El Carrizo

Taxonomy. Peromyscus ochraventer Baker, 1951 View in CoL , 70 km (by highway) S Ciudad Victoria, 6 km W Pan-American Highway, El Carrizo, Tamaulipas, Mexico.

It is unclear to which species group P. ochraventer should be assigned. Early studies included it in the mexicanus species group, but DNA data suggest it should be included in the truei species group. Monotypic.

Distribution. E of Sierra Madre Oriental in S Tamaulipas and NE San Luis Potosi, Mexico. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 96— 122 mm, tail 103-129 mm, ear 16-21 mm, hindfoot 22-25 mm; weight 24-40 g. The El Carrizo Deermouse is medium-sized, with ocherous fawn dorsum and lighter shades along sides. Venter is diagnostic cinnamon buffy. Cheeks, neck, and shoulder regions are ocherous orange. Eye-rings are blackish, and ears are dark or dusky. Tail is slightly bicolored (dark above and lighter below) and has scalely appearance.

Habitat. Oak, pine-oak, cloud, and tropical subdeciduousforests typically at elevations of 200-2300 m.

Food and Feeding. The El Carrizo Deermouse eats seeds, fleshy fruits, insects, and fungi. During autumn and winter, diets are primarily acorns.

Breeding. El Carrizo Deermice breed from the end of September to mid-February. Litters generally have 2-3 young. In cloud forests, reproduction appears to coincide with production of acorns.

Activity patterns. El Carrizo Deermouse is nocturnal and may be semi-arboreal. It constructs burrows under rocks and near fallen logs.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Endangered on The IUCN Red List.

Bibliography. Baker (1951), Bradley et al. (2007), Hernandez (2014), Hooper & Musser (1964b), Huckaby (1980), Musser & Carleton (2005).

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284. Blackish Deermouse (Peromyscus furvus), 285. Wide-rostrum Deermouse (Peromyscus latirostris), 286. Michoacan Deermouse (Peromyscus sagax), 287. Tres Marias Deermouse (Peromyscus madrenss), 288. San Esteban Deermouse (Peromyscus stephani), 289. Sinaloan Deermouse (Peromyscus simulus), 290. Brush Deermouse (Peromyscus boylu), 291. Durango Deermouse (Peromyscus schmidly), 292. Nimble-footed Deermouse (Peromyscus levipes), 293. Carleton’s Deermouse (Peromyscus carletoni), 294. Kilpatrick's Deermouse (Peromyscus kilpatricki), 295. Orizaba Deermouse (Peromyscus beatae), 296. Gleaning Deermouse (Peromyscus spicilegus), 297. Coalcoman Deermouse (Peromyscus winkelmanni), 298. Oaxacan Deermouse (Peromyscus oaxacensis), 299. Transvolcanic Deermouse (Peromyscus hylocetes), 300. Aztec Deermouse (Peromyscus aztecus), 301. Northern White-ankled Deermouse (Peromyscus laceianus), 302. Southern White-ankled Deermouse (Peromyscus pectoralis), 303. Saxicoline Deermouse (Peromyscus gratus), 304. El Carrizo Deermouse (Peromyscus ochraventer), 305. Chihuahuan Deermouse (Peromyscus polius), 306. Pinyon Deermouse (Peromyscus true), 307. Texas Deermouse (Peromyscus attwateri), 308. Northern Rock Deermouse (Peromyscus nasutus), 309. Southern Rock Deermouse (Peromyscus difficilis), 310. Perote Deermouse (Peromyscus bullatus), 312. Oaxacan Big-toothed Deermouse (Megadontomys cryophilus), 313. Nelson's Big-toothed Deermouse (Megadontomys nelsoni), 314. Xico Deermouse (Habromys simulatus), 315. Delicate Deermouse (Habromys delicatulus), 316. Schmidly’s Deermouse (Habromys schmidlyi), 317. Ixtlan Deermouse (Habromys ixtlani), 318. Chinanteco Deermouse (Habromys chinanteco), 319. Zempoaltepec Deermouse (Habromys lepturus), 320. Crested-tailed Deermouse (Habromys lophurus)

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Distribution. E of Sierra Madre Oriental in S Tamaulipas and NE San Luis Potosi, Mexico.















